You are placed in a ferocious world and must use your brain as well as brute strenght to survive, Can you come out of winter alive and uncover all the secret this world has to offer? If so, will the sacrifices be worth it? You Will Have to think strategically and stack up with potions if you want to venture out in the winter, the summer is pretty peaceful but if you don't manage collect sufficient resources, winter will be harsh and sacrifices will have to be made.
Use WASD to move the character, Use Space To attack and interact with objects, Some menus require the use of the arrow keys to navigate
Change the resolution and music in the ingame menu, the music get's quite annoying after a while so you can change tracks. I've made two tracks using FL Studio 12.
Feel free to leave feedback, this is my first "compiled" or completed project in game maker, had difficulties with the UI so had to do some cheeky solutions. For Example the Menu is rendered in the ordinary draw event in an object who follows the player, therefore in the center of the screen...

Lv. 13
Very challenging game! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/j63-vhZNW1o
Lv. 38
Nice game. There's a pretty significant amount of content here for the time frame given. The visuals and audio are both quite good. I especially like the snow fall in the winter months. It's a bit weird how you don't have an attack animation, though. It's pretty fun exploring around the place and collecting resources to help you survive. I also didn't see much of the sacrifice theme - I didn't even encounter the person that lets you sacrifice villagers.
SubmittedSeven Sacrifices
Lv. 10
Your game is really good and has a lot of content, as you can fish, fight, explore and trade with NPCs. The art is good and the animations are fine, although they need more work. The music is pretty nice, you really did a nice job with this game. I lasted 7 months, some of the enemies are a little too tough, but maybe it's me who have to git gud.
SubmittedThe Tears of Lorem
Lv. 67
Lots of content for a jam game! Though the game felt in the end kind of empty cause there isn't that much to do. The fighting was a bit too simple although it's nice to have a feedback when you hit or get hit!
Not sure where's the sacrifice there though...
Lv. 3
Thank you for playing and leaving feedback, the sacrifice theme is pretty shallow even though you can sacrifice villagers. I would have liked to make the villagers stand out more from each other and make it beneficial to have a lot of villagers, the player would need to consider if it's worth sacrificing.
Lv. 37
This game is pretty good, lots of content and kinda balanced gameplay, you even got settings, that's quite something for a jam game.
Buuut, it has some pretty major bugs, and the connection to the theme is just a guy in the woods that tells you to sacrifice villagers, and his offer is not really worth it tbh, the combat is also pretty basic, and the fishing almost made me go insane, but it's overall not a bad entry, especially for your first game.
It's good, it has tons of content, and it's fun for a while, I ended up lasting 39 months.
Lv. 3
the game has good game play mechanics, there is no sacrifice related things but this game has great potential, add shops selling items and weapon , maps, NPCs, soldiers, big over world. few errors i had is with the enemies and trees.
SubmittedHuman shield
Lv. 3
Thank you for playing, I know the bug that some trees can't be cut down however I can't manage to figure out why... I'm happy you see potential and I will try to add a couple of things as time goes on. Most importantly make the sacrifice-part more center but even additional content for example npcs, soldiers and villagers in cities, maybe even a shop in an overworked which has a buyable map and new areas. Would be cool if I could take the game in a rogue-like direction.
This is quite impressive for something made in two days! Of course there are a few problems here and there (like the fact that you can pick up potions even if you had one already) but it's still working pretty well.
I like the mechanics you got here, and the polish here and there (like how the face changes depending on your life).
BUT I almost gave up after 2 tries, it's a good thing you included the map, because I never saw the other villages and I was curious to see what was the thing on the right. And yeah, the two comments below are not surprising, the sacrifices are very easy to miss, maybe you should have made a path to the willage where you can upgrade you stuff or something like that. The map is big and if you don't know it's there, you can completly miss the "demon" on the right, even if you explore.
PS: there's a "draw GUI" event for menus & stuff, it draws on top of everything.
SubmittedThanks for your Sacrifice
It has NOTHING to do with sacrifice. Maybe make the villagers more alive to the player. Like have them follow you and stuff so that when you sacrifice them it's a bit more of an impact to the player. variety in how they look could cause the player to really like some of them and to give him up would be a hard sacrifice. I'm I making any sense?
Lv. 3
I know that the theme is not very flashy in the game even though you can sacrifice villagers and use as currency. Next time I think I'll need to really braid the theme in and make it more present. Yes, the meaning of sacrifice is to give up something for another. As of right now you are not really losing anything by sacrificing. I should as you said maybe put them in cities, different appearances, names, make the player feel a connection with them and also by having more villagers the shop-prices could go down, the player will have to consider if it's worth sacrificing.
It had nothing to do with the theme sacrifice, but it saved my high score of 30 months, so it's good enough i guess