Will the onslaught of enemies never end? Guide bLOOPy on his quest to expel all the enemies on a level, only to be rewarded by doing it all over again. Frantic arcade groundhog action to appease anyone who enjoys incessant gun-firing!

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  • 89o
    Lv. 18

    I really liked the aesthetic, however I found the gameplay a bit repetitive and uninteresting. As others said, I also experienced shooting enemies behind walls. It was fun tho.

    • Zingot
      Lv. 1
      Zingot Artist of bLOOPy

      4yrs ago

      I understand the repetition, we had many ideas to implement but with the 48 hours it was really only realistic to get the game mechanics and try to leave it to the imagination (at least for now) on how the game could be given time. Thank you for your feedback.

  • Wally
    Lv. 5

    I felt like Neo, zooming around dodging bullets.

    Even though it has some issues like others have mentioned, its a well polished and juicy game:

    Keep on keeping on!



  • trolog
    Lv. 6

    The art sounds and music are all top notch, I really enjoyed them.

    I don't mind lock on aim, but the biggest issue for me was locking on to enemies through walls, after a while I found this a bit frustrating, also some enemies can be hidden behind walls an indicator when this happen would be cool! And a check to see if a wall is infront of an enemy or not when aiming.

    When the game starts up and the colours and sounds hit you! I was instantly transported back to my Amiga 500 days, even the character looks like one you'd find back then, it was awesome! I think you should stick with this, tweak it and fix some of the lockon stuff, you've already got some amazing art and sound already.

    • Zingot
      Lv. 1
      Zingot Artist of bLOOPy

      5yrs ago

      Thank you so much for the feedback :) Time limitations prevented us fixing the issues you mention, all of which we noticed ourselves. Glad we gave you a nostalgic moment, I must confess I love the golden Amiga days.

      Both Nikles and I have discussed further work on this game but we really didn't know if we'd get any good feedback or not, so again thank you for that.

  • Kylazaur
    Lv. 5

    Well... isn't this a really awesome game, I really like this one, great job team ^0^

  • Metroid3D
    Lv. 8

    Solid entry but the auto targeting made it less fun for me. I wasn't really in control of where I was shooting. Still, great art and sound, I did 33 loops before closing the game!

    • Zingot
      Lv. 1
      Zingot Artist of bLOOPy

      5yrs ago

      33 Loops is pretty good going =) Yeah with more time the auto-aiming would have been perfected. Loved the jam though and it was both mine and Nikles first jam too.

    • Nikles
      Lv. 1
      Nikles Developer of bLOOPy

      5yrs ago

      Hey Metroid3d! I've been following Pixeltroid; great stuff! :P Thanks for your feedback, appreciated!

  • g0ldent0y
    Lv. 5

    Nice little top down shooter. LOVE the catchy music and the gun sounds in general. But the game is very punishing and the auto aiming isn't really doing any good there.

    Overall a good entry.

    • Zingot
      Lv. 1
      Zingot Artist of bLOOPy

      5yrs ago

      The auto-aiming suffers from Line-Of-Sight issues whereby it will track an enemy the other side of the wall (which it shouldn't) but it's all time permitting. Thank you for taking time to respond.

    • Nikles
      Lv. 1
      Nikles Developer of bLOOPy

      5yrs ago

      The auto aiming is a little wacky, yes! My bad :P But thanks for your feedback! If we release a post jam version, we'll definitely fix that!