Push Pull is a 2D block puzzle game. You control Push and Pull, and must use these companion's unique skills together to solve simple looking yet challenging puzzles.
- "Space" - switch between Push and Pull
- "Shift" - grab/ungrab blocks with Pull
- "Z" - undo
- "W" / "Up" - move up
- "S" / "Down" - move down
- "A" / "Left" - move left
- "D" / "Right" - move right
- "Escape" - toggle menu/control screen
- "R" - restart room
All puzzles are beatable.
All game code, art, music & sound effects made by abso1ution
Programs: GMS2, Abelton Lite Live, Audacity, SFXR
Lv. 17
As said by @Martin, please give us simple folks a way to quit ^^' That being said, this has so far been the game that has kept @Lone's and my attention the longest - it is a fun, little puzzle game and the undo button was god-sent (and a solid design move) :D It has areas it could be improved upon - I feel the controls where all over the place, for example - but a solid entry and game in general :)
SubmittedBingo of Bridgeville Acres
Lv. 7
Thanks for playing and the feedback, there are a lot of quality of life things Id add if I continue including quitting and with the pull mechanic
Lv. 18
Nice game with clever puzzle mechanics, however I didn't really find either of them was the other's companion. They have, like, 2 completely different gamews and don't interact with each other. What I would recommend is levels where the two players interact with each other. Edit: I played until level 3 XD
SubmittedMirror Buddy
Lv. 7
Thanks for playing, considering from level 4 on every puzzle requires them to work together I would consider that companionship
Lv. 15
Hey nice job! This was really a nice little treat. I got stuck on what I think was the last level... But the rest of the game was a joy to play. The inclusion of the undo key was genius. Saves a lot of time and redoing a full puzzle because of one mistake. Art was simple but got the job done. The music was very calming.
Overall this was a super fun game! Well done! :)
Lv. 7
Thanks for playing and the feedback, there were 10 levels all up.
Personal preference is to have Pull let go of the box he is holding if you swap characters
Lv. 7
Thanks for playing and agreed, Id also like to make it so Pull can let go if you move to the side if I continue with this.
Lv. 7
Nice little game, although you may want to give people a way of quitting the game. :)
SubmittedFairy Tale
Lv. 7
Thanks for the feedback, and fair criticism regarding the quit button, I'll take it on board for next jam.