Play as Bingo the assistance dog in this turn based, board game looking bundle of fun!

Note that you can pick between all three levels on the main menu. Our score system and level unlock was not properly finished.

  1. Make sure residents are happy by helping them with toilet visits, getting food, breaking up fights, and relieving boredom
  2. Keep yourself a happy boy - pets equals bonus movement points
  3. A bark a day keeps the Reaper at bay - make sure he doesn't get his harvest
  4. Don't let residents with dementia leave the home

Point and click with the mouse, get an overview of the retirement home by dragging the view around and use the scroll wheel (or zoom buttons) to zoom in and out.

  • Click the paw prints next to Bingo to move Shortcut: Arrow keys
  • Click the "Give Paw" icon in the top left to give paw to a resident (this will give extra movement points once per turn and turn the resident not-angry) Shortcut: 1
  • Click the "Leash" icon in the top left to get leashed to / unleash from a resident (Bingo will have limited movement, but the resident will follow him) Shortcut: 2
  • Click the "Bark" icon in the top left to bark (this will scare away the Reaper) Shortcut: 3
  • Click the "Item" icon in the top left to pick up or use an item (balls or food can be given to residents) Shortcut: 4
  • When you cannot move anymore and don't want to perform more actions, click the "End Turn" icon in the bottom right (this will end your turn and let the residents have theirs) Shortcut: Enter

Game design by Lone & Simon
Programming by Simon
Graphics by Lone
SFX by Lone & Simon

Paws given by,
Tongue Seers Tongue Seer board game piece

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  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    The bad, then the good:

    • The game has such a slow pace. I think it would be okay if we had more movements, if the residents all moved at the same time or if we could speed up the process. Waiting for their turn to end is frustrating.
    • The movement restriction while on a leash was, imo, not so needed. First cause we can have another movement with move + leash + paw + leash + move (and it's annoying to do), second cause it puts you through the wait of their end of turn a lot. They basically take more time to do their actions than you do.
    • As a result, the game feels a bit boring because not much happens, because of the pace.
    • The graphics could, imo benefit from a grid overlay instead of designs to show the grid. I didn't understand what were the brownish things at first. I thought they were walls, then understood i could move on them before realizing they were tables and chairs. The background obstacles should at least be in one piece. It would then help to know what is an obstacle and what is not.

    On the good side

    • I love the way every character is a board game figure. It makes up for some satisfying movement and feel.
    • The actions are superbly cute. That dog barking thing feels so nice to do even when it's not needed.
    Dream On

    Dream On

    Lv. 36

    Turn based movement, large areas and unskippable, long animations isn't a good combination. Turn based strategy games like this is about to make decissions and I want to do that more often.

    I don't want you to think that it makes the game bad, though. The art and sound is spot on and you've done a very good job of polishing. I know that takes a lot of time to do.

    Edit: It would also be nice if you would have a goal of some sort and get Points for Everything you do. It wouldn't break the immersion.

    • Simon Milfred
      Lv. 17
      Simon Milfred Developer of Bingo of Bridgeville Acres

      5yrs ago

      Thank you very much - your points of critique are solid ^^ It is not a genre either of us have a lot of experience making, so it was quite a bit outside our comfort zone :)

      The score system was not fully implemented, else there would have been a score as well as a good boy / bad dog rating - sadly we planned bigger than time was, as it so often goes ^^' We will however finish it for our post-jam build.

  • Jamblefoot
    Lv. 8

    This is so good. Like others have reported, I got a bug on finishing the first day, the gist of it being "Variable obj_resident.total_not_happy(100031, -2147483648) not set before reading it." But besides that, this is so slick and well done. Pacing and all that can be easily refined through playtesting, but the mechanics and UI all work really, really well. The art is super charming, too. Don't really have a lot to add to what others have said. I'm just really impressed. Great job!

  • abso1ution
    Lv. 7

    Great concept and design, I really wanted to be the best doggo I could. Unfortunately I experienced a bug at the completion of each level and a bug when the grim reaper came on scene (didn't save the logs).

    Similar feedback to everyone else, I don't necessarily think the size of the building needs to change, instead giving doggo more mobility, especially when leashed would address the problem, and a way to speed up the resident's turn would be nice (mainly for the last level). I liked that you couldn't please all residents, it forced you to make choices of how to best spend your time.

    Could you let me know what was intended to happen at each level, I'd be interested to know

    Push Pull

    Push Pull

    • Simon Milfred
      Lv. 17
      Simon Milfred Developer of Bingo of Bridgeville Acres

      5yrs ago

      Thank you abso1ution, and for casting light on a second bug. We are working on a post-jam build and mobility is indeed in the spotlight, and I have also cut off some of the waiting time when it comes to the elderly's turn.

      First level is meant to be completely passable, with a little boredom and anger and two toilet visits.

      Next level was supposed to introduce a good amount of anger and a some hunger. Never got around to fine-tuning, so while it was never meant to be a "you can make everyone happy"-level, it does have a little too many unfair happenings.

      The last level was introducing death and dementia (Sam, he will walk towards the entrance and flee if he gets there). But as it was made pretty close to deadline it became quite impossible - I mean, it was meant to be a chaotic level, but like with level too, it just became so a little too much ;)

      That's the gist of the levels :D

  • Luke No Further
    Lv. 14

    Really cute art, concept, sfx - would have been nice to have some music though!

    Took a long time to get around, most of the time I was just moving one square with a resident and ending the turn and then watching the other residents slowly amble around.

    Very impressive game engine/system/thing - felt like I was playing X-COM! Lovely camera moves and turned-based stuff.

    I did get an game-breaking error though, happened when I finished level 1. Here it is - hope it's helpful:

    ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event1 for object Game:

    Variable obj_resident.total_angry(100030, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_Game_Step_1 ############################################################################################

    stack frame is gml_Object_Game_Step_1 (line -1)

    Lone Lunes

    Lone Lunes

    • Simon Milfred
      Lv. 17
      Simon Milfred Developer of Bingo of Bridgeville Acres

      5yrs ago

      Thank you very much, you are very kind ^^

      Music is always a struggle for us. We actually had planned for a (musician) friend to join us this time around, but sadly some things got in the way... Maybe next time xD But it is indeed an area we could improve upon.

      The game could sure use a pick up in pace, either through shorter distances between things, changes in the general game design or maybe just a way to skip seeing the residents' turns... Always lots to learn when working in genres outside your comfort zone :D

      And thank you for reporting the bug - it seems I made a mistake during the last-minute programming. Now I am even happier we ended up making all levels playable from the get go ^^'

  • FlashPulse
    Lv. 7

    I liked it. It has a very cute/funny style to it. And all the controls and camera movements where very smooth.

    My biggest criticism was that the area seem rather large compared to your limited movement. It took forever to get around.

    Keep up the good work. :)

    Fairy Tale

    Fairy Tale

    • Simon Milfred
      Lv. 17
      Simon Milfred Developer of Bingo of Bridgeville Acres

      5yrs ago

      Thank you very much Martin :D
      The large area is on me - Lone did push for less space, but I was afraid it would give too little room for things to happen. But seeing the finished experience the play area could easily had been way smaller.. Welp, we live and learn ^^