This game is heavily inspired by Super Crate Box by @Vlambeer. It's an iteration based on their unique scoring system. Instead of getting weapons to control, you get companions that do their own thing. If you enjoy this game in any capacity, please go check out the original. It's fantastic.


  • Collect 10 boxes total
  • Collect 20 boxes in a single game (a high score of 20)
  • Collect 50 boxes total
  • If you'd like to just have all the characters available without unlocking them by collecting boxes, just press 'P' on the keyboard

Controls Keyboard:

  • A to move left
  • D to move right
  • Space to jump/select
  • Enter to pause/unpause
  • Q to quit

Gamepad Controller:

  • Left stick to move
  • A to jump/select
  • start to pause

HOW TO PLAY: The title screen will load. You can select "start" to begin a game. The green number on the bottom left is your high score, while the white number on the bottom right is the total number of boxes you've collected.

At any time in the game, there will be one box on the screen. Move yourself to the box. Touching a box will reveal another box somewhere on the screen. Touching a box will also give you a new companion! These companions will help you fight off bad slimes that are trying to kill you. Don't touch one, or it's game over! Falling off the bottom of the screen will kill you as well. Your companions cannot harm you in any way. They're your friends! Some companions are very powerful, but remember that your score is the number of boxes you get in a single round, and not how long you survive or how many enemies you kill. Good luck!

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  • Andrew
    Lv. 4

    I love Super Crate Box, and I really like this take on it! Well done!

  • 89o
    Lv. 18

    SCORE 16 YEAH BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The only thing I would wish for are more enemies and more allies. This game has a good chance of becoming a full game. Superfragilisticexpelidocious job!

  • Juzek
    Lv. 8

    Thanks for reviewing my game. I enjoyed your submission. For being little squares, the baddies were pretty intimidating. I would totally love to see this as a phone game. I only made it to level 16, but like that the characters unlocked as you got higher. I was sad to let my favorite companions go to get new ones.
    Good job!

  • Mind's Mirrors
    Lv. 2

    Sweet game! I really had a lot of fun playing it. I like that the boxes change your companion. It makes you try different companions and use different tactics all the time. It's pretty cool for being a simple concept. It also felt solid and I didn't experience any bugs. Nice work!

  • SpaceMyFriend
    Lv. 15

    Woo this was great! But like super crate box, I suck at this haha :) Really fun to play though! Nice job!



  • FlashPulse
    Lv. 7

    I found it a little sad that you could only have on companion at a time. It could have been hilarious with a bunch of robots running around causing chaotic fun. Of course then you would have to re-balance the game so it didn't become too easy.

    Some better jumping(responsive) would have been nice too. :)

    I actually never played Super Crate Box or any of Vlambeer's games, but I have watched a lot of their talks on game development/design and Let's Plays. I really like their style.

    Fairy Tale

    Fairy Tale

    • ToastKitten
      Lv. 3
      ToastKitten Developer of Super Companion Box

      5yrs ago

      I was trying to stay as true to SCB as possible, but you're right... A bunch of companions running around would have been fun :)

      When you say responsive, I'm guessing you mean variable height based on how long the player presses the jump button?