
-Move mouse to direct bullet -Hold left mouse button for speed boost -Hold right mouse button for tighter turns

The Goal

The player is meant to find the most time efficient way to clear the level of enemies, weaving through corridors and in and out of windows using the boost and turn abilities to aid them.

The game will record the amount of time it takes for you to take out the 20 enemies in and around the building. I would have like to set up an online leaderboard, but instead it would be neat if you folks would leave your best clear times on the comments page.


This project was meant to have art, sound, music, and many other things. But I suck at scheduling and my team member was pulled away from the jam by outside circumstances. So this is really just a proof of concept in it's current state.

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Fun game! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the games from the GM48, if you’d like to take a look :)

  • Fachewachewa

    Feels great to control, good particle effects, too bad there's no sound.

    Also, is the room speed 30 FPS ? It feels weird when moving and it kinda hurt my eyes

    And yeah, a little arrow to tell where the last guy is would have helped a lot.



    • Dylan Smith
      Lv. 7
      Dylan Smith Developer of Magic Bullet

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for taking the time to give feedback!

      I'm fairly sure I had it default to 60fps but I'll have to double check the project as I was totally out of it for most of the development haha. I'm seriously considering making a larger, more polished build of the game with all the good advice you guys have been giving :)

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Clear time: 1:02:56 (the last two digits weren't really necessary in my opinion)

    Too bad your team member had to bail, it would have felt nicer with some art and music! Everything looks the same, especially the ground :(

    I really like that you actually control the bullet and I like how you move it!

    Party Maniac

    Party Maniac

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    I like that you are actually the one shot in this game, and I like the way you control it, what I don't like is the level design, way bigger than it should've been, and without a frame of reference when there are no walls near you. A smaller, better designed level could've worked both as a tutorial and for the rest of the game.

    I really liked the particle systems tho, my favourite part of the game for sure.

    Party Maniac

    Party Maniac

  • MissingRooster
    Lv. 3

    The controls felt really good on this, and it's really fun taking out the enemies, especially speeding up to do takedown. I'd love to see different effects based on whether you hit them at normal pace, at low speed, and at high speed. One criticism though: I had to spend forever looking for the last guy, and eventually got stuck moving through an empty grey space and quit after 30 seconds of that. I'm not sure if I just missed him entirely after going throughout the building and doing a couple of laps outside, but if they can wander freely and there isn't any room wrapping, maybe you need a minimap or something to point the rough direction of the last few enemies or something like that.

    In any case, I enjoyed going through a couple of runs, and the controls felt as nice as spreading butter on a giant piece of toast, keep working on it for sure.

    • Dylan Smith
      Lv. 7
      Dylan Smith Developer of Magic Bullet

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for taking the time to play, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was planning to implement some sort of minimap or arrow to point towards the last one or two enemies, but alas time got the better of me.

      I'm definitely going to polish this project up a lot more and publish it for the internet at large to enjoy :)

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    I got 1:45:70.

    Nice game, with a good use of the theme. It's fun taking out all the enemies and the controls work quite well. However, I would've preferred a smaller level that put more focus on maneuvering the bullet than searching for targets.

    The visuals are fairly effective. I really like the blood effect and the way the glass shatters. Some sound effects would help the game a lot, so it's unfortunate they couldn't be added.

    • Dylan Smith
      Lv. 7
      Dylan Smith Developer of Magic Bullet

      7yrs ago

      Nice run, and thanks for the play!

      Sound effects will definitely be coming as I polish the game more on my own time, and hopefully it'll see a fuller release sometime soon as a patched up, fully functional piece of software

  • Andrew
    Lv. 4

    My fastest time was 1:05:36.67. It took me a while to figure out that there were guys outside the building, too.

    • Dylan Smith
      Lv. 7
      Dylan Smith Developer of Magic Bullet

      7yrs ago

      Not bad! I debated disallowing the enemies to follow paths outside the building, but I figured that breaking through the windows was too fun to lose that incentive XP

  • Kodiqi
    Lv. 6

    It's a shame you had scheduling problems because this is a great start. The controls are just lovely, super smooth and responsive. I didn't have much need to speed up the bullet though. Breaking through the glass was fun (would be even better with a nice sound effect) and the hits on the bad dudes were nice and brutal. Would love to see more of this.

    It was possible to get lost if you went the wrong way, so maybe a pointer back to the "building" would be helpful.

    One Take

    One Take

    • Dylan Smith
      Lv. 7
      Dylan Smith Developer of Magic Bullet

      7yrs ago

      Thanks a ton for the feedback! I'm likely going to polish this game up more for a 'proper' release on, and I'll definitely take what you've said into consideration.

      I feel like art and audio would have added a ton to the game, but the pointer idea is something my sleep-deprived brain hadn't cooked up yet XD

  • SpaceMyFriend
    Lv. 15

    I got 1:05! I was gonna say that bullet goes too fast but then i realized i just have to let go of the mouse haha. Despite not having sound or art this was great! And i like the art. You had nice particle fx and some snazzy screen shake which is always a plus. Well done!

    Gun Glitch

    Gun Glitch

    • Dylan Smith
      Lv. 7
      Dylan Smith Developer of Magic Bullet

      7yrs ago

      Solid time! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed what there was to the game, and even happier to hear that my attempts at getting the juice right payed off.

      When I add more polish to this project I'll make sure to at least add a 'controls' screen if not a tutorial level to help with the confusion over mouse buttons.

      Also, an odd question. Is your username at all related to an old Ed McMillen doodle?