Play as Wicki, a candle lost in a dungeon. Can't see? Make your own light! However, vision is at the expense of your size, so be careful.
A - Move Left
D - Move Right
S - Open Door
R - Restart Room
SHIFT - Light Candle
SPACE - Jump/Double Jump

Programmer - Cameron
Designer - Cameron
Story - Cameron
Sound - Cameron
Art - Rebecca
Hule Studios for making their Custom Text scripts free!
Rebecca for keeping me sane and supporting me throughout this 48 hour journey :) Also for making most of the art and the game-over music.
-Currently if you restart a room in which you've lit a torch the room stays lit no matter what.
-The text on the final level in bugged. It switches between black and white and changes size if you get a game over.
Thanks for playing!
Nice game, very good concept and visuals. Soooo shooort :(
The only thing missing would be some ambient music (and of course more levels :D).
SubmittedThanks for your Sacrifice
Lv. 2
Noted. Thanks for the feedback :D
Lv. 38
It's a big shame this is so short. I really liked the ideas behind the mechanics, but it felt like they didn't get enough time to be explored to their fullest. For what it is now, the graphics look great and help to generate a nice atmosphere. I really like the way Wicki shrinks as you use the light. The sound is a bit limited, but it works well enough.
SubmittedSeven Sacrifices
Lv. 2
Thank you so much for the feedback! Yes, I really wish I could've added more levels/concepts to the game. This was my first jam ever, and I spent the large majority of my time building out the framework, and almost none making levels. It was a great learning experience, and now I might see what I can do post-jam.
Lv. 7
The concept is excellent and the mechanic is perfect for the theme.
Too bad is so short, I really liked. Are you planning to keep working on it?SubmittedKamikaze
Lv. 2
I've been working on some other projects lately (outside of GameMaker), but I do plan on returning to this! Thank you so much for your feedback! :)
Lv. 4
I thought that was awesome, and did an excellent job of making a mechanic out of the theme! I thought the art, lighting effects, and the text worked really well to establish an atmosphere and style for the game. Perhaps a soft ambient background sound during the game, and maybe a quiet burning sound for when the candle is lit, would be a good addition? Great job!
Lv. 13
Nice concept!!! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
Lv. 2
Thank you for playing :)
Lv. 10
Your concept of a candle melting to gain light is really cool (it's even realistic)! The execution was flawless and left me wanting to play more. If you make more levels and work more on sound effects and music, this game could be really fun (the game over music was great, by the way). Keep up the good work!
SubmittedThe Tears of Lorem
Lv. 2
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your feedback. Hopefully I'll be able to polish it up and add new content soon!
Lv. 12
Wow, I really liked the concept and the execution. Well done! I enjoyed Wicki's changing hitbox and how you can light torches to help you along the way. I also like the title font, it fits the style of the game.
More levels to explore and complete would be nice but it was a cool game nonetheless!
SubmittedHeart of Steel
Lv. 2
Thank you so much!
Short and sweet! I would've liked to play a few more and longer levels.
Lv. 2
Thank you for playing! Sadly I crunched myself for time, and levels were the last thing I added. Hopefully next time around I'll be able to flesh out the content of my game a little bit better.