
A peaceful village stands in the path of an evil army. There is only one who can possibly defend the townsfolk as they make their escape.

Are you willing to make that sacrifice?

  • Hand drawn characters and environments
  • 4 Unique Enemies
  • 1 Epic Boss
  • 3 Songs and Complete FX

  • Movement and Jump WASD or Arrow Keys

  • Use Jetpack Spacebar

  • Use Laser Left Mouse Button

  • Skip Intro Enter

  • Programmer Matt Santacroce
  • Illustrator Christopher Santacroce
  • Audio Engineer Braden Keith
  • Playtesting Sami Santacroce, Zach Santacroce
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  • Logan Keith
    Lv. 1

    I would like to have had an alternate weapon to use as well or the ability to get weapon upgrades mid game.

  • Josiarthei
    Lv. 4

    Pretty artwork but generic concept. Fit with the theme in premise (as did mine, so I am not putting that down), but very little innovation. Solid built and fun, but it's been done many times. But very pretty!

  • Tecna
    Lv. 10

    The aesthetics and the ambience of this game are FANTASTIC! It is really really nice to see this style of game in game jams, please, don't stop participating.

    The gameplay, although hard, is very cool, I really liked the atmosphere of the game, but as I sucked at it, I really disliked the mechanic of friendly fire, I was feeling like I was killing more people than the enemies. :(

    But I at least reached the boss and I was sad there is a forced loss scenario. All you had to do is to fight for the townsfolk to escape. It's a sad story, but a nicely done one. Congratulations, this game is amazing!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    Great job guys! The game is beautiful and I really enjoyed it.

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    The only problem this game has is balance, there's a ton of unavoidable damage, and getting a good saved/killed ratio is hard af.

    But everything else is great, the art is a solid 10, and both sound and gameplay are above average.



    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Hey thank you for playing and for the feedback! Unfortunately what we think has happened to several players is that they believe that health is that of the village when actually it is the health of your mech. You do not receive damage unless your mech is hit with bombs or by enemies.

      Hopefully that will help you enjoy the game more but you still are correct, there is definitely a need for more balance! Thanks again for the feedback and we will work to improve upon it in the post jam version.

  • Fachewachewa

    First of : beautiful game.

    But it's toooo hard :( I've only seen two types of enemies. It took me a while to realise to don't need to shot tanks for too long, but even then, it's so hard to manage both sides. You can walk on tanks but that means you advance too much on one side, and you can use the jetpack but that means you'll need to wait anyways because of the overheating. I mean, those are good choises, but they need to be a little more balanced, I'd say less ennemies at first, and slower heating.

    Also, it's cool to have choise in controls, but how am I supposed to move with the arrow keys is shooting is with the mouse and jetpack with space ??? The jetpack should be a continuation of the jump.

    Anyway, very solid entry, you did way better than last time !

    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for the recommendations and for playing! We hoped to show alternate control schemes with the button layout, but for future games the display controls will be those we feel are optimum for a QWERTY keyboard.

      We appreciate the compliments and feedback!

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    The visual style for this is fantastic! I love the details such as all the little people running around. The intro is nice touch. The sound effects and music are also very fitting. However, the pixellated text feels a bit jarring when everything else is so smooth. The gameplay is pretty nice too. I like using the jetpack and it's fun stomping on tanks. The movement and laser recharge both feel a bit slow, though.

    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Its awesome that you liked the style of the art and the music, we are proud of those aspects of the game. Stomping on tanks is always fun! Rest assured that there will be some balancing to laser and jet pack recharge rates in the post jam version. Thanks for playing!

  • TheCalster
    Lv. 4

    Wonderful art. Not sure if you were going for this, but the whole style of the game felt very cardboard puppet-y, kind of like a small play or something haha. The game itself was pretty good too! Destroying the tanks by jumping on them felt very satisfying! Perhaps an indicator or something to show that the side of the town you can't see is taking damage would be a nice addition?



    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for the feedback, there will certainly be some changes made for the post jam version in terms of indicators. We appreciate you taking the time to play and are happy you enjoyed the art!

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Nice graphics, challenging game! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • cortop
    Lv. 4

    Love the graphics! The sound effects added a lot to the mecha feel. Fun game, but quite difficult. I really don't have any criticisms except that movement is a bit sluggish, but you do control a mech so I guess that's thematic.

    Very solid game. Great job!



    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Thank you very much for the compliments! Happy to hear you enjoyed the heavy, mechanical feel we were going for with the mech control. Thank you for the feedback and be sure to check out the post jam version if you would like to see more!

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    That was fun! Controlling a mecha is not that uncommon but I rarely see that in a game jam. Also, it felt like we were actually controlling it because of all the gear sounds and stuff! I get that being slow is inherent to this but it feels a bit too slow. Aimin at the bombs is a bit too tricky. Aside that, nice to see that type of graphics! To be honest, the game felt better than the icon shown.

    Just something I personally felt was frustrating: You don't explode when you die... :( Man, that's what is the most fun when you control a mecha... dying in an explosion. Kaboom!



    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Its great to hear that you enjoyed the game! Thank you for taking the time to voice your opinions on the game feel and what you think should be improved upon, it certainly is helpful for when we work on the post jam version. Thanks again for your feedback!

      P.S. There will most definitely be more explosions to be had!

  • SpaceMyFriend
    Lv. 15

    This game is beautiful! And an opening cinematic?? Dang! Loved the music. The stompy sounds was tad bit repetitive. And felt like charge bar wen down a little too fast at times... but i might just suck haha. But really overall this is fantastic!

    That country side is beautiful! Good job!

    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback, it really helps out hearing what you thought about the game play, music and art! We appreciate you taking the time to play and let us know what you think, thank you!

  • siridakis
    Lv. 7

    Awesome game!
    The art is amazing, and smashing tanks is really fun, hahaha!!
    Extra points for the intro cinematics :)



    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Hey thank you so much for the kind words! Its great to hear that you enjoyed it that much, the intro was definitely really fun to make and put together. Thank you for playing and leaving feedback it means a lot!

  • Jmation
    Lv. 4

    Great graphic style and good choice of sounds.

  • High five Machine
    Lv. 2

    Love the art style and whole presentation. Really nice!

    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for your feedback! Its awesome that you enjoyed the art and the presentation, we really spent a lot of our time focusing on that aspect of the game. We appreciate your input and thanks for playing!

  • Tero Hannula

    Graphics were really nice, game play was good, but laser could have been better and maybe little bit too easily it overheated. Also enemy wreckage killed too many townspeople, maybe those should not considered as a hit? Otherwise in the end is felt there were too many enemies, especially when you cannot shoot pass own townspeople.

    • Adventure Byte
      Lv. 12
      Adventure Byte Developer of Heart of Steel

      7yrs ago

      Glad you enjoyed the art, a lot of time was put into making those assets. There are certainly things which need more balancing within the game, we were hoping it would be on the more challenging side though so I am happy you didn't think it was too easy. Thank you for your feedback and playing the game!

  • ibrahimshersha
    Lv. 3

    Gorgeous art, music and concept. game play is addictive and somewhat difficult. need more explosions...

  • Audiophile
    Lv. 1

    The art looks amazing and the game play is seamless! Wow, the music is great! I want to hear more! I played multiple times already. I hope you create some expansions!