POST JAM UPDATE: The Post-Jam update is HERE
With online leaderboards and a skip intro shortcut plus some other minor improvements
You're the new trainee park ranger and you're on duck feeding duty! They're pretty needy ducks and you've been given a minute to feed them! Rack up the highest score by making sandwiches as swiftly as you can!
In Game: Use the 9 leftmost letter keys <QWE, ASD, ZXC> or the <NUMPAD> keys to select your ingredients and place them on a plate. Once you're ready to serve your sandwich (or throw away, if you've made it wrong), select the plate again to send it on its way!
Menu: <ARROWS / WASD> to Navigate, <SPACE / ENTER> to Select
These picky ducks really need to start appreciating open-face sandwiches smh >w<
The controls, seeming pretty weird at first, were surprisingly intuitive, especially once the ingredient/key pairs start to become muscle memory. As it slowly changes from "oh fuck this duck wants crabs, lettuce and ham, where the hell are those" to "397, gotcha fam", the gameplay goes from confusing to frantic and becomes quite fun
My high score after a few attempts was 19
SubmittedAncient Arte—FUCK
These are mighty picky ducks haha! 🦆 And thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! "Got a 397 coming right up ol' quacker!" 😂
The artwork is fantastic and feels very polished. Gameplay is frantic and fun, awesome job!
SubmittedTick and Taco
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
Lv. 15
I love the controls. I think it flavours the game in a really cool way. Just felt like I was moving ingredients more than any other click and drag or some other control scheme. Controls were challenging, but that's a good thing. Think they really shone in this. The colourful bright artwork and the juice when you select the ingredients made this a blast to play. Love feeding ducks.
Though one thing I wasn't sure of is the number of plates. Felt the other plates weren't really necessary and I focused on completing just one plate. Would have also liked a high score board for this but with time limitations and all...
Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it and got to good grips with the controls :) I thought adding the extra plates gave people more options to play, I myself tended to stick to just the one lol Getting to grips with the GM48 leaderboard is something I'd have loved to have done on this one but you're right, time limitations haha
Lv. 9
Took me a while to get used to the controls on this one but when I finally did.....I was still terrible at it :).
I like the presentation. The sound and graphics were great. The gameplay was fun too but as I say, I just wasn't very good at it. On my first try I felt like the controls were going to be a steep learning curve but after that it all sort of clicked. I just wasn't fast enough to make the most of the time. I do feel though that perhaps an option to use the mouse would've been nice. It seems like the sort of game that would be well suited to clicking and dragging with the mouse. An option to restart would've been nice too.
In general though it was an enjoyable and well presented game. Great work.
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it, the controls were tricky to get the balance right so people can learn them and in hindsight mouse controls would probably have helped! I am considering the controls and a 'skip intro' post-jam :)
Quite a cool game (love the visuals and audio!). I found the controls a bit wonky to start with but they were actually fairly easy and fast to use after the first few sandwiches, and I ended up liking them, they were quite intuitive (QWEASDZXC).
Only thing I'd like is a faster restart option, and maybe some sort of level based system? Start with easier sandwiches and get more complicated ones as you level up etc. Maybe more of a post jam thing though!
Also, who says ducks can't have sandwiches?!
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it, the controls were a bit of a challenge trying to get the balance right. I definitely think I'll be adding a quick restart in the post jam update and I like the idea of a gradual difficulty increase! Well the ducks won't tell you they can't have sandwiches 😂
Lv. 15
Hmm. I spent like 3 rounds of the game sitting there wondering why the ducks weren't taking my plates until I realized, "Oh yeah, you're supposed to put bread on them".
Maybe something better than a casual mention of bread would be appropriate.
SubmittedFrantic Fishing!
Thanks for playing, I hope once you'd got that bit down you enjoyed it :) maybe a "needs bread" notification above the plate is something I should add haha :)
Lv. 16
Such a happy spirited game (even though you end up getting fired by your wiggle-mustached boss).
Things I enjoyed
- The wiggly mustache
- UI/controls: the 3x3 control grid was really nice to play with. Suited excellently with the gameplay
- Consistent look of the game
Things I missed
- I wish you could restart the game right away after finishing. Especially when the gameplay is short and there is possibility to grind the highscore it would be nice to jump quicker to a new session.
- Small, maybe really subjective, thing is that I think a text which has a really big font size compared to the height of the screensize is hard to read. Like when reading the dialogue I felt need to take more distance to be able to perceive the text clearly.
Nice work, you do pretty sympathetic characters to your games!
Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I see your points about the text and the quicker restart, definitely something to consider in a post jam update :)
This gave me wristache 😄 Despite that, what a novel idea for a control system! I love that the layout of the game was based on it too, made it more intuitive where it needed to be.
There were a couple of issues that the controls brought. By the end I'd resolved to have a "junk" plate where, if I misplaced the cursor on an ingredient when a sandwich was finished but not sent to the duck, I had to avoid slapping a piece of ham on it and ruining it xD It felt like a workaround but given how the controls were set up, I can't quickly! think of a way that you could resolve it without overcomplicating things.
Presentation and music were great and the game as a whole felt like a polished experience, which I found a lot of fun. Nicely done!
SubmittedPachog Day
Thanks so much and I'm glad you enjoyed it :) the three plates idea was so that players could essentially choose their own tactics, whether that's focusing on one plate, lining up a few or as you did, have a junk plate haha 😁
Lv. 7
Extremely high levels of polish for a 48 hour game!
I'm sure you're aware by all the other comments but the controls took some getting used too. Once I got into the groove it went pretty smooth (despite always making my sandwhiches on the top plate only). The keybinds were decent, kind of reminded me of AOE keybinding grid.
Mouse controls would be nice but I think if the ingredients just had a prompt or the key letter next too / intergrated into the item it would of made it a lot easier, but like I said earlier, once you get accustomed to the controls it plays pretty smoothly and if nothing else it added a little extra brain power requirement.
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it. I did toy with the idea of button prompts at the beginning but I worried that might end up confusing people more on an already different control scheme. I think I'll definitely look at improving the controls in the post jam haha
Lv. 13
Really fun game! I included it in my GM48: Sixty Seconds compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/g5B8P6iV1PI
Thanks for playing, Jupiter, I'm glad you liked it. I think watching your video has made it clear there are a couple of improvements I can make to the controls as they do take some getting used to haha :)
Lv. 5
The game is pretty cool, I'm just not very good at the controls. It seems very well suited towards playing with a mouse. The sprite art is very nice and the UI is extremely well made.
Submitted60 Second Cycling!
Thanks so much, I'm glad you've enjoyed it. Trying to optimise controls was my biggest challenge, I think if I'd have gone back after seeing these responses, I'd definitely add mouse controls
Lv. 8
I think this game needs more content - I totally respect less content, more polish and try to strive for it, but I feel this might get a bit dull over time. Other than that, nice!
Thanks for your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it, it is a bit tricky trying to get more content in this theme, I saw some people did a 60 second per level thing and I regret not going for that but maybe next time lol
Lv. 38
Wow, what a polished feeling game! The concept is pretty simple but very well executed and a lot of fun. The controls take a bit of getting used to but work well once you figure them out. I appreciated the nice touches like the dialogue bits and the worker realising he shouldn't have been feeding ducks such fancy sandwiches. It would nice if you could skip through the end text a bit faster though.
Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes the controls were the biggest challenge, trying to get a way that's fast, fair but also not too difficult to get to grips with, in hindsight I'd have definitely made the text skipable too lol
- I love how crab ingredient is just a whole crab, shell and all
- I like the positive message at the end
- I would definitely prefer to use mouse.
- At first I had no idea what was going on because none of the ducks were asking for bread so I didn’t understand why my concoctions were being rejected.
- I love the fact there’s actually no way to win. It’s a bit depressing but the final words are very positive and made me smile!
- I like the little details of the food pile moving when you take stuff and the random placement in the sandwich.
- Your best score being on the menu is a nice touch
- I love how you had the time to have an animated intro and everything
- The game’s bio page on this website is looking great!
- Instant text skip would definitely be useful for multiple plays!
Thank you so, so much for your positive feedback and I'm really glad you enjoyed playing. I think trying to get the most accessible controls for everyone is an endless battle sometimes haha but I take the points you've made on board and skipping the text here and there is something I should have added for sure :)
Lv. 4
Love being able to feed some ducks! I really liked the mechanic, an the inputs felt good even if not intuitive at first, i ended up getting good at it and pushing to make more and more sandwiches, i think my only complaint is perhaps that the intro instructions are there every time, so lots of play throughs it can get a bit repetitive waiting there, but otherwise super solid 60 second game!! I like that it the controls are just funky enough to incentivie multiple plays to get better at them
SubmittedNuclear Crab
Thanks so much, I'm glad you've enjoyed it. I saw a few entries where it let you skip the intro entirely after your first playthrough, should've done something like that but hindsight is 20-20 haha!
I really enjoyed this, it was quite humourous. It would be a really good game to play with friends (in vs mode). 60 seconds seems too short mainly because of the controls, as a casual player I wish I was able to use a mouse, the QWEASDZXC would be for speedrunners. The exit animation was a nice touch, all the transitions are well animated too, however you cannot skip the final text which is annoying because I want to play again! The music fitted but thank god you can turn it off lol.
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it. I think the time limitation works for and against in a theme like this, you have the opportunity to learn the controls and retry it but in a set-up like this, trying to be as intuitive as possible while appealing to everyone can be tricky. I think skipping the final text is something I need to do as well for people playing multiple times :)