The player takes on the role of a misbehaving dog trying to clean up their mess before their owner catches them.
You can download the updated game here.
- Added new enemy AI
- Added cooldown for barking (no more spamming you button mashers lol)
- Fixed some pathfinding issues with Owner not being able to find the dog
- Changed percentage of Golden Poop dropping
- Fixed Poop modifier so you can rack up more points!
- Known Issue: z-index and layering on some level design elements are misaligned
- WASD - Movement
- SPACE - Interact with toys
- E - Hide in couches, tables, desks, beds
- Shift - RUN (not in the in-game tutorial yet, but you CAN run)

- Game Design, Development - Joshua (AverageGoob)
- Art & Animation - April (Seitharyn)
- Audio and Sound Design, Music - Johnathyn (LlamaSalamy)
All around really well done, high level of polish and awesome artwork
SubmittedTick and Taco
Lv. 9
Really amazing art style. The whole fabric and stitching look is really well done and impressive to have been created in 48 hours.
As for the gameplay though I was pretty lost. I checked the tutorial before playing which was just the controls but I think it could've done with some more information. I don't understand why I'm pooping and throwing up everywhere. I'm not quite sure where hunger comes into it or how to reduce it. Suddenly I did a big gold poop. I saw the owner but she didn't seem to do anything so I'm not quite sure why I'd have to hide.
I was just quite lost through the whole thing to be honest. It really could've benefitted with some more instructions as there seems to be a lot that is left unexplained within the description and the in game tutorial.
Love the artstyle, but I had no idea what I was doing. I did manage to get to 3 million points though.
SubmittedWorldwide Remote Access Network
Lv. 13
Thank you! The art is one of our favourite parts of the game :) We had so much fun making this entire game, and we are glad we can share it, even if it was confusing haha!
The idea was that you would be picking up toys (have an inventory instead of hunger that I added), put them in your toy bins throughout the rooms, and unlock levels as you clean while avoiding your owner. When you filled up your inventory, if you tried eating another toy it was supposed to make you poop with a chance of THE GOLDEN POOP and the poop would act as a modifier for your final score multiplier (ie x24 poops on the ground, then bonus x48 for the golden poop). If the owner hears you bark, they come check out the problem...if they run over poop on the way, they chase you down for awhile (which is why you needed to hide to get them to stop chasing you). If the owner caught you, you lost a health until you lose all 3 and game over.
Really like the art, very cute. This game reminds me a lot of what it was like living with 4 cats as a kid 😳
Scored 14.6 million after a lot of tiring attempts lol :D
suck it peterSubmittedAncient Arte—FUCK
Lv. 13
baku...all I can say is that you are NUTS! How did you do it? An auto clicker? I watched Peter SPAM that button, camera shaking and everything, and he only got to 5.3 mil; 14.6 mil though?! Lol, wait for the update after the jam and see if you can do that again ;) haha!
Thank you for playing!!
If something can be abused with an auto clicker, then I'll definitely try to abuse it with an auto clicker ;D
HOWEVER, I found that if you click too fast in this game, items just absolutely yeet themselves away from you at lightning speed. Auto clicker here is way less useful than you'd assume
I think the 14 mil run was mostly luck. I had gone around most of the house getting the poo count quite high probably with the help of some lucky spawns, and then ended up getting lucky with 2 golden poos up against a wall that I could just camp until the time ran out
Lv. 13
"ended up getting lucky with 2 golden poos up against a wall that I could just camp until the time ran out"
Literally the best statement I have read in awhile haha!! I hope you had fun :)
20526005349900 was my highscore. It's unbeatable by anyone but Veralos. Even by bAku.SubmittedOne minute is sixty seconds
Lv. 13
HAHA Thank you again for your feedback and live stream of funny comments about the game! We appreciate your time playing the game and you have inspired us to keep on making games!
Lv. 38
What a beautiful artstyle! The stitched burlap thing look great and really stands out amongst the styles of other games. The music is really nice and the dog's sound effects are cute too.
I don't really understand the gameplay unfortunately. I tried walking around "cleaning up" the toys with Space, but that didn't seem to accomplish much. I then managed to get 6 million points just by standing near a toy and repeatedly pressing Space to eat and poop over and over.
Lv. 13
Thank you, thank you for your feedback! I'm so glad everyone is loving the art; we plan on doing many more things with this style! Little big planet was such a great inspiration and so was the artist's love for crafts!
About the gameplay, I made a little copy pasta that kind of explains what the original goal was for this game, we just ran out of time :/ And there was supposed to be a cooldown for eating so you couldn't spam it SO crazy lol
The idea was that you would be picking up toys (have an inventory instead of hunger that I added), put them in your toy bins throughout the rooms, and unlock levels as you clean while avoiding your owner. When you filled up your inventory, if you tried eating another toy it was supposed to make you poop with a chance of THE GOLDEN POOP and the poop would act as a modifier for your final score multiplier (ie x24 poops on the ground, then bonus x48 for the golden poop). If the owner hears you bark, they come check out the problem...if they run over poop on the way, they chase you down for awhile (which is why you needed to hide to get them to stop chasing you). If the owner caught you, you lost a health until you lose all 3 and game over.
I love the art style here, very original and cute. I think the concept is great as well - the only things I'd suggest is that it can be tricky to see where you're going as the camera movement around the dog is far too close to the edge so I was hidden behind the timer some of the time - I think this is a great start and I would like to see this expanded on outside the restraints of the jam - overall though, great job! :)
SubmittedSwiftly, Make Sandwich
Lv. 13
Thank you for your feedback! The art has inspired us to even make more games that will be in this doggies universe :) So keep an eye out!
Yeah, the camera was a difficult decision because I wanted to add a dynamic camera, just didn't have time :( So, I had to settle for a camera setting that would allow for a little horror action when the owner came flying around the corner..however the AI was not complete so it wouldn't be scary all the time.
Lv. 16
The artstyle is very original and absolutely well made. Animations fit great with the style. I loved paying attention to all the visual details.
The game was pretty fun to play. Only the pace of running around felt a bit frustrating. The slow pace went well with the general style of the game but when you're in hurry to do as much stuff as you can within given time frame, slow walking pace felt like a burden.
Lv. 13
Thank you so much for your feedback! I had to limit our artist on the art because we had sooo much we wanted to add but ran out of time lol. All those dishes and bookshelf items, everything is individual items :D
Also, not in the instructions was that shift can make you run (didn't wanna give away ALL the secrets hehe).
Lv. 5
The graphics are really great - very cute style, fantastically executed and well animated.
The gameplay left me a little bit confused. The instructions are to clean up your toys, and I assumed space to interact meant you'd be able to pick them up & tidy them away... but you just eat them and then vomit and poop everywhere?
I like how it looks, and I like the concept, I just wish the execution on the gameplay side had been a little better.
Lv. 13
Thank you for your feedback! We had so much fun making the assets for the game :)
The gameplay is a little confusing, and I made a copy pasta for responses to try and explain our idea a little...
The idea was that you would be picking up toys (have an inventory instead of hunger that I added), put them in your toy bins throughout the rooms, and unlock levels as you clean while avoiding your owner. When you filled up your inventory, if you tried eating another toy it was supposed to make you poop with a chance of THE GOLDEN POOP and the poop would act as a modifier for your final score multiplier (ie x24 poops on the ground, then bonus x48 for the golden poop). If the owner hears you bark, they come check out the problem...if they run over poop on the way, they chase you down for awhile (which is why you needed to hide to get them to stop chasing you). If the owner caught you, you lost a health until you lose all 3 and game over.
Time was very limiting of course, and we got a little ambitious!
Lv. 13
Lovely graphics! I included it in my GM48: Sixty Seconds compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
Lv. 13
As always, thank you so much for reviewing our game! You are always a great inspiration for what to fix since you are so great at finding the bugs haha :)
Lv. 36
Lovely graphics. I am bit tired of all the pixelated games in this jam. I have no idea how you pulled of this art style. It's especially imprssive considering that the map is quite varied with a lot of scenery. The UI also looks ver proffesional.
However, it's not at all clear how the game works. What does health and hunger mean? What happens when they run out? What does my owner do? Why should I hide from her. She doesn't seem to be able to interact with me in any way. The best strategy I have found was to remain in the beginning and spam the your golden poop until the timer runs out. That way, I've gotten as far as seven million points (!!!), which is much, much more than I've gotten through any other strategy. But I don't even understand why it works.
But I have to admit that the pathfinding AI that controls the owner looks very impressive and gives a lot of personality to the game. It also have a good amount of visual polish. However, in my opinion, I think the time spent on these things woul be better spent on balancing.
SubmittedThis is what I call a BAD SITUATION
Lv. 13
Thank you so much for your feedback! We put a lot of work into the art, and it's so nice to have people love it so much! We try to be a little ambitious with our ideas sometimes.
As for the gameplay, it was very difficult to get the closed game loop due to the time constraints and time spent on AI, unfortunately. We will have a post-release after the results to update the ai and some functionality that we wanted in the launch, but focused more on polish.
The idea was that you would be picking up toys (have an inventory instead of hunger that I added), put them in your toy bins throughout the rooms, and unlock levels as you clean while avoiding your owner. When you filled up your inventory, if you tried eating another toy it was supposed to make you poop with a chance of THE GOLDEN POOP and the poop would act as a modifier for your final score multiplier (ie x24 poops on the ground, then bonus x48 for the golden poop). If the owner hears you bark, they come check out the problem...if they run over poop on the way, they chase you down for awhile (which is why you needed to hide to get them to stop chasing you). If the owner caught you, you lost a health until you lose all 3 and game over.
The idea was there, but we needed like 12 more hours to get in what we wanted to accomplish ;)
GREAT art style! The music and concept were great also, and very cute puppy :)
I wish there were a little variation on the puppy sounds but I really enjoyed playing. Great work!
SubmittedDISC DASH
Lv. 13
Thank you so much!! We put half our time into AI (which was still broken haha), and half into art! We had such a fun time making the art, and glad that you enjoy it!
Aaaannnnddd like most game jams, the sounds were a little last minute lol, but we LOVE adding variation too; especially in a spammy game.
Thank you for your feedback!
Had a lot of fun playing the game. I really love the cute art style. It really kindles the feelings I had playing Little Big Planet. The team did a great job. I look forward to playing more games from this Studio.
Lv. 13
Thank you so much! Little big planet has a special place in my heart :) I'm glad you got the same vibes as that was partially my inspiration as well as our artist's love for crafts! We plan on making more games that involve that adorable dog that poops everywhere, so make sure to keep an eye out for those!