Everyone will remember the name of Dr. Viktor Shelley von Doofen. Or they will suffer his wrath!

Play through 4 stages and survive the results of the wacky doctor's experiments.


AD or LR Arrow keys to move Mouse to aim and shoot (Stage 3) Space to switch between wrench/collector

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  • Nyveon

    Loved the story and voice acting.

    The difficulty curve felt quite adequate, so well done there as well. My main feedback would be that despite enjoying the story, I wish it had a conclusion.

    Overall, very well done though :D

    • kris24
      kris24 Developer of It's a Mad World After All

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! I hope to revisit this idea someday and finish it off once my skills improve, I have a little story in mind for it.

  • baku

    I survived! I like the story and narration, lots of polish in that regard. Neat that each level had different tasks that needed to be done, slowly increasing in difficulty.

    Gameplay was bit annoying tbh, especially the way your bullets move around. Also, why is the cursor BEHIND the floor? I feel like I lost sight of where I was aiming so many times cause of that

    • kris24
      kris24 Developer of It's a Mad World After All

      4yrs ago

      Hey, thanks for playing and making it to the end!

      Yes, I was trying to come up with some sort of weapon that wasn't just a simple "gun" but the execution leaves something to be desired, haha. As for the cursor being behind the floor...chalk that up to me goofing up the depth order and not noticing until after the deadline.

  • Tero Hannula

    Nice intro narration ^^ It was nice to have several phases, but as Minphy said, control scheme was bit odd. Also trying to shoot enemies was bit awkward. I think it was nice little game, background could have been bit more interesting.

    • kris24
      kris24 Developer of It's a Mad World After All

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! Yeah, there's definitely some improvements to be made to the controls, as well as the behavior of the collector device. I'd like to be able to finish this concept someday, but it might be a little beyond my skills yet.

  • Mimpy
    Lv. 26

    Good variety, you managed to it feel like you're really making progress towards surviving with each distinct step and minigame. The music and the setting were fun and silly as well.

    I think there's some issues with the control scheme choices, pressing the enter key to advance text felt a bit awkward, I think spacebar or the mouse button would make more sense since the player's hands are already resting on those keys. Also, the way the cursor suddenly snaps to the mouse position after your projectile hits is pretty jarring, I think that it should either keep following the mouse and leave an aftereffect at the spot you clicked, or it should set the mouse pointer itself back to that position so there's no jarring jump.

  • ceaselessly
    Lv. 8

    I really liked that each stage had a different gameplay mechanic introduced, and the voice acting was very funny. I played the game on my stream yesterday, if you are interested in watching: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/602080602

    Your game is on around 38:20. Nice job!

    • kris24
      kris24 Developer of It's a Mad World After All

      4yrs ago

      That was awesome to be able to see someone play it! Thanks so much for including it on your stream, I learned quite a bit about the different ways people can approach the gameplay. Showed an interesting bug, for one thing - it's supposed to automatically end the intro but somehow that didn't trigger properly for you!

      It's definitely a rough game with lots of stuff I wish I would have been able to execute better, but I'm happy you had some kind comments for it!

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    I really like this game. Having several different phases where you have prioritise different tasks is pretty interesting and helps keep the gameplay fresh. I thought the idea of having to stand still to think was a particularly neat concept. The targeting being locked in place was also cool, though it can get a bit confusing.

    Where this game really shines though is the general charm of the mad scientist concept. The intro is fantastic at setting the tone and has some 10/10 voice acting. The crazy creatures you have to fight along with the wacky music really adds to it and totally brings the game to life.

    The main thing that could be improved is having a more interesting background during the actual gameplay.

    • kris24
      kris24 Developer of It's a Mad World After All

      4yrs ago

      Thanks so much! Having different phases and also some cinematics/voice acting was my priority for this jam, since I've never done that before, so I'm glad you liked those. And thanks for the feedback too! I was trying to go for something other than just a typical "gun" but my skill level is not really up to implementing all the ideas I have so there's definitely a lot of rough edges and incomplete parts as I ran out of time, haha.

  • Chris

    The intro was pretty awesome but I was hoping the end would also have a cool sequence. It was still good though

  • illdie
    Lv. 12

    I really like the voice acting and intro. I think it can be a little confusing that the cursor stops following your mouse while the collector projectile is moving, I often lost track of where it was because I couldn't stop moving my mouse during then.

    • kris24
      kris24 Developer of It's a Mad World After All

      4yrs ago

      Ah, yes, in hindsight I would have split up the targeting crosshair and the actual target of the weapon to avoid that situation. Thanks for playing and the feedback!

  • Tydecon Games

    I like the concept, I feel as though the graphics could have done with a little more polish but the idea is there and it's fun, good entry! :)

    • kris24
      kris24 Developer of It's a Mad World After All

      4yrs ago

      Oh absolutely I would have loved to be able to polish up the art a lot more, but I'm still very slow & unskilled at everything so I basically had to settle for the first draft of what I could come up with. Thanks for trying it out!

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    The voice acting is on point ;)

    • kris24
      kris24 Developer of It's a Mad World After All

      4yrs ago

      Thanks! It's funny how sometimes the things that take the least amount of time turn out pretty good, while the things you work on for hours end up not working so well, haha.