This is the SSS mission. FOR SPACE! As Commander Spacey McSpaceface, it is your duty to ensure that this rocket liftoff.
Last minute button fiddling is to be expected. Thankfully, you know this rocket's main panel like the back of your hand.

Simply click around, and make sure the rocket goes through its liftoff sucessfully!
Known issue:
- The timer is never reset, even upon game over or victory. You'll have to restart the game! Sorry...
Lv. 2
I may be biased since I'm a big fan of yours, but man oh man, you outdid yourself.
SubmittedSuper EyePeck
Lv. 67
Cute, simple, super fun! It's a blast to see all these buttons and see the spaceship take off/fall! I also love how each run is different with the buttons being placed elsewhere!
Too bad for the reset bug!
SubmittedPlease, Move To The Circle
Lv. 4
First of all graphics are phenomenal! That timer bug made me laugh same with all the button names and preemptively pressing the GO button. Transition is smooth like butter, and random button placement is a nice touch. Had a load of fun with this one, great job!
Submittedchicken chow
That was wonderful.
At first I thought I needed to go through the things in sequence, so I died failed quite a few times until I understood that I just needed to spam click every button except ignite, haha. RIP those astronatus 😢
SubmittedSquirt Patrol
Lv. 38
This a really neat game with a super clever take on the theme. The core concept is pretty unique and I enjoyed seeing all the silly functions of the buttons on the control panel. It took me a few tries to get right but it was fun doing so. I wish it was a bit was a bit more obvious you had to wait to press the go button as that messed me up once. The visuals and audio are all very well made as help sell the theme of the game. I really like the animation of the the rocket just collapsing when you fail to press the right buttons.
Lv. 13
Funny, well made game! I included it in my GM48: Countdown compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
I absolutely loved it!
Of course it's a little simple, but you make up for it with the fun names and the random layout. I just had a little gripe: sometimes you get buttons on top of the display and you can't really see if you found the right stuff or no (I mean, you can but you have to move your arm) In my firsts runs when I wasn't sure about the names it led me to skip one or two "good" buttons.
And of course I would have liked different types of game over depending on which buttons you didn't press, but that's a lot of work :D
Lv. 6
There's a bit of die and retry in the way you have to understand how buttons work that is not great. My mistake! And yeah I wanted some penalties for when you hit the wrong button, but obviously I ran out of time ahah
Thank you for your feedback anyway!
Lv. 3
Loved it. I wish you'd made clear the fact that, once you had everything in place, you had to wait for the last seconds in order to ignite.
The bug was a shame, as this game requires a bit of repetition in order to get right! Also, when you do fix it, try to make the intro less long for the second time you play it. Something like "Let's see if you get it right this time, Spacey McSpaceface. 3.. 2.. 1.."
Cool, coooool game. I enjoyed it.
SubmittedSuper Speedo Simulator 2018
Lv. 8
Brilliant concept for the theme! It took me a while to complete, so I had a few stressful last-second moments which were nice. Beautiful art as usual, gameplay feels great, although it took a little too much click spamming to win. By the way, I think there's a bug where sometimes they tell me it's too late as soon as the countdown starts, so I had to restart a few times. Good work!
SubmittedCount Downula
Lv. 6
Wow, awesome! I was hoping someone would get the last minute stress, which this was supposed to be all about :D
It absolutely is click spammy, because I didn't get a chance to implement penalty buttons ahah
And yeah, the countdown never resets even if you gameover, you had to restart the game. Silly bug to left in. :(
Lv. 1
Fun little game with really unique take on on the theme! I'd love to see this on mobile, or a little release on steam, gives much vibes from "Please, don't touch anything" except I'm touching EVERYTHIN! :D ... Game bugs out on restart so that the timer/countdown is always on 0, but game is quick to restart so no biggie! .. Really nice!
Lv. 6
Dunno about mobile, or maybe you'd have to press the button twice, since you can't really hover to get the button name...
... maybe if clicking on a button brought up a popup with the name and a bigger render of the button, so you'd actually have to do some special inputs (tapping, sliding, opening a shell before pressing, holding, whatever :D)... eheh that could work. I'm too busy for that though... But thank you :D
Lv. 14
OKAY straight off the bat - the art is incredible and just screams THIS IS GON BE FUN.
I love the pixel art smeary animation stuff - and the gorgeous procedural-generated dashboards that all fit together nicely and look so cute and the buttons so pressable.
The concept for the game is GREAT - reminds me very much of Spaceteam but manages to capture that frantic-and hilarious-interaction-with-technology thing in a single player game.
The little boot sequence tutorial at the beginning is really smart and really makes me really excited for the button pushing.
I really enjoyed your game - didn't care about the countdown resetting thing - that s**t happens.
OH and I can tell the fun you had coming up with all those button name/functions - I think when a designer has fun making a game, it kind of bleeds through to the player's experience too.
SubmittedTerra Ultima - THE EARTH'S FINAL MOMENTS
Lv. 6
Eheh, I had a lot of fun with the button names, but didn't really came up with them myself :D I asked twitter to help and people were very generous, showering me with fun names. I love it when a jam lets you get help from people in some degree :)
But yeah, glad you liked it! I wish the buttons did more so there's actual thinking to do, but I'm super happy you were excited :)
It's pretty well done. I'm the other rocket ship game guy. Totally different. I like it.
unique animations for almost correct vs totally incorrect would be cool to see.
SubmittedRocket Launch Quest