A turn-based puzzle adventure about a lonely vampire making friends and running from the sun.
WASD to move.

Game made by @ajmalrizni
Simple but nice game, well executed and felt overall pretty polished. There were enough levels to keep entertained, and new things and variety. Though first levels were basically just repeating itself. But it wasn't bad thing. I think sound effects were off, too loud and didn't sound good.
SubmittedTour on the Underworld
Lv. 9
Nice game. I like how there were new things added like sliding and bat potion throughout the game to keep things interesting. I managed to complete all of the levels, and only a few of them gave me problems.
SubmittedDemolition Madness
Lv. 4
Phenomenal entry! great work progressing the level of difficulty and loved the last one ;D The story was really enjoyable. Art and audio is nice and juicy and left me wanting more. Great work!
Submittedchicken chow
Lv. 13
Lovely graphics, great game! I included it in my GM48: Countdown compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/2kFo5aya1ME
Oh, yeah, that's a pretty well polished game :D
Very good overall, of course the level design could have used some work. As it is, the right path is usually pretty obvious, there's no real way to experiment/explore once you know the rules of each mechanic. I also think the "intro" is a little long, there's really no way to loose and you don't really learn anything either.
There are still a few clever levels, for example the one where you must think - as simple as it is - to go back on your tracks. Basically levels were the player have to take a decision instead of just following the obvious path. But yeah, I feel like there's a few missed opportunities.
Imo, it might have been better to have the ducks as collectibles. Either optional, which may help get some challenge while still being accessible, or as a key object, so that players have to make a decision on a path, or decide when to diverge from a main path.
And since I'm nitpicking: arrows keys should really be an option in a game like that, I think it's more instinctive than WASD for top down tiled games, and some of us need to switch keyboard layout just to have WASD as it's intended.
Anyways, good job! (and congrats :p)
Lv. 67
As expected, well done, well executed and pretty juicy! I like how you can kind of outrun the sun too. It's also a great way to include the theme. Subtle, but pretty cool and definitely different than other types of countdown. Really unique. The sounds and music are also pretty good! Thumbs up for Count Downula!
SubmittedPlease, Move To The Circle
Lv. 36
Very well made puzzle game but I got through very easily.
I'm not gonna spend more time on this comment. You got a lot of feedback already.
SubmittedDeadline Disaster
Lv. 6
Best use of the theme - the way the sun litteraly shows the countdown is amazing. Perfect feel, perfect look and polish; I had to rack my brain to find any negative feedback, but I'm gonna go with the level design: the solutions are a bit obvious / not engaging enough; But man, did it feel GOOD to play All the congrats man, this felt amazing
SubmittedSuper SpaceShip
Lv. 8
Thanks Ellian, I'm glad you liked it! I think the level design could definitely use some fine-tuning. I wanted to make sure that everything was easily understandable and that the game wasn't too difficult, but I might have overdone it. Thanks for the feedback!
Lv. 11
I fiund all the duckies :D Great concept, great graphics, the music was cool too. Good punny game name!
SubmittedCountdown Royale
Lv. 19
I looked at your Twitter and saw you were the guy that worked on Nano Golf... let's just say you haven't lost your touch!
Great use of the sunlight as the indicator for your limited moves, quite clever. Puzzles were just hard enough, and never felt stale. Art was simple, but still charming. Music and sounds weren't the greatest, but you didn't leave them out! Game felt responsive and stable.
A quality entry, will place top 3 for sure!
SubmittedTime's Up
Lv. 3
Very impressive, I honestly can't think of anything to criticize really, great level design and great job overall :)
SubmittedWerewolf Hunter
Lv. 37
Really great game with way more polish than what i'd expect from a gamejam, the level design started out kinda slowly but got pretty challenging towards the end.
Music and art were also really really good, great job rhubarb <3
Lv. 1
Great little concept only had a couple of problems with it(controls are never showed in game, the goal isn't clearly indicated, i never knew you could suck blood untill i finnished the game). Apart from that its a fun game and the art is pretty.
Lv. 8
Thanks for playing! Yeah, controls aren't in the game, although to be fair it's just WASD and I put it in the description.
Lv. 17
The art is so cute! I would have loved to try some more difficult puzzles (but you did a good job of introducing and developing the mechanics).
Submitted3, 2, 1... Evolve!
Lv. 3
I find it amazing how you managed to cram that amount of puzzles in such a balanced way of "learning-implementing what you learned" in just 48 hours. Amazing work.
SubmittedSuper Speedo Simulator 2018
Lv. 19
As I thought the gameplay was running dry, the game kept throwing new mechanics at me. I had a lot of fun, and obviously finished the game. Needless to say, the art was fantastic (as per usual), and the soundtrack, though repetitive, enjoyable and suiting. There being a story - the cherry on top.
Lv. 8
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
Lv. 4
Saw the game on the GameMaker discord and fell in love with it. Played it. Loved it even more.
SubmittedTime Bomb Set: Get Out Fast