'These doors just lead me to the same room, with a small difference!'

The time has come, avoid the obstacles and escape the loop before you get stuck!

Use "A" and "D" to move, Space to Jump.

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  • trolog
    Lv. 6

    I don't know if I broke the game? I was stuck in a loop where the levels no longer progressed, I got to the point of where you do a long trek around the levels then do a big drop, and the level where it adds spikes either side at the top of the exit as you fall towards it. I was at 50 deaths at this point! haha.

    I really liked the concept and it made me play until the levels stopped increasing in difficulty, I would have carried on further!.

    I think my biggest suggestion would be improving the jump controls of the player, and you can do this by having a check to see if the player has WALKED of the platform and if they press jump say 0.2 secs after it, allow them to jump, try this, you'll be amazed at how much better the controls will feel. The reason is that our eyes don't always see what's ACTUALLY happening on screen, so sometimes we press jump a bit later and it feels we should have made it. I hope this makes sense?

    I had fun playing this game, and for a beginning game creator(wrote on your profile) in just 48 hours you've done really well to manage sounds, art and level design! Congrats, and keep going!

    • CrashB1111
      Lv. 17
      CrashB1111 Developer of Escape

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback! Didn't exactly break the game, I just didn't make it obvious enough something had changed! If you can be bothered try looking at the top of the room above the exit ;) The delayed jump is definitely something I want to look at working into my base platformer code, will have a look at it when I get a chance.

  • havik

    "Congrats. You escaped with only 33 deaths"

    Took me a while to figure out the ending bit. Died about 25 times on the last level before I noticed! Was starting to think the ending was to just loop forever haha.

    Nice little concept. Would have been nice if the spikes stood out a bit more maybe just as a quality of life thing. (and to add a bit of colour!)

  • Kylazaur
    Lv. 5

    I enjoyed the game, i do feel the changes were a little too subtle but i guess that's the point as it says in the description, great entry ^^

    • CrashB1111
      Lv. 17
      CrashB1111 Developer of Escape

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback. I was considering making the changes more exponential so more different in the later levels but decided to try and keep it subtle for the sake of the theme : )

  • WangleLine 🌸

    I'd give the spikes a color that contrasts the background a little better. Currently, it's not really visually standing out that much!

    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

  • Eva
    Lv. 13

    I liked the simplicity of this game. The death counter was also a nice touch. It reached 84 by the time I finished (though I'm not sure I really finished it - I got stuck in one where even though I reached the door, I kept respawning to the start with no change?)

    REPLY: That makes sense! So it keeps looping forever. REPLY2: I replayed and found it! That is actually a very clever end. Can't believe I missed it the first time.

    • CrashB1111
      Lv. 17
      CrashB1111 Developer of Escape

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback! The level you were at would've been the last one and the trick to it is to pay careful attention to the rest of the stage as you will notice the exit sign says Exit? ;)