Collect and level up your kitchen appliances to beat the Master Chef and take his position! It might take a few tries...


  • Computers are "checkpoints". If you do not talk to any computers then the game will restart when you lose. Please talk to the first computer!

  • There's also a softlock if you are in battle with a very high leveled appliance with no room in your party and both appliances run out of power. You can avoid it by always keeping one slot open in your party.

  • The move "Steam Blast" doesn't seem to work.

  • You can't rematch trainers :(

  • Doesn't have saving / loading.

  • There's a crash that can occur if you walk into these zones. Don't try to train here: Zone

  • Navigate menus: Mouse
  • Move: WASD or arrow keys
  • Talk: E
  • View stats: Hold R
  • Rearrange party: Hold R + double click and drag
  • Rearrange box: Double click and drag
  • Programming by Yosi
  • Art by Eva
  • Sound by Adrien Dittrick

*Note: this game can take a long time to beat. If you want to speed up the process some you can rush to the end and try to catch some high level appliances - the catch rates are very lenient in this game :)

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  • Fachewachewa

    I don't have anything to add, but this is a really impressive amount of content for a jam!

    I really wish the power system worked in a different way though, I feel like it's really slowing the game too much (and some higher cost moves don't even seem to be that good compared to move that only cost 1?)

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback :)

      Power system could definitely use some work, I experimented with always giving appliances +1 power when the run out after the jam and that made things a lot better. The move balance is still off though, it's a bit hard to come up with enough unique moves when there aren't any extra effects the moves can have!

  • havik

    Thought I was cool with my level 14 toastermandude. Ran into a level 28 or so Lav.... something. Can't flee. I am about to be deado.

    That was a different experience lol. I didn't get any crash! So that's good :D However I do feel like the random encounters happen waaaay too often lol. You finish one, talk half a step, boom another one, finish that, hello again! Some sort of hidden cooldown timer might have been nice - would make it less of a pain to wander through the red areas.

    I loved all the appliance names, how long did you spend making those up? :P

    Sadly I died before I got to the end so I didn't see the infamous loop you mentioned :( Maybe I'll try again later and see if I can become a Master Chef >:D Good job though, was fun!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!

      I definitely need to work on my random encounter code, I haven't really done games like this before so I'm still not sure how to code that part.

      We spent a good amount of time thinking of names and attacks and stuff, glad you liked them :)

    • Eva
      Lv. 13
      Eva Artist of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thank you! I really enjoyed making up appliance names and descriptions with puns and other jokes. For many of them, I don't think most people would understand, but they can be little easter eggs for people who do.

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67
    • Already mentioned, but just wanted to point it out as it's for me "the" issue of the game: how slow it feels. It's a shame cause I feel like being able to just skip the dialogues could have tremendously helped to make the game feel way better
    • I like that this isn't pixel art, changes from the most usual (even I am using pixel art)
    • I wish there was more juice. Like, appliances shaking with each hit. Even just a vague visual cue, not just a sound and their life changing. (actually we can't see the level ups neither)
    • Yep, music felt like it wasn't quite the most appropriate one
    • Grass... I mean, red tiles encounter seem to happen too frequently. A bit too close to pokémon and its caves in my opinion lol
    • Bug with the computer it seems? I dragged there an indosluensujan (forgot the spelling) but it disappeared. Worked with a minidge though
    • So when I'm out of power, I have to just wait until my appliance dies? :T
    • When we quit we gotta start all over again? :s Cause it took me a while and when I went against the chef with a lvl50 appliance I assumed the game was saved and that I could quit and restart. Cause I'm not going to get through the enemy wiping out my whole team one by one with the time it takes for each attack... ><

    Despite that, the game was still cool though, and with a nice charm. I like the nudges with the chefs, notably YAL. Sadly I couldn't reach each one of them, as I spent about 1 hour playing already

    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! :D

      I definitely messed up on the juice part, I put a ton of time into the menus but then didn't have enough time for the actual gameplay lol.

      I'm not really sure what to say about the wild encounters; I watched some people play it who had a very difficult time getting battles so I guess it's just bad RNG stuff...

      Eva got the computer bug while testing but then we couldn't recreate it so I couldn't fix it. Oh well.

      The power mechanic is really unbalanced yeah. You can run / catch even without any power though.

      I really wanted to get saving / loading implemented but ran out of time. I should probably go and write a warning in the description ahaha

  • Tero Hannula

    Hey, I liked the art as you didn't use pixel art. The took bit too long indeed, I am not fun of grinding games in general, so I didn't play that long :s But I liked you tried make Pokemonish entry in gamejam, and overall it seems to have worked. Hopefully the code wasn't absolut mess ^^" I noticed that you could check old messages from the text box, if you clicked right place, was this on purpose? Maybe the music didn't fit the overall theme and art that well, though it has similiriaties with rpg-games. Anyhow, nice entry :)



    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback :)

      The code is a pretty big mess (mostly because of the UI) lol

      The message log viewing thing was made on purpose (in case you missed what happened in a battle)

  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    Great game. I thought the art was really cute, the music and sound effects suited the game super well, and the game was fun too. The fun from it in my case came from levelling up, and seeing all the different variances of the appliances. Props for making sure all the necessary aspects of the inspired game was there (even more than that), and pretty ballsy in terms of making it in the first place, with a litigious company like that.

    The game is very grindy, and slow. I found myself frustrated with not being able to skip text and instead having to wait it out. That frustration grew smaller as I caught more powerful appliances though. That's about all the critique I have. You could have had potions and naming, I would have loved that, but the game can definitely stand on it's on merit as is.

    Cute game, would have liked to finish it.

    Deer Lord

    Deer Lord

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for playing it and leaving feedback! I definitely agree that the gameplay is slow, I recently tried to do a "Toaven only" run and it took me like 45 minutes lol.

      I had thought about skipping text originally but I actually left in the waiting time to allow us to add in move animations later, which never happened. Oh well ¯\(ツ)

  • WangleLine 🌸

    This definitely was something!

    I feel like I may be missing something obvious here, but I wish I could have leveled up my appliances or at least see their progression / xp amount somewhere.

    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

  • Cajoled
    Lv. 20

    This is super impressive! Love the art style and names of the appliances. The UI was smooth af. This could be easily fleshed out into a nice little game!

  • Mcwequiesk
    Lv. 10

    I loved the idea of catching the kitchen appliances, and the appliances had a lot of unique designs and names too, making me wish there was something like a pokedex. But for 48 hours, there sure is a lot here!

    My only real criticism is that the battles and controls seemed a little unintuitive to me at first, like E and R are strange keys to be using (for me at least). There were points where I wasn't sure what was going on in a battle, or the enemy would attack me before I picked an option? I love the smooth menus but I think it could use some more user-feedback.



    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! I was a bit unsure how to do the control scheme - I wanted to support as much as possible but I only tested using WASD so I ended up just using E and R for the menu stuff. I would have liked to include more clickable buttons but key presses take a lot less time to code! I do agree that the user feedback could have been better.

  • trolog
    Lv. 6

    There is a lot here for just 48 hours, I'm pretty good at Pokemon but was struggling and kept getting beat, I couldn't grind to level up, but played for a good while, I won't start with th emicrowave again haha.

    I like the art and music they're both good but they seemed miss matched from one another, the sound seemed 8bit, and the art more vector graphics, I'd say (and I struggled with this myself) keeping a consistent theme.

    I also don't know where this works with a theme? As in a loop? I'm guessing it's sorta doing the same fights over sorta like in a loop to level up? I have to admit I didn't complete the game, but you already have an engine now to work on a monster type catching game!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback! We didn't have a lot of time to balance the game so it can definitely be harder than Pokemon. For the loop theme, there was a part where you get to the end and you have to start over with a different starter appliance.

    • Eva
      Lv. 13
      Eva Artist of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      I'm really glad you enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun doing the art for this game. Pixel art probably would have fit better, but I wanted to try something different since most other games for this jam used pixel art. Thank you for playing!

    • Adrien Dittrick
      Lv. 11
      Adrien Dittrick Composer of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      About the music, I did realise a bit late that the style wasn't really retro (I was told to compose for a pokémon game) so it might be a bit mismatched yes :p Thanks for playing though!

  • Inkira_develops
    Lv. 4

    This is a fun and fairly complete game, i marvel at how you manged to construct this in 48 hours. I really like the graphics and the style of the game mechanics. I found it really hard and got killed very quickly, I am not sure how your did the A Loop theme, if you could tell me i would appreciate it thanks.

    PS. Thanks for playing my game.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      The loop part is that (spoilers) when you get to the end, you get sent back and have to complete it again with a different starter.

      Also, you can make the game easier by rushing to the end and capturing high level appliances. The catch rates are very high.

  • Kylazaur
    Lv. 5

    I was NOT expecting this but I'm NOT complaining either, this was great xD, nice work team even though it didn't take me long to die :'( lool

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback :) If you talk to a computer then having all of your appliances defeated will send you back to the computer instead of restarting the whole game.

  • Metroid3D
    Lv. 8

    Very charming! I'm impressed you managed to make this much of a game in 48 hours, it was a lot of fun to catch... Kitchenware? Would have enjoyed more chefs to fight. I'm a sucker for games with smooth menus/animations and this scratched that itch.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Master Chef

      5yrs ago

      Glad that you enjoyed it! I put wayyyyy too much time into the move selection ahaha

      We added the trainer fights in the last...3 hours? There definitely would have been more of them had we planned better...

  • g0ldent0y
    Lv. 5

    I would love to rate the game properly. But the game slows down dramatically once i enter a battle...which makes it unplayable. Can you fix that bug somehow within the rules?