Please note - the game does not end when you reach the top of the tower for the first time - you can right-click to climb back down and explore the environment. The game is not about randomly clicking to get to the top! It is a maze that you have to navigate with branching paths and hidden places and content to find 😊
Left click - Move forward
Right click - Go back
Put on some headphones, run the Windows version, and go fullscreen for the best experience
- Patron
Yooo this is good! Took me a while to find the last guy. It's really cool how this limited way of interacting and moving through the space still lets you map the tower in your head. You definitely took some interesting points of view.
SubmittedOf Course There's a Tower
- Patron
Very creepy game! I love the atmosphere and the style so much. Looking at the thumbnail and banner, I thought "wow, this kind of 3D in GameMaker is crazy!", but then I saw you were doing prerendered backgrounds, and old-school adventure game style click-to-move. Very clever!
Found all 5 dudes :D
SubmittedJack Gets High
- Patron
Aah, I gave up, didn't find them all, or I calculated wrong. What should happen if I found all? The game was athmosperic indeed. I am bit tired now, so sorry about short feedback. Others have said what I would said already ^^" It was stylish, did stand out from rest of the jam games, there were only few others, which did stand out from usual graphical side of gamejams.
SubmittedTrolls Bedtime
- Patron
It took me ages to find the last guy, he was hiding sneakily somewhere (I won't say anymore since I don't want people to get spoilers!). It reminded me a bit of slenderman - the atmosphere and the silhouettes. Although we were trying to find them instead of them trying to find us! Really cool concept - the only thing I'd say is some transition linking between the points would be nice, as it was sometimes hard to really understand where you'd moved too and the new perspective. Other than that though ... great job! Loved the atmosphere (and also the use of the poem, that was a nice touch).
SubmittedRupert the Robot
- Patron
In over 16 years this is the first time I've ever seen movement like this in a GameMaker game to my recollection, and that was a beautiful surprise. Although a downside was that, unlike Myst, there were no transitions between points, so I didn't feel like I had a lot of bearing on where I was in relation to the rest of the tower. Given the time constraints though, that's understandable - would love to see this as either a fully 3D game, or even just with the points being panoramas you could look around at.
Incredibly unique idea though, so definitely worth being commended for!
SubmittedSympathy for the Level
- Lv. 21
I only found 1 person and I feel like I looked for them, very well hidden! But I'm playing at night in the dark and the atmosphere created in the game is starting to creep me out, so good job on nailing that feeling!
SubmittedZip Zoom
- Lv. 14
Hi Joe - thank you! I enjoyed creating the atmosphere through the graphics and sound and gameplay. I was inspired by the atmosphere and environment in games like Myst and NaissanceE.
- Patron
The atmosphere is bonkers. Love the ambient sounds, the way it looks, the little shimmering lights.
I feel like the gameplay is this game's weak point, though. It's often unclear where I'm looking and I just ended up clicking on random circles until I was on top of the tower.
SubmittedAbove The Clouds
- Lv. 14
Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!
I don't know if this applies to you because I don't know how far you got (disregard it otherwise), but this game is not finished when you reach the top of the tower for the first time - you can right-click to climb back down and explore the environment. The game is not about randomly clicking to get to the top! It is a maze that you have to navigate with branching paths and hidden places and content to find 😊Did you find all the hidden people? Did you find all the snippets of the poem? Did you find the meaning of the term Antigonish? If not, I'd recommend jumping back in and trying to engage with the game more deeply than clicking on random circles.
- Lv. 8
Good art but gameplay is bad i think. I went randomly ways.
SubmittedJump Again
- Lv. 14
Thanks for playing and your frank feedback - my entry is light on gameplay as I wanted to focus on creating an atmosphere and a feeling - It's easy to get lost by clicking on random waypoints and you can miss large parts of the level unless you move methodically - did you find all five people hidden in the level?
- Lv. 17
The atmosphere is just awesome! I was somehow really creeped out by this game. After my first playthrough and the poem at the end, I actually started it up again and was scared of seeing faces or people in the architecture or something...
I really liked it!
- Lv. 14
Thanks for playing - glad you enjoyed it! Did you find all 5 people in the architecture?