Join Fil 👨💼 as he makes his way to the top of the PG&S Investments Co.'s building - in his quest to become CEO, he will have to climb the corporate ladder by defeating all who stand in his way 💰💰💰
Z - Jump
X - Dash
C - Shoot
Arrow Keys - Move

Kinsley - Programming, Characters, Animations, Music & SFX
zcatv - Background, Characters, UI

Lv. 19
Loved the art and character designs. Couldn't get past the second boss but it was fun and not frustrating really, just not the type of game that I can get good at! Enemy attacks were all telegraphed and animated near-perfectly. Nothing really to complain about, very solid entry!
SubmittedJack Gets High
Lv. 37
Oh man this game is so polished and so fun to play, the difficulty curve is all over the place though, the first boss is a very rough introduction to the game, the second boss is a good increase, but then the third boss drops the difficulty all the way down again only to bring you to what can only be described as the hardest final boss in the history of videogames ever, 50 hp, how is anyone supposed to get good rng and dodgeable patterns for the duration of 50 hecking hp.
SubmittedCig Tower
I found this pretty hard (but fun) - but then again this isn't the sort of game I normally play so, maybe I'm just bad :D It felt like a good balance between difficulty and learning speed - I was able to learn the mechanics of the bosses after a few tries and then defeat them. My main issue was the controls, I found myself hitting space to jump a lot which caused me to die a few times - so being able to rebind the keys would have been nice!
Really liked the art, very good job on that!
SubmittedRupert the Robot
Interesting to see a boss rush game, that doesn't happen very often! Game was pretty hard, but was enjoyable trying to learn the bosses' attack pattrens and timings. In the end though, I just couldn't beat vice president :(
Maybe I'll come back later and try some more
SubmittedJack Gets High
Lv. 1
Frustratingly fun actually. Simple controls, easily playable from my laptop. I like the character design and battles. Similarity to dark souls combat in the sense of learning from constant failure in order to beat the boss, which i liked- although i could just be really bad. I agree that the controls are a bit stiff and take a bit of time to get used to, but not a game breaker. Would be cool to add same pre and post scenes so i can revel in my opponent's defeat (who doesn't love a bit banter before a fight).
The grapichs were nice and the idea of climbing corporate ladder was fun. This could have been fun to play, but the controlling the character felt sluggish :c There was too much waiting time for dash at the end of it to be useful, maybe there should have not been at all. Also in many games you are invulnarable during dash, so maybe that could have been here, if dash is slow. This kind of games need good controls and reactive character, now it felt too stiff, which frustrates, as you know what to do and you try, but your character does not just keep up. But yeah, these could be fixed with tweaking the code, which is time consuming and which is precious during the jams. You have to prioritize usage of time, in this case you could have tried to make player feel good.
But it was good entry for the jam :)
SubmittedTrolls Bedtime
Please don't use X/Y controls for some actions if there are no other options. Some keyboards (like my German one) have Z and X in different places, so it's really fiddly and hard to play games like this one.
Either add other alternative buttons for those important controls or let me customize the controls, thanks! <3
SubmittedAbove The Clouds
Lv. 17
This has some great production values for a jam game! The boss designs are really cool.
I found the controls (especially the dash) a bit stiff, though, and this made the (final?) boss really difficult, because trying to dash without running into the boss didn't seem possible in midair.
SubmittedCrumbling Castello
I really love the art and character design, the sound was great too. However, there's a gamebreaking bug (at least when its run on my computer) It seems to happen when I die or when the boss turns into a porkchop: Here's pictures of the error message
I'm a bit sad because I feel the game has lots of potential. From what I was able to see though, it was all great!