Play as necrobooster! Use your boost to suck out of the souls of enemies, if you hit an enemy with a boost you can use it again without landing, chaining them together to fly around.
Boost on a dead knight to resurrect them, sending them into holy barriers and making them move forward like zombies.
NecroBooster takes a lot of energy to keep going, just stand around and his energy will tick away.
WASD to move, Space to jump, Mouse left to boost, R to restart, Hold esc to quit.
Music and sound effects by OctoFusion
Art and coding by QuibbleCoatl.
Fonts used: m5x7 by Daniel Linssen, Manaspace by codeman38

I recommend playing in full screen to stop the cursor leaving the window. Edit: I messed up with this, the code to keep the cursor inside in fullscreen has some boundary issues, so keep that in mind.
If things seem a little nonsensical, well the story pretty much got cut due to time. The knight's damsel at the end of each stage is a jokey excuse to reset the timer, as you steal their energy.
Lv. 67
Satisfying! A bit stale after a while. I lik the chain reactions.
SubmittedPlease, Move To The Circle
Lv. 11
Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback, and yeah, it does need a bit more variety near the end.
Good gameplay and mechanics, only complaint was jump, inconsistent: sometimes you could jump over the block and sometimes couldn't. Frustrating when I was trying to get past one level and that took some previous time. A bit higher jump would have been better. Game was well made. But why is death trying to get the princess? (:
SubmittedTour on the Underworld
Lv. 11
Thank you for the feedback, I noticed the jump issue myself much later. I never had it happen to me when testing, probably because I was boosting all the time. Thanks for playing!
Man, that felt good to play! Art and sound were very good too.
The level design was getting a little stale by the end, but my only real complaint is with the mouse in fullscreen. For some reason I couldn't get to aim toward the edges (the mouse was hitting a "wall"), which was a problem in the last 3 levels. I don't know if you restricted it, or if it's because my fullscreen resolution is higher than 1080p, but that was weird.
Lv. 11
Thank you for the feedback! About the mouse issues, I made a big mistake with restricting it in fullscreen to avoid the game closing when I clicked in my second monitor. It never effected me negatively when testing so I thought it would be fine to keep in but Ivar, who also left feedback, had issue with it too. So it's something I would remove if I could, sorry about it causing issues for you.
Completely agree the game could use just a few more puzzle types/another enemy near the end.
Thanks for playing!
Lv. 13
Nice graphics, cool game! I included it in my GM48: Countdown compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/sIqVaQkuHIo
Lv. 11
Awesome, thanks for the heads up on the video and thanks for the feedback! I always enjoy watching your gm48 videos.
Lv. 6
HOLY COW that was a hard game!!!! lol.. Very immersive!!!! Fantastic job on the theme. I especially liked the fact that you had spheres that would give you more time. You were able to get so much done in such a small amount of time. Nice job
Lv. 11
Thanks for the feedback!
Glad you found the difficulty level enjoyable even if it was hard for you! The energy spheres were added in after everyone I had testing the levels in the early stages of creating the game couldn't really get anywhere. Balancing in a game jam is very difficult, when you play the levels you designed over and over and know the mechanics in and out you can't really tell how hard anything is anymore.
I was going to add a very hard mode before time got short and it sort of slipped my mind with much fewer spheres haha.
Again, thank you for the great feedback.
Lv. 18
This is such a fantastic game! The controls are smooth, the gameplay is fast and fun, the art and audio amazing. Everything works well with one another. You should definately turn this into a full game.
SubmittedA Week in Haybrook Town
Lv. 11
Thank you very much for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I definitely have an idea for a larger project using some of the elements of this game that I'd like to try my hand at!
Lv. 36
This is high quality. Why don't you guys make this kind of game every other day? It has great art and music and is challenging in just the right way. I would enjoy it if I wasn't so jealous.
But why can't I move the mouse too close to the edges of the screen? I really thought it was because of my lack of skill when I tried to boost forward at the top of the screen but was forced to dash downwards and die (at the end of the level that introduces bats). Is this because of my screen size or something?
SubmittedDeadline Disaster
Lv. 11
Hey, thank you for the great feedback. I will certainly be making projects more often in the future and your comment was very encouraging so thank you.
About the mouse issues, it surprised me that it effected you like that but it is my bad. I had some code in to safeguard the mouse moving out of the screen while in fullscreen to avoid issues with my dual monitor. I wasn't knowledgeable enough in the area to have a better fix. In all my playthroughs it never seemed to negatively effect the game so I thought it would be okay but I'm sorry it caused issues for you. I should have gotten rid of it before submitting most likely.
I'm a bit curious as to how it was making you fly down from the top but I'm not sure what else could cause it. Sorry about that and thanks again
Lv. 4
Not sure how it fits in the theme.
Looks cool and as fun to play though! With the screenshake and all the parallax going on a higher frame rate might make it easier on the eyes.
Lv. 11
Thank you for your feedback, as far as frame rate goes, I had it set to 60, I'm not sure if setting it higher would be a good idea for a jam as most people don't have 120 frame monitors so I decided to target 60 for better performance. Ideally I'd have it work at any frame rate with delta time or at the very least 30/60/120, but I'm not very experienced in that area right now so didn't want to spend time on it in the 48 hours, sorry if it bothered you.
Thanks again for the feedback.
Lv. 3
The art and gameplay feedback is amazing!
I didn't really understand how it fit with the theme, though. I think this idea would've better been saved for a "One Tool, Many Uses" jam!
SubmittedSuper Speedo Simulator 2018
Lv. 11
Thank you for the feedback! So yeah, limited time really got to me when working on the countdown theme side of things. I had more planned mechanics originally, such as transferring time to resurrected different types of enemies to give them their own countdowns and juggling the time around, wanted to tie it all into a small story explaining the counter but I overestimated what I could get finished. so it's a bit bare on that front as it is with a simple countdown and using your boost to influence it.
Thanks again for the comment!
Lv. 7
My only complaint about this game is that sometimes the colliders between player and enemy didn't meet when it felt like they should have, although that was likely just my inexperience.
All in all, a very solid and very interesting project, I had a great time playing it and enjoyed the overall aesthetic a ton
Lv. 11
Hey, thanks for the feedback. With collisions, I think one issue is boosting away from an enemy when you land near in front of them, it just feels like it should work a bit closer I think. But yeah I could improve upon the collisions for sure.
I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for playing.
Lv. 14
Wow yeah that was great - controls were a bit janky but I love flying through folks and stealing their soulstuff and zooming around :D Felt very Celeste at times - particularly when the bats got involved.
The puzzle platformer elements of the bringing back the knights so they could smite the doors was interesting and impressive and very necromanticly on-theme, but it felt a little at odds with the countdown mechanic - so frequently I would just pop into a pile of bones while I was waiting to SLOWLY walk around heading off to sacrifice themselves (Hilarious and brilliant idea BTW).
Maybe lets not have women be the prize for winning a level in a game 2018? I know it's a game jam and time is tight - but some mystical glowing eyeball evil gem (or something) as a reward for being an evil necromancer might be a little less problematic :)
Really impressed with the visuals - loved the pixel art and parallax and the colour scheme and character animations!
SubmittedTerra Ultima - THE EARTH'S FINAL MOMENTS
Lv. 11
Hey, thanks a bunch for the feedback. Losing while waiting for a door is an issue I've become aware of, ideally I would have had secondary objectives to collect in level while you wait so there is no standing around or had alternate paths not leading to an end, to collect more souls while waiting!
About the woman at the end of the level, it was kind of a last minute decision to included them, as with the original story I had in mind cut I wanted a way to end the level and have an excuse for the timer to go back up. So I ended but going with the cliche of knights protecting them while you steal the souls, but I can see your issue. In retrospect I should could have had a 2-3 characters that knights would protect changing each level, from princes to kings and nobles etc. Could've even had level ends that move where a cowardly king would run away literally throwing his knights at you ha.
Thanks for getting to the end and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Lv. 4
Your game is AWESOME. It's funny, the controls are well done. The principle is original and the graphics and the sounds are GREAT. This game is just hard enough. There are plenty of game design mechanics that are coming gradually. This game is wonderful.
SubmittedRun !
Lv. 11
Thank you very much for the feedback, made me happy, really glad you enjoyed it and thanks for playing!