Controls are shown in game.

Credits: Fonts: Leelawadee UI, IBM Sans Plex Music: Podington Bear - Wonder Happens, Frogs in Tuxes, Worm War, New Skin (CC-BY-NC license)

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  • illdie
    Lv. 12

    I played through the first level and a bit of the second. I like the game from what I played from it, just as others have mentioned it runs very slowly on my computer at least. I enjoyed the level design a lot, and the introduction of the circular-pathing flying enemies felt like a good way to continue the mechanics. Good job!

  • SpritePainter
    Lv. 21

    This was pretty fun. I like how each island basically works as a self-contained challenge and you can try over and over to find a way to get through it. It feels a lot like Super Meat Boy in that sense. If there was more visual feedback and some nice juice could go a long way to make this a super fun experience.

  • Tydecon Games

    It's a nice, peaceful and simple enough concept with some fun puzzle elements - a good entry but maybe some quality-of-life improvements like a little arrow to indicate what switch I'd turned on might be a small improvement, either way though, this was short and sweet and overall a good entry :)

  • dreamcastgh0st
    Lv. 2

    Decently fun game! I like that all the enemies are bugs. Sometimes it can be a little confusing which switch leads to which bridge-- maybe having them match somehow (numbered, or color coded, or whatever) could help make it more clear where you need to go? The movement feels surprisingly smooth for this type of game too, nice work!

  • Ethan Wake
    Lv. 10

    The puzzles are solid and challenging, the graphics are well done and the choice of music is on point. My only gripe is that the dash could use a shorter cooldown; on several occasions I dashed past an enemy, flipped a switch, then tried to dash back to where I started but I couldn't, resulting in an untimely death. Not a big deal since the player respawns on the same island, but it would help the flow of gameplay a bit.

  • Argot Bertha
    Lv. 2

    I though this was a really interesting entry to play. I mean, oof, it's tough at points, but then I'm not a particularly patient or skilled gamer. However, I did persist, and that's crucial, because it's a testament to the design that there's a good risk-reward system in place. Each island is its own isolated challenge (one drove me up the wall until I started exploiting the ant AI more), but they have to all be tackled to unlock the multi-wire path to the exit, which I liked, and it's placed in a spot where you can view your progress from multiple vantage points from other islands, or travelling along certain wires. That is good for spurring the player on, I found.

    Considering the title, I did appreciate that dying restarts you instantly on the wire node you touched last, rather than the beginning of the level! I would really like to see it with a graphical makeover, because although what's there serves its purpose perfectly well, there is scope for a more elaborate style.

  • Om Rane
    Lv. 3

    I wasn't expecting 3 full levels! I liked the level design alot and introducing one enemy at a time. Some parts felt much more challenging than others within each level but I suppose thats just me.

    I liked the choice of music taken and personally I loved the final level the most even though it made little use of the power line mechanic.

  • Chris

    Really cool game. I loved how each island was like a self contained puzzle and how they connected. The checkpoints work great, fun game, lots of content. Nice job!

  • Happysquared
    Lv. 15

    There's a lot of content here for a jam game! Each level is huge and each one scales upwards nicely in difficulty. It gives a variety of gameplay too. I liked that for the last level, it feels more like a hectic run through a large island.

    Could have felt a little bit more hectic though. I'm not sure whether the player character really moves super slow or it is a performance issue on my computer. But I found after the first level, and the first teleport, the game suddenly started running pretty slow. And the player character in the first level is already pretty slow to begin with. Think you could spice it up with some movement that feels less floaty, quicker, and more satisfying. The dash didn't feel so dashy. More like a temporary invulnerable thing you could activate so enemies walk through you rather than the feeling of zoooming through them unharmed.

    I liked the save states you decided to place down. Much better than having to restart something allll the way from the beginning. I also liked that when you traversed into another island, the enemies reset. Think that was smart to stop soft locks from happening. I found the game possible to complete because of that.

    I think with some better movement, it would be more satisfying. I noticed each island was kind of feeling like its own mini level. Thought that was a neat feeling rather than having many small rooms to go across to. It being on the same map gave a sense of scale. And each island was kind of a little puzzle to figure out in order to hit the switch. The enemies movements were also aggressive and scary. Definitely reminded me of ants.

    Music was nice and pleasant. Think a little more sound effects could juice it right up.

    • NotLexa
      Lv. 1
      NotLexa Coder of Remember: there's no saves!

      3yrs ago

      I can answer your question about the slowness of the player - I was super dumb and had too little time to understand that built-in pathfinding function for every ant will eat too much memory! So sometimes it becomes superlaggy because I didn't bothered about the pathfinding. Sorry 'bout that. And thanks for reply!

  • 2102

    Pretty cool game! There's quite a bit here, but I wish the moment-to-moment gameplay was a little tighter and more responsive. I felt like the movement was really floaty and kinda slow, but it was a good idea. I don't get the whole ants and power line things, but it's pretty fun, nonetheless.

    • NotLexa
      Lv. 1
      NotLexa Coder of Remember: there's no saves!

      3yrs ago

      I can answer your question about the slowness of the player - I was super dumb and had too little time to understand that built-in pathfinding function for every ant will eat too much memory! So sometimes it becomes superlaggy because I didn't bothered about the pathfinding. Sorry 'bout that. And thanks for reply!

  • AlexInCube
    Lv. 3

    Why is this game 60 megabytes? Didn't you compress the music?