The main continent is shattered. You can see what it used to be like when you start piloting an Island.
Your objective is to recreate the continent by piecing together the broken islands back into the continent.
Finally you must park the continent back at where it belongs (or as much as you can at least :P)
Don't worry if its not perfect

WASD - Movement
Space - Start / Stop Piloting your Island
Shift - Snap Island to grid / to other islands
Left Click - Attack
Scroll (when piloting) - Zoom

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  • Reaktori
    Lv. 17

    Great concept, though most levels were quite easy. The theme is represented well!

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      I'm glad you liked it :) but, Yeah I ended up spending most of the time making the mechanics and little time on the levels themselves. Thank you for playing!

  • SpritePainter
    Lv. 21

    This is a really good entry! It felt really well put together, nice and solid. The mechanics were really intuitive. Some of the ways that islands would grab onto each other could be frustrating, but it would have probably been too easy otherwise. I would have loved to have been able to use the coins for something. That was probably the only thing that felt like something was missing. The art was fantastic, especially the pirate character.

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      Originally I had intended there to be some form of gameplay loop using upgrades you could purchase, but I ended up having to skip all of that :< I took a bite bigger than I could chew. I'm glad you enjoyed the main game however, thanks for playing!

  • _J_BALLA
    Lv. 3

    Super interesting game! I really like the balance of puzzle and fighting. Its nice how the camera zooms out when you pilot the island and zooms out further with the scroll wheel. Your art is cute, I like the pirate guy! Awesome Jam!!

  • dreamcastgh0st
    Lv. 2

    Neat game! It comes down to two major parts-- defeating birds, and constructing your island into the given shape. Both of these parts are good, but they feel... disconnected from each other. It makes it seem like the island part is the 'main' part, and the birds are just an obstacle along the way. This can get annoying, considering just how hard it is to even hit the birds. I don't think this is a gameplay issue, just a framing issue-- Maybe if you got a final score which was a combination of the two (i.e. number of coins multiplied by percent island completion) or if there was something for you to spend the coins on. Definitely a fun game, with some nice polish-- it could just use some overarching unifying strokes. Good job!

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      Interesting solution to the problem of the two systems not meshing together! For some darn reason it never occurred to me to make a final combined score >.<

      I think the bird AI could use some tweaking too, to make them easier to hit.. The game definitely needs muuuch more polish.

      Thanks for playing and giving feedback! I appreciate it a ton :)

  • Tydecon Games

    This is a very interesting take on the theme, I like the feel and the gameplay idea that you are trying to make kind of jig-saw but the darn gulls are getting in the way! The only problem I found was the pacing was quite slow, I think this game would benefit from being a little faster paced, especially when switching between sailing and fighting - I did also find it tricky when I was a little off kilter attaching one piece to another and it wouldn't let me detach them - overall though, a fun concept and cute artwork to match, good job! :)

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      The accidental island connecting is an issue even I faced during testing, but at the moment I just said screw it went on to work on other systems because of the ticking time :P

      I was thinking of making it so that only spacebar actually connects the islands, and shift can be use to just snap to the grid without actually attaching.

      Or perhaps what I can do is hold space to attach and tap space to just leave the island without connecting anything

      Anyhow, thanks for the feedback! And thanks for playing my game :)

  • CrashB1111
    Lv. 17

    Interesting game, the birds were a little difficult to deal with but apart from that, game felt solid!

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      Thank you for playing :)

      The birbs have been getting lots of mixed feedback and now i'm a bit lost on what to do about them ahaha, but for sure they could be made to behave in a way which is a better experience in general, for players.

  • Seltzy

    This is a really excellent game in concept, but I feel like the mechanics are underutilized. Assembling the islands was never really challenging to figure out and the combat is pretty basic. Switching between driving and fighting could have been quicker also. I tooks some hits because of it and it felt a little unfair.

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      I can definitely balance the game's mechanics much better over all. I've thought of changing some controls up so that pressing shift just aligns you but doesn't connect any islands up. Also making the entire process / animation faster

      I also considered adding a new enemy and some loot / pickups to the islands themselves so that the player has to actually take breaks between each island and plan out a route from island to island.

      Thanks for taking the time to play my game! :-)

  • Happysquared
    Lv. 15

    I realllllyyy enjoyed the concept of this game!! I love having to switch between fending off seagulls and maneuvering the island. I think the idea is really cool :D The graphics are also high quality and quite nice to look at. Just love this mix of puzzle and action. And I appreciated the easy level selector as well.

    Think my main feedback would be on the controls + audio side. The clicking island sound when you get out of the drive mode and the docking sound is a little bit harsh. Think that took me out of the chill vibe I was feeling. Control wise, it would be nice to have to confirm when you do want islands to stick together. Though I guess that could be part of the puzzle too and you should be careful when connecting them.

    Combat could be smoother but it's hard when there's such a limited time to make the game anyway. Felt the range was a little bit short and it wasn't super "punchy".

    I'd prefer it if it was a little faster switching between driving and walking mode too. Maybe because the seagulls were pretty aggressive but I think a lot of that feel stuff can be kinda personal and you'd just need to playtest to see really...

    It's a really cool mix of puzzle and action. The zoom also makes me feel like I need to explore to find where the different pieces are too which adds to the pirate theme as well. Lots of really nice concepts working together. You could have easily shown the whole map but the zoom is more immersive and makes the combat more interesting as well.

    Wonderful job, I love the concept of this game I think it fits in really well with the theme too! I love it!

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      If i get around to making a post jam update, I will definitely make improvements to the sound and how the combat is handled in the game. There is so much room for improvement I feel. Thanks for your feedback!

      I'm happy you liked the concept!

  • Ethan Wake
    Lv. 10

    I love the moving island physics, and assembling each island into the correct shape is a nice memory challenge. The grid snap works remarkably well.

    The sword's small attack radius makes it pretty difficult to attack birds, and somewhat disrupts the overall relaxing, casual feel. That said, the birds themselves work great, and I was very impressed by their AI. If you make a post-jam update, maybe the birds coule be replaced by sharks you can kill by plowing into them using the island itself? Just an idea.

    Overall a really solid entry. I enoyed it!

  • NotLexa
    Lv. 1

    So, uhhh... What can I say? Fighting is not interesting, because birds always are circling in the distance and its very hard to catch them. Concept of connecting islands is good. But because of the need to fight these birds, it becomes more boring.

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      Appreciate the feedback! The combat was very haphazardly thrown together no denying that. Definitely could've been better. Thanks for playing!

  • Panda-K
    Lv. 17

    Really cute concept but joining the islands is a bit finicky and its easy to accidentally end the level.

    The seagull fighting was a bit meh; I think going further into doing stuff on the island (maybe more enemy types or something to collect) or getting rid of the character movement part altogether would work better (either would be good, though).

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      I had initially planned for there to be more stuff on the islands themselves, but you know jams. Time fell short and I had to end up abandoning some other stuff :P

      I agree the seagulls fighting can be made much more impactful and meaningful if developed further though.

      Thanks for taking the time to play my game :)

  • scottgoldsmith
    Lv. 10

    Really cool concept. Loved joining the islands, super cool mechanic.

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    First of, really love the concept!

    It really works well with the theme and makes the islands meaningful; not only that but you also have mini islands you can make a super island with! The fact that you gotta navigate it and reassemble it like a puzzle game while keeping an action-like setting is really, really cool!

    About the sounds, I wish the sound effects weren't so loud compared to the music, which makes it more difficult to hear it cause you can't increase your volume much. I'd classify these sound effects as a bit aggressive, so I think it would be a good idea to tone them down, at least in volume (when you match island parts)

    On another note, I was a bit confused at first because space snaps the island too, but I was just supposed to use shift to assemble the island (made me "validate" an island without wanting it) though it was okay once i figured it out. There was a bug though, where the island bits weren't "sticking" properly despite using shift. Like they wouldn't stay fused after using shift. Ultimately I fixed it by pressing space instead (and i guess that's why I thought you had to use it to stick the island together)

    I also am not sure why the birds give you money but I just assume it had a purpose you couldn't add yet. Speaking of which, attacking the birds feels a bit weird because the sword thrust feels a bit... weak? like it doesn't extend the whole way (it doesn't seem to use its actual range), so the result makes it look like small attempts to attack with the sword. Nitpick though!

    The birds AI is fantastic, the way the flock around and avoid you makes an interesting challenge when you try to attack them and you feel like they're birds attacking while evading you! I didn't know they could attack you first and wondered why I had an health bar.... until suddenly they started ganging up on me when I moved the island!

    I wish there was some way to get back health though! But the inclusion of birds while you navigate the island is a superb choice. The game has a nice flavour and the way you control the island is pretty cool!

    Easily one of my favourites! (I mean, I didn't play many yet, it's the second one, but still!)

    • Om Rane
      Lv. 3
      Om Rane Designer of Captain Island

      3yrs ago

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an in depth feedback!

      Sound Design is something I definitely need to take several courses on or at least practice thoroughly, I should be the first to admit I am suuuper bad at it.

      I ran into several problems and bugs while writing the code >.< I spent way too much time during the development to even get the main mechanic working and it is so janky on the back end I will probably end up doing a re write if I get around to a release.

      Balancing is also another area I keep facing issues in whenever I make something. I definitely need to improve in that regard as well.

      Anywho, thank you so much for playing. (second game or not those last words make me very happy haha)

  • 2102

    I liked killing the birds. Birds have been my worst enemy since zombies, so good job. Very well made.

  • Chris

    Cool concept and fun to cruise my island around