You're ready to be a pirate! You have the spirit, you have the guts, you even have the smell. But there's just one problem. You don't know how to be a pirate. Maybe you can learn a thing or two from the seasoned veterans in this tavern?

This game is played in its entirety with just the mouse pointer, though you can also press Esc on your keyboard to quit out of the game.
Click on people to talk to them, or drag items from your inventory onto people to unlock additional dialogue.
Hovering your mouse on the sides of the screen will show arrows that let you move around the room. Hovering your mouse near the top of the screen will show your inventory. Click the ship's wheel at the top right to open the settings menu.
Mimpy programmed, SpritePainter did the artwork, and Partymongrel created the music!
Lv. 25
Whoa a lot of nice polishing with all the different dialogue options! What a fun little game, was hoping there was more after the puzzle!
The art music and writing was very good, but I must say the gamedesign wasn't super clear to me sometimes and I mostly just tried everything on everyone all the time. I only remember the "dont hurt me" being a real clear hint but idk, maybe I just missed all other clues haha.
Super fun! Super nice job!
Lv. 2
Before I say literally anything else, I want you to know that I was mesmerized by the Fish-With-Legs on the tavern wall for at least 2 minutes (also, fab team name you've got there). More than anything I also appreciate that one of the critical pieces to becoming a full-blown pirate is to have a deadly cat by your side. Nature is most fearsome indeed.
Fun and charming game to play through! Considering this kind of game in the context of a GameJam mostly has to sell its charm through dialogue, I thought it did a good job; especially the crafty trick of bringing a card in advance to win the cardfight (like a quickdraw, almost).
SubmittedBarracuda Bash
Lv. 5
Thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it! Super happy you enjoyed it. My favourite interaction was the card as well
Lv. 2
Aww, really cute! Really solid all around, it's exactly what it is trying to be without any real issues. I will admit, I got excited with the cards, since I thought there was gonna be a card game minigame, but otherwise, no complaints. I liked that you had to go around the same few people and interact with them repeatedly-- made it feel more coherent than a bunch of people you each talk to once (which I feel like is what most people would do). Nice work!
Lv. 5
Lv. 12
Cute, I really enjoyed that! It feels like a small complete game. The character designs and animations were a nice touch, like how the Coward had an empty flagon, implying you should give him grog. The UI was intuitive and easy to use. No complaints, this was a fun experience!
SubmittedMonster Kitchen Island
Lv. 17
Nice little game. Was enjoyable to see how the different people responded to the different items. Music fit the game well also!
SubmittedNow Boarding
Like a modern monkey island, I like this one, the cutesy unique art style and the point-and-click kind of adventure, combined with the music and gameplay, it all works really well together. I really like how each object has different interactions with different people and the "aaaah of course" moment that hits you when you figure something out, nice one! :)
SubmittedSecond to Nun
Lv. 21
Thank you so much for playing. I'm really glad people are enjoying the experience we were able to create. It was a gamble going for this kind of game, and hearing people say that they were able to have those ah-ha moments is really great. Credit has to go to Mimpy for making that work.
Lv. 10
A great little point-and-click game with tons of character. The cartoony artstyle and piratey music create a fun, lighthearted atmosphere. The transition around the tavern is very smoothly done.
I love all the alternate dialogue each pirate gives, though some pirates could maybe give a bit more backstory. For example, after obtaining the first three items I got stuck, and couldn't figure out how to proceed... so I just started flinging everything at everyone until something happened. There had been no indication in earlier dialogue that giving the (spoiler) to (spoiler) would accomplish anything, so I never would have guessed it without brute force.
Aside from that minor nitpick, it's a very fun, silly adventure with a lot of heart!
Lv. 21
Thanks for playing! It really would have been great to have more content and optional ways to interact with the characters and world. I'm not sure how much more we could have squeezed out in time without expanding the team. We do improve (I think) each jam, though. So, we'll see what we can get done the next time around.
Yarr! Thanks for lettin' me edit ye ole json files, me laddies! This was fun wee game ye made!
SubmittedAn Island of Light
Lv. 7
This one caught me by surprise, I like the point and click style of the game, and the pirate theme is awesome, all the characters look really good and it was really immersive, I ended up having fun just chatting to the pirtates rather than trying to solve all the item puzzles immediatly. Great entry!
SubmittedTortuga: Journey To Isla
Lv. 21
Thank you for playing our game! This was a real challenge to get together and I'm glad it worked for you.
Lv. 15
Hey there! What a really quirky and fun game.
Visuals and Music The music was very fitting. Felt very piratey which was perfect. Art is super cool too. It had a lot of personality. The way the characters move was just super FUN. The whole thing looked very cool.
Also fish with legs mounted on the wall. I can get behind that!
The UI had a lot of flavour to it as well. It really elevated the immersion of the game. I felt the dialogue options when they pop up was just really fun. Whole game was rocking like a ship at sea.
The item system was also very intuitive and gave a lot of good feedback which made it very satisfying to use. Placing the item on the yellow card to see it drawn on it was a very nice visual idea!
Controls You did a good job with keeping the controls simple and just to the mouse. Made the game easy to play. Good decision not to over complicate things when you could have easily made it so the room navigated with arrow keys or something else like that.
Gameplay As mentioned in the control portion, the gameplay was very accessible. I loved you had a "hint" portion. I'm not sure if I just missed the tutorial and just misread it... so sorry if I did but having it easily found again made the gameplay experience very smooth for it. Didn't realise I could drag an item onto a character. Again, totally my fault so I'm glad you had something for the dunderheads like me. Maybe there could have been more feedback on the dragging. I liked the character jumping up but if there was more highlighting when moving the item maybe it could work out well too. But then again, I could have just paid better attention.
I really loved how much variety in dialogue you had. It was cool to see the different reactions to different items even when you gave the "wrong" choice. Not that there felt to be wrong choices. I didn't feel the need to "SOLVE THE PUZZLE NOW". I took my time and just had a nice time exploring to see what peopel said to certain things. Guess like a pirate's life it's more about the journey and experience rather than needing to SOLVE IT.
There was a slight puzzle I was not able to get by thinking about it and stumbled upon it by brute forcing different items to different people. Getting the guy to give you the playing card. Found it just by trying a bunch of stuff. In contrast to that, I gave the coward grog because I noticed he was holding a glass. When he reacted positively, I definitely felt rewarded by the game. So the other interaction could have felt more rewarding to get right.
Again, I had a lot of fun experimenting with different options.
"You're sickening" - burying the cat
"is grog all you can think about"
The exploratory aspect of it was my favourite part. And loved just trying to put the cat in as an option all the time. I think the exploratory part could be enhanced more by making it not feel as punishing to the player when they purposely try put in silly options.
For example, in the final puzzle, I wanted to see what putting in the cat for all options would give. However, whenever I hit a "blocked" path, I would need to read the whole conversation again. Maybe a way to say "never mind" in order to reset the convo if you need it so the player can answer the same question with multiple options to see what they are.
Anyway, super nice game. Very immersive and a lot of fun!
SubmittedMonster Kitchen Island
Lv. 26
Thank you so much for all the detail in your feedback!
The tutorial dialogue was added almost as an afterthought added in the last couple hours of the jam, because I was afraid that the interface wouldn't be super intuitive. I'm glad that adding it paid off!
For the puzzle to get the card, I think I could have added some more hints to the dialogue that he was interested in maps and treasure. Maybe some of the item interactions that lead nowhere could have been edited to point the player in the right direction, there.
I'm also super glad that you enjoyed exploring wrong answers and stuff, too. Adding a "want to try again?" option after getting a question wrong on the quiz would have been a good way to let people experiment with different incorrect choices, I like that idea.
Lv. 21
Thank you so much for the detailed and thorough feedback. All credit for the dialogue and puzzle elements have to go to Mimpy. He did a really great job!
I really love your idea to have different endings depending on what you use to answer the captain's questions (like all cats). We wanted to put so much more into the game, but had to cut a lot for time. I would love to do something like this again though, so maybe we can do more in the future.
Lv. 43
I played your game on stream, heres the link
aye, it be a fun romp with me mateys watching me flop around like a fish on deck.
SubmittedRuin Rise
Lv. 21
Thanks for playing. Having video is super helpful! And yes, I should have drawn a cutlass. I didn't even think of it until you said something, lol. I blame the crunch.
Lv. 16
Really fantastic animation and solid art combined with the best pirate tune I've heard in this jam thus far, and juuuust enough story/gameplay to feel good, though certainly a bit on the short side. Characters are likeable and well portrayed. Also, bonus points for the funky memefish mount on the wall.
SubmittedColony Chaos
Lv. 26
Thanks! I always tend to make games a bit on the shorter side since I'm always wary that people don't devote too much attention to jam games (plus it makes it easier to run through the whole game to test that it works) but I guess it could have been a bit longer. Glad that you enjoyed some of the fine art like the fish mount, haha!
Lv. 21
Yes, the music was great! We were really lucky to be able to bring Kyle on for the project. I'm always blown away by the talent of the musicians in the community.
Lv. 3
This was a fun game. The artstyle feels unique and I love the little sway that all the characters do from side to side. I loved the flow of the UI, and traversing around the map as well.
Only critique I had was regarding the puzzles themselves. I felt that a lot of the times I was just dragging everything onto everyone and seeing what can happen - There could've been some clues within the dialogues itself to help the player solve the puzzles in a more satisfying way
That being said.. can't even begin to imagine the effort put behind that dialogue system it seems so complicated! It is mindblowing to me to see it done within the 48 hours!
SubmittedCaptain Island
Lv. 26
It is true that finding the right interactions is a bit haphazard. There are a few dialogue sequences that give hints to the correct path, but I added those hints early on, and in the later stage of development I was rushing to fill in every missing dialogue sequence, so a large portion of those latter ones don't really connect in a hinty way.
I think it's also a bit hard to make the right interactions super clear anyways. I know that in a game like Ace Attorney I sometimes get lost and advance just by presenting everything to everyone, haha. And I take comfort knowing that brute force eventually wins out, at least. But you're right. It's something to keep in mind design-wise.
Lv. 21
Thanks! I've been working on this art style for a while and I'm glad people like it. Hopefully it helps show another way that GMS can be used and the potential with skeleton based animations.
Mimpy did a really great job on the gameplay, and working with him is always really easy from my end. It really frees me up to just worry about the art.
Lv. 7
The game is great and the characters are fun. However, I think the bar looks a little empty at times. Having little background objects you could interact with that have no real impact on the story could have been nice, and would have helped fill out the scenes.
SubmittedWitch Wanda: Protect the Island
Lv. 21
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the characters. I really wanted them to have that feeling of silly/fun. Unfortunately, the environment had to get pushed to the back of the priorities. There were a lot of details that I wanted to add. I had a whole plan for a bar and tables, with bottles and food. I wanted to have one of the pirates passed out under a table. It was really ambitious though, and just getting the style nailed down for the room took about a day. It's great that you could see the potential though.
This game is pretty good. I liked how each character had their own quirks. I also liked the final quiz. Nice job! This could become a nice story game if the game continued on past the ships sailing off.
Lv. 21
Yeah, from the start we wanted to just focus on a single location to try and keep the scope under control. Even then, we had to cut ideas and content to the bare minimum. I wanted to do a lot more characters and have you actually go to another island at the end. Mimpy did a really good job of keeping us within scope.
Nice little adventure game. Art is great and the game is simple, but satisfying.
SubmittedDis Island: Takeover
Lv. 21
Thanks! It's great to see people enjoy our game. We've overcomplicated our games in the past, so we really wanted to focus on creating a simple, character focused experience this time.
Fun game, great art and really high level of polish.
SubmittedText Adventure Island
Lv. 21
Thank you! This jam really came down to the wire as we were throwing in content literally minutes before the deadline. I'm really glad that it feels polished.