This is a puzzle game where you can use a time rift to manipulate the speed of entities passing through it.

You need to click and drag your mouse up or down to speed up or slow down objects in a small radius around the original click location.

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  • Jordan Will
    Lv. 1

    This game is good if you want to have a little challenge

  • Baconlovar
    Lv. 3

    very sweet concept for a game - interesting puzzles and I agree level 6 was hard lol

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    Level 6 was pretty hard, but I eventually beat all of the levels! I like the concept, feels like it's a depiction of how people's paths cross in life :D

    one rpg

    one rpg

  • pressgoal
    Lv. 8

    This is a really cool idea, and the fact that you have a level editor is very impressive. A bit more direction on what to do would have been helpful, but I figured it out in the end. I would really like to see this game expanded to slightly more complex puzzles. Good job!

    Trick Shot

    Trick Shot

  • Tydecon Games

    This is a really sweet concept - I think it got a little confusing when I was and wasn't slowing down time correctly, which made it difficult, but the foundation for a really fun, simple, minimalistic puzzle is here - a little refinement on the controls and you've got it - good job!

  • Pavel Drotár
    Lv. 2

    OK, there really needs to be some visualization of whether my pulling the mouse up/down is actually doing anything. Am I supposed to keep moving the mouse, or is it more of a "Move the mouse down a bit and keep it there / Up a bit and keep it there"? Are there different speed changes based on how much I pull, or does it not matter at all? What is the maximum amount by which I can slow/speed up? How do I know when I am at maximum?

    • Ellaris
      Lv. 3
      Ellaris Coder of Just One Chance

      9mos ago

      There are two indicators, the color of the ring changes and the speed of the music changes (if it was different before).

      I wanted to keep it simple so there are only 3 states, sped up, normal, slowed down. The person inside the rift will have their "animation" altered, the speed difference isn't very high, I wanted a limited set of tools to focus the difficulty to the decision of when to use them.

      The idea of a variable speed change depending on the mouse distance is interesting.

  • 2102

    Very interesting concept. Having a restart button would've been nice. Really cool mechanic that I wish was pushed further to more puzzle varieties.

    • Ellaris
      Lv. 3
      Ellaris Coder of Just One Chance

      9mos ago

      The restart button would be a good idea, unfortunately I set up my map loading in a flawed way and I didn't know on which map the player was on, then I didn't have enough time / inspiration / it wasn't my priority.

      I wouldn't say I usually dabble in puzzles, and I left the level design until the very end, so definitively some regrets there. It would be nice to hear if you have any ideas about the puzzle variety.

  • Joe
    Lv. 3

    Cool concept. Managed to get through levels 1-5 but the last two foiled me. Like the use of one colour and the flow of the music. Nice job.

  • Victor Ramos
    Lv. 2

    I've been playing for some minutes now.

    is this what is considered generative music ? I think it is.

    I've been only able to complete the 1st level (which is basically impossible not to do), however I'm having a hard time with the other ones as I don't get the mechanic with the clock, I get you can speed up x3 the whole thing but I haven't been able to beat the 2nd and 3rd levels which seems the easier ones.

    Difficult (or my lack of understanding) aside, the fact that the music speed up with the game speed and the music itself it feels truly immersive that's what hooked me into the game.

    As per the theme is there with the 1 chance to beat the level.

    Edit**: Got it I was able to beat all but 6 and 7 now, thanks ! Seems is not generative music but the fact music speed up feels right when the game speed up.

    I liked the music because is just some tones or I don't what's the minimum unit of music, feels right for short game.

    3G Hope

    3G Hope

    • Ellaris
      Lv. 3
      Ellaris Coder of Just One Chance

      9mos ago

      Thanks for playing.

      Maybe I misunderstood with the music, and I definitely don't have a lot of it (just the background track and no sfx), but the music does change (it's speed) both naturally and as a result of player action.

      It's probably my fault for not explaining it properly and cramming everything into that one info box. The speed up on the right top side of the screen is just to speed up the game so you can see the outcome faster, or get to an game over, kinda like a restart button. The actual mechanic is to click and drag your mouse around the people, when you drag up everything around it will speed up, and when you drag it down it will slow down.

      I feel weird being praised about the music, but I guess I'll take it.

      I also only used Just One color (red) you have Just One input (LMB) and there is Just One true love (you can see on later stages people pass through the ones who are already engaged)