image Go for it Trish-Bot, you can reach the exit! Well, that's if you plan in advance & think ahead because you've got just one shot!
You are the titular trish-bot - you must make it to the exit in the middle of this party - avoiding obstacles as you go! How do you do that? Well, you plan ahead, program your moves in and, when you're ready, get going! But be warned, fall short of the exit, fall off the edge or hit an obstacle and... bad luck Trish-Bot!

image <Arrows/WASD> to move, <SPACE> to jump and <ENTER> to go, go, go!
Make a mistake in your planning? No problem, <BACKSPACE> to undo.
<Arrows/WASD/Space/Enter/Backspace/Escape> to navigate the menu as normal

image image


  • Some people have pointed out that, in assist mode, sometimes the arrow commands show up incorrectly when first initiated, though this is corrected by restarting the level if it comes up!

image When the voting is over, go here for the post jam version: ❤️

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  • Joe
    Lv. 3

    Excellent! What a great game! The level of polish is fantastic, and I found myself playing for ages. I did find getting the timing right a little frustrating at times, but it also made it super rewarding when finally nailing it! Possibly, consider having it save the path so you can go again without having to re-enter it. Very fun and addictive.

  • Chris Martinez
    Lv. 1

    This game is absolutely fantastic! I haven't gotten too far yet, only level 12 but everything I've played so far has thoroughly impressed me! As many other people said the polish is fantastic! It incorperates the theme in a really dope way! Other people commented on the timing but I don't think I've gotten to that part just yet because the timing has felt super solid in the levels we played! I tried making a beat game and I struggled so much with getting the timing right! It's still not all the way there lol. I'm super impressed with the timing here! Definitely looking forward to playing more!

  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    This game has a good amount of polish! I enjoyed myself until the real-time mechanics showed up, but I didn't really enjoy having to time my movements as the levels up to that point hadn't really made me think about the timing of each move. That's probably a me thing and someone else might have enjoyed that mechanic a lot more. Still, I liked the polish and effort put into the game.

  • Gelidity
    Lv. 17

    Very impressive polish with the visuals and audio! The level design was mostly good too, but unfortunately a few bugs spoil it. I believe the enemy hitbox/detection is larger than it should be? You can't move safely into a space as they leave it or leave a space as they enter it, which makes level 24 impossible. On levels where there are cannons and flame traps, they don't quite sync up so it feels like once you time your movements to dodge one, you can't know where the other will be. Also, once you have a chain of inputs long enough to scroll off the screen, backspacing a jump command clears your entire input chain (but only visually), requiring you to die and restart the level. Just a few things for your known issues section 😋 I otherwise enjoyed it! Great entry!



    • Tydecon Games
      Tydecon Games Developer of One Shot Trish-Bot

      8mos ago

      Thanks so much for your feedback, I certainly will check out the bugs and issues you've mentioned here as I thought I'd reduced the hitbox but I probably didn't enough 😅 and I'll get the backspace issue sorted - I'm glad you enjoyed it all the same! 😊

  • Ellaris
    Lv. 3

    Very nice game, impressive polish and number of levels.

    I found that the beat helped me follow where the character would be, but as the levels grew bigger and I had to time other elements, I wanted to go faster, especially when retrying. It would be nice to be able to speed the process up.

    The assisted mode wasn't relly helpful, it showed where the character would be, which was easy to figure out, just annoying without the "assist". The hard part was to figure out where other things would be (or their state) at that time, soI think helping with that would be nice.

    I think the timing of some objects was not aligned, which made it anoying since you had to wait for them to get to the proper state.

    I noticed one bug, I think it was when I first accepted assist mode and input some moves but then pressed backspace and all moves from before stopped showing up, they still executed so not too big of a deal.

    • Tydecon Games
      Tydecon Games Developer of One Shot Trish-Bot

      8mos ago

      Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it - I'm definitely gonna have to think about adding some assist in the way of timing the enemies or something and thanks for pointing out the bug, I'll get that looked in to 😊

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    Interesting take on the theme, though I found myself trying a million times until I got it right on most of the levels 😂 Ended up stopping at level 16 because I got tired of the trial and error with the cannons. I think if the timed elements always started at the same time you press GO, it would make it much more reasonable to get in "one shot", but I understand you didn't want to make the game too easy.

    one rpg

    one rpg

    • Tydecon Games
      Tydecon Games Developer of One Shot Trish-Bot

      8mos ago

      Thanks so much for the feedback, that's a good point, I need to have a think about doing some assist with the timings of the enemies, glad you still enjoyed it 😊

  • Allison James

    How you consistently manage this level of polish in your entries blows my mind - I pride myself on being able to make polished entries for gm48 but you blow everyone out of the water with how complete yours always feel. This was excellent besides - a fun concept, executed really well, with a lot of content... just great all round. I did find some of the later levels got a little grating with how much movement I had to memorise, but that's expected challenge, really.

    One major comment: please buy Trish-Bot a robot bra. My back hurts for her spinal circuitry 😅

    1dle Game

    1dle Game

  • pressgoal
    Lv. 8

    This game is impressively polished given the time frame. The concept is cool, but I did find it got a little bit frustrating later on trying to remember where I was. Assist mode definitely helped with that, and I appreciate that you included it. I think that some things that might have helped would be including a time slider as it gets a little bit confusing trying to remember where everyone will be after each move when they continue to move while you're planning. Unfortunately I got stuck on level 24 at the spot where you have to get passed the third enemy, but I had fun with this game, and I'll have to come back to it some time. Great work!

    Trick Shot

    Trick Shot

    • Tydecon Games
      Tydecon Games Developer of One Shot Trish-Bot

      9mos ago

      Thank you so much for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it, very impressive to make it to level 24! And that is a good point, a little beat timer or something might be worth putting in there :) thanks for the idea!

  • ceaselessly
    Lv. 8

    Nice game! The level of polish and number of levels is imprresive for a 48-hour jam. (I hope you got some sleep this weekend. 🤣)

    A few stray thoughts I have for improvements should you wish to flesh this game out with a post-jam version:

    • I found the text a little hard to read on the menu, with dark black on dark purple until you highlight the option.
    • Different speed settings for Trish's movement would be nice for repeated attempts on the same puzzle. (I like that she hops in beat to the music, but allowing speedup may help keep a player immersed if they stay stuck on one puzzle for a bit.)
    • A "clear all" button would be amazing for when you just want to start the whole level from scratch, rather than needing to mash the backspace.
    • Needing to time to the flame traps when I have no control over the player is a little frustrating -- might be worth looking into how to make the timing on those a little fairer.

    Great little game, hope you had fun making it!

    • Tydecon Games
      Tydecon Games Developer of One Shot Trish-Bot

      9mos ago

      Thanks so much for playing! I had a little bit of sleep haha 😅
      To address your points:

      • Good point, I wanted to only make the highlighted option clear but I should lighten the others as well, I'll get that sorted
      • A different speed option is also a good idea, not something I'd considered, I'll check that out!
      • Likewise, a clear all button isn't something I'd considered, great idea!
      • The way you'd time around the flame traps etc. would be to hop on the spot or move back-and-forth, they're up for a set number of beats so it's about timing when you first launch Trish and when you pause, though this is definitely difficult to get right 😅

      I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Thanks again for playing!

  • Zak Morrison
    Lv. 2

    This is really good and well polished, yo publish this on mobile devices, its strangly addictive and fun!!! (Y) WELL DONE

  • battleZays
    Lv. 8

    This game is fun and incredibly polished, makes a really great mental exercise too

    Just 1

    Just 1

  • 2102

    Really well polished like always!

  • Islam
    Lv. 2

    Huh, wow, really cool. Interesting idea that forces you to think to win (as all good videogames should)

  • Kahrabaa
    Lv. 2

    Well done. Very professional. Also great idea, it challenged me mentally to remember where I am. GG