
OneSlot Odyssey is a top-down RPG, tasking players with completing assignments for NPCs to acquire essential tools for progression. The distinct gameplay element revolves around the limitation of using only one item at a time, requiring meticulous tracking of tool locations as you navigate and defeat enemies throughout the game.

  • Arrow Keys: 8-Way Movement
  • Shift: Pick up / Put down items
  • Space: Attack / Use item
  • Enter: Interact with NPCs
Tips for Success
  • The sword is most effective against enemies.
Known bugs
  • Collisions are awful. Both player and enemies get stuck in walls.
  • Combat animations and sounds don't really work.
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  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    This was a pretty ambitious project for the jam! It's a bit rough around the edges (collision and combat come to mind), but it's still a good time overall.

    • Joe
      Lv. 3
      Joe Developer of OneSlot Odyssey

      1yr ago

      Yes, definitely realized about half way through just how ambitious I had been. I hope to improve for the next jam. Thank you for playing and for giving your feedback.

  • Baconlovar
    Lv. 3

    Man, this must have been an insane amount of effort for 48 hours - I enjoyed the concept but being forced to use one item isn't really a fun mechanic but I understand the theme is one thing for the jam - either way it was fun and I appreciate the effort that was put in Good job!

    • Joe
      Lv. 3
      Joe Developer of OneSlot Odyssey

      1yr ago

      It sure was! I think I had a total of about 8 hours sleep. I really underestimated how much work this was going to be. Thank you for playing and your feedback

  • pressgoal
    Lv. 8

    The scope of this game is really impressive for 48 hours. The music was really fun, and I liked the concept. Unfortunately I died close to the end, and it didn't really want to restart, but I'll have to give it another shot at some point. The enemy AI could use a bit of work, but overall the game was very polished and I had fun with it. Great job!

    Trick Shot

    Trick Shot

    • Joe
      Lv. 3
      Joe Developer of OneSlot Odyssey

      1yr ago

      Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the music and the concept. Thanks for playing! I appreciate you taking the time to play and give feedback.

  • Ross Boman
    Lv. 30

    Im impressed with what you did in 48 hours but the movement and how you get stuck on walls was frustrating and the back tracking wasn't all that fun.



  • Gelidity
    Lv. 17

    I was enjoying it and jamming to the music but it crashed when I turned in the amulet ☹



    • Joe
      Lv. 3
      Joe Developer of OneSlot Odyssey

      1yr ago

      I'm sorry to hear it crashed on you. I'll have to remember next time to play test a little more. Possibly one of those last minute changes caused a bug. Thanks for playing and thank you for your feedback. Glad you liked the music.

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    Well, there certainly was a lot of backtracking necessary, due to only having 1 slot 😅 It was bit rough around the edges with the sound effects and collisions, but overall I had fun playing!

    one rpg

    one rpg

    • Joe
      Lv. 3
      Joe Developer of OneSlot Odyssey

      1yr ago

      Haha. Thanks! I realized about halfway through my game was far too big for me to handle. I'm glad you had fun playing it.

  • Zak Morrison
    Lv. 2


  • Tydecon Games

    It's an interesting take on the theme that left me running back and forth to collect things I've forgotten, nicely done :)

  • Ellaris
    Lv. 3

    Enjoyable experience, the art was nice, the map was dicently sized.

    Having only one item slot was ok at first, but the further I got, the more items I had available, it became harder to remember where I left the other ones.

    The enemies got stuck on corners, sometimes in walls, and sometimes they would move away from you fro a second before chasing you. It would be nice to see both player and enemy attacks animation to be able to estimate the distance. You could hit them and get hit through walls.

    I think the dialogue was a bit generic, and reading the same thing over and over is not very exciting, so maybe either keep it short or somehow spice it up (not with length).

    • Joe
      Lv. 3
      Joe Developer of OneSlot Odyssey

      1yr ago

      I 100% agree. The enemy AI is an absolute mess, I'm not surprised! Thanks for taking the time to play and give feedback.

  • battleZays
    Lv. 8

    I like how the theme was interpreted and this game does quite a lot for being a game jam game, pretty impessive

    Just 1

    Just 1

    • Joe
      Lv. 3
      Joe Developer of OneSlot Odyssey

      1yr ago

      Thanks! I think I had a total of only about 10hrs sleep. Thanks for taking the time to play and submit feedback.

  • 2102

    Not a bad game. Always impressive to get quests and dialogue working in a jam game. The one inventory slot was more of just a hinderance than a good gameplay mechanic, but I can appreciate the quests and work that went into this one.

  • Javifugitivo
    Lv. 2

    I have enjoyed this little adventure. The adaptation to the theme with the characteristic of carrying a single object at a time is interesting and forces you to think which object will be the most appropriate to carry and where to leave the previous one. The design of the environment is well resolved and paths open up as you get new items. It has surprised me for good. Good job and keep improving with Game Maker!


I had a blast competing in my first-ever game jam. This was, in fact, probably the first game I've ever "finished".

I definitely tried to take on too big of a game and learned some really important things along the way:

  • Probably one of the most important things is that the game must be fun to play.

    I feel like my game fell a bit short in this aspect. I spent so much time trying to make everything work I forgot to make it fun. The quests are all the same thing, and the dialogue is basically the same for all NPCs as well. The limitation and how I incorporated the theme (Having only one inventory slot) turned out to not be very fun, and players spent a lot of time backtracking to get the correct tools.

  • I have no idea how to handle collisions properly.

    I am new to GameMaker, and obviously, I don't know how to handle collisions. Both the Enemies and the player get stuck in walls. This also makes the combat not feel very good. I will be looking to come up to speed on this aspect of game development before the next jam.

Overall, I had so much fun, and I am proud of what I managed to achieve in only 48 hours. I look forward to using what I've learned here in the next jam.

Result 19th