Find your way through the darkness lit only by your last candle. Get the key and get out before your light burns out and you are lost forever.
WASD or Arrow keys to move
Find the key hidden within the darkness and return to the door to win
Monsters make your candle burn quicker and ghost will move the key
Pits will drop you somewhere else in the dark
The compass will point in the direction of the key or door
Lv. 8
Loved the immersion in this game. I wasn't always sure what to do next, but the experience was memorable and interesting. Nice job!
SubmittedRootin' Tootin' Sadboy
Lv. 17
You nailed the ambiance, but I wish there were more decisions to be made that didn't feel random. I enjoyed a few runs trying to get under a minute, but more than once the key was on an inaccessible tile. The first ghost I encounted was certainly frightening and memorable. Nice entry!
Lv. 30
Thanks for playing. Once the path is out of sight it is actually removed so going about 8 tiles away from the key and then returning to the area will have new path tiles that hopefully lead to the key.
Lv. 8
This is a neat game. I like the concept, I just feel that the execution could have been a bit better. It was a little frustrating having to randomly wander until you find a compass and then go back to randomly wandering pretty quickly. The art style is really cool, and it definitely has the makings of a good game, but maybe giving the player a little more control over what they're trying to do would have helped. Overall, good work!
SubmittedTrick Shot
You certainly know how to make an atmoshpreric horror style game with such a minimalistic style - this is very well polished and I felt the impending dread and fear throughout, nicely done!
SubmittedOne Shot Trish-Bot
Lv. 2
I really liked this, this was very simple but very good and imagitive!
SubmittedLauren Alexis Find The One.
Lv. 2
I liked it a lot, I love mazes and exploration games, and you also knew how to create tension. Is dungeon generation procedural? Very good job
SubmittedT.O.M. (time operator machine)
Lv. 30
The dungeon is not what I would call procedural. The paths are created randomly as you move and then are destroyed once you are far enough away making it so go back the same way is a different path.
Lv. 3
Awesome soundscape. Holding my breath through the entire game. Great job.
SubmittedOneSlot Odyssey
Lv. 2
I liked this ominous sounds in the game. Would be even scarier if there was someone who follows the main character
SubmittedOne Wrong Choice
I didn't understand the pits at first, but this was a cool game. I really liked the ominous sound effects throughout, but I never really knew what the enemies were doing. I completed it on the first try. The style of the game is super amazing with just simple graphics as well.
SubmittedJust One Look
Lv. 30
Thanks for playing. One of the enemies just lowers how much light you have left by a small amount and the other one relocates the key to a new place.
Lv. 1
Wasn't able to find the exit after finding the key, but the game certainly has powerful atmosphere. The controls are crisp and easy to grasp. Might be a good idea to include "Difficulty selection" which would determine how small/large the maze is -- from ~ 15x15 to 63x63 or some such, so that someone who wants to learn the game can try an Easy one.
Lv. 41
This was a pretty interesting game! It certainly has a horror feel to it, and I enjoyed the way the path revealed itself as you moved. I do think the theme could have been stronger, although I do see at least a few potential "one"s- one key, one door, and a monochrome color palette. None of them really jumped out at me though. Despite that, I still enjoyed my time with this entry.
SubmittedOne Platform
Lv. 2
I escaped after 2:23 This was stressful, good job with the horror vibes! Took a while for me to realize the holes were not doors. GG
SubmittedA New Nation