
Music from Allison James Gm48 RESOURCE

Art by SingleShot

Code By SingleShot

Thank You And Have Fun!

⌨️Keyboard 🖱️Mouse Action
--------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
⌨️NONE 🖱️ Move Mouse Fly
⌨️NONE 🖱️Left Click Place marker
⌨️NONE 🖱️Right Click Activate magic
⌨️ESC 🖱️None Pause Game

NOTE jumping is controled by the marker, if it is the same level or above the child they will jump to reach it. other wise they will fall to reach it. please be patient with them, most children are kinda dumb.

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  • Seltzy

    My only issue with this game was the infamous flower jump. I get why it works the way it does after seeing the reason, but I think you would have been better off just making the flower move horizontally. Less interesting, yes, but the mechanics of jumping weren't well conveyed at that point.

    Other than that there's very little to find wrong with this game (save for microscopic nitpicks) owed to its small scale. It looks great of course, and from what I can tell the mechanics work just as expected.

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      To be honest I could have reworked it, but I was struggling to come up with puzzle like ideas. plus I had my mother play test the game, and probably by pure luck she got past the flower really quickly. so I though that if she can get though it easily then its should be the right difficulty lol.

      turns out I was wrong.

  • Riuku
    Lv. 19

    Really cool atmosphere! The lighting creates a cool dreamy feel. The mechanics were introduced very naturally before using them in more challenging ways later.

    I enjoyed the the indirect way of controlling the character, but the way of making them jump was a bit unintuitive for me. I was stuck on the level with the vertically moving mushroom platform thing for a while and had to check the submission's description for the hint. After that, it did make sense though!

    Good job, it was fun to play!

    Paint Fast

    Paint Fast

  • Allison J. James

    It's impressive enough to make a live-action game with this level of polish as-is, but to incorporate clever movement AI as well? That's genuinely a feat for a gm48 entry, so really well done on that!

    Very pretty graphics and effects, fun gameplay with intuitive, simple controls (I was bad at it, but that's definitely on me), overall a really nice lil experience that was well-scoped and beautifully presented.

  • Fachewachewa

    The last level was a little anticlimactic, and some of the jump requierement were a little weird (that level with the flower going up and down was a pain.. ended up clicking directly at the opposite of the room and it worked 😅) but everything else is on point.

    Oh, some of the options had some weirdness too, like the volume control needing you to click multiple time, or the resolution numbers that seem way off, but I'm mentionning this because I think it was funny, it had 0 impact on the game. And yeah I noticed this because everything else was so polished. I'd say it only missed a few levels, and maybe an intro to add some context and it would have been perfect :)

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      what where you expecting? puzzle are fall from my forte. also people tend to point out how bad that level was with the floating flower. I planed it to be a mechanical test of the players understanding of how the AI interacts with the directions given. but like I said before puzzle are fall from my forte.

      so I wasn't sure how to go about the options, I was planning to just let you click and drag the slider, but then I though that this would be fine and I didn't need all the extra work, Kind of wish I went with the original idea lol

      also I forget to change the size scale variable after adjusting the window so its thinks its a scale larger then it really is lol.

      it has an intro, the player is the fairy not the child. and it starts with you finding the kid.

      Anyways thanks for the feedback fache, glad you liked the game. it was an interesting practice making a more puzzle focused game but again puzzle are fall from my forte lol

  • jhmikael
    Lv. 2

    The graphics and music were great. They created an atmosphere that was spot on. I think that's what I liked the most in this game. The idea and mechanics also felt original. The mechanics were also taught along the way in a manner that felt natural.

    I liked some of the puzzles, but I think others could have been improved. For example the level where there was a big gap with a teleport to the start of the level on the bottom and a platform moving in the middle was kind of pain. It felt only like fighting with the game mechanics, not like solving a puzzle. Also the fifth level was a little weird, as the child didn't want to jump for example when I tried to bring it close to the gap, take the vines down and then go for the jump.

    I can see some link to the theme of non-violence even though it feels a little unclear. I also found a minor bug, at least the fullscreen setting doesn't get activated when the game starts even though it is saved in the options.

    Overall the game has a great atmosphere, feels finished and is nice to play, except in a pair of levels.

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for the Feedback! Glad you liked the aesthetic of the game so much.

      Yeah, I'm not really that great at puzzles, I revised them a few times but a still think that there could have been a lot better puzzles, not that I would have been able to come up with them.

      Honestly didn't care about the theme much, I went with a story-book kind of of setup and while it works for the theme, its not really playing with it. but I didn't like this theme enough to even try playing with it, so yeah lol.

      also the bug cause by me forgetting to switch to full screen on boot if its in the settings. I tend to play in windows while testing so I forgot about it, oops.

      I'm happy you seem to like the game as much as you did, and thank you for the girthy feedback!

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    Very well done. The way the mechanics were taught and the puzzles were presented was natural and easy to follow. I like how this game uses a different control scheme to differentiate from other platformers, while also designing some of the puzzles around the controls.

    epic game

    epic game

  • illdie
    Lv. 12

    Awesome solid game! I got stuck at the jump puzzle for a hot minute, but eventually realized what you were signaling to do. It looked and felt great, good job!

  • arthurgps2
    Lv. 12

    Cool game! I like the simplistic yet intuitive controls. The levels spoke by themselves about what you're supposed to do, that's what I call game design! I also really like the shader work you did on this, it really made the level feel more alive and mystic. My only issue with this game would be the fairy sounds that play when you move the mouse can be kind of annoying at times, but despite that it is a pretty fun entry!

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback! it makes me happy that you like everything so much!

      I agree that I should have added more variety to the fairy sounds, some pitch shifts maybe a shorter version for small movements. it was the main sound effect after all.

  • Jaspo
    Lv. 16

    Really nice art, sound, animations, GUI, and graphics (everything, really), but I couldn't figure out how to get past the part with the ledge.

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      Thank you, glad you liked everything so much! I do feel like I could have fix up the animations a bit though. and sorry you got stuck at the ledge bit.

      thanks for the feed back!

  • HOPL
    Lv. 2

    I was unable to get passed the portal section but I liked the art and the world, the controls felt very dynamic in how the character interacted with the world. Good job on getting a full menu system in place too for the jam, I was surprised to find a full options menu

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      sorry to hear that you got suck there.

      and thank you for the praise. it was fun to work on this project (after the first hump of no motivation for the theme lol)

      also I like making menus so a full system was a must for me. also it gave me a break from puzzle designs lol.

      thank you for the feed back much appreciated!

  • Chris

    I thought it was a cool idea with solid gameplay. The art and sound were great.

  • ZenithTheReborn
    Lv. 2

    Wow. This game is incredibly gorgeous. I absolutely love the art style, music, and font choice. Everything together with the gameplay makes this feel right at home alongside other pre-00s adventure games like the Original Prince of Persia and another rotoscoped pixel art adventure game that I can't think of the name... it was sci-fi and you were stuck on an alien world. Anyways, the bit depth of this game reminds me of games that came out of the Amiga, something of which I absolutely love. I personally love the use of color and contrast here and its refreshing to see among the washed out neutral colors.

    The game play was incredibly genius, a point-and-click game is difficult to get right in a Jam setting, and pathfinding can also have its unexpected quirks. Still, you took the challenge head on and made an incredible game. I only had one screen where I had a frustration with the AI not doing what she needed to do (the one with the vines under the cliff), but overall it was just fine.

    When I first opened the game I was hit with awe, and then I was immediately immersed with sound of soft crying, an unexpected detail that instantly gave me a goal beyond just text, an emotional attachment I was not expecting that made me want to see the journey to the end. Very well done, this could easily be a full game I would pay real money for with more development.

    Also, bonus points for having an actual bonified options menu. I appreciated having audio sliders.



    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      Thank you for the feedback!

      I'm glad you enjoyed the look of the game so much, I recently learned how to make a lighting engine with shades and I wanted to try it out. I thought a dark enchanted forest would be a nice aesthetic to bring out the light most, but it fit the theme of the jam too.

      wasn't really aim for a cinematic platformer feel, but if that's the end result then its not so bad lol.

      at first I was going to make a normal puzzle platformer, but then the idea of guiding a AI hit me, and I thing for the gameplay style it works better. It did give me its own challenges but honestly the AI part was the easiest for me. I think the AI code was about half the size of the physics code? I would have to check but that sounds right.

      I liked the idea of having the child cry when left alone, plus starting the game with them crying gave context to the goal so yeah that was the plan. they also start crying again if you abandon/leave them alone too long. about 10 seconds I think.

      funny enough the options menu was me taking a break from coming up with puzzles. I like working on menus and the puzzle mechanics drained my brain power a lot lol. plus I always add options menus when I have time, I like making things that feel like full games, that's also why I always add credits to my games.

      thanks again for the feed back, I'm happy you enjoyed this as much as you did!

  • Tydecon Games

    I am SO bad at convincing the child to jump instead of dive in to the portals! 😅 though this is a unique idea and I like the atmosphere and style you've pulled off. Switching up the control scheme is a nice change as well, albeit with a few clinks in the jumping portion. But it's a nice, short & sweet experience, good job! :)

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      so the secret of jumping is that if the marker is on the same level of or above the child they will jump, if it is below them they will not. because if you want them to go under something but they keep jumping is just as bad. I never explained it though. because I'm lazy.

  • poontangular
    Lv. 2

    The artwork/atmosphere is really great. Really good quality, the gameplay feels good too.

    Things I liked:

    The atmosphere was great, when in fullscreen the sounds + the details in the forest (like the fireflies) was really immersing. Very impressive.

    The controls were a little clunky (using both mouse buttons in very quick succession) however, I think this was intentional to make it harder; and thus I consider this a game feature that, though frustrating, actually added to it.

    The way you progress through the levels feels really good.

    The portal mechanics are excellent and I loved the final level.

    Things I didn't like:

    Due to the length of the game compared to the length of the soundtrack, the music became a little repetetive. Though this didn't affect gameplay much, and it still sounded great (I can just imagine being stuck on 1 level for hours with the same soundtrack over and over lol).

    I appreciate that the things you need to click on had quick a low opacity to make the environment shine and be the focal point, however I think it should still be slightly more prominent when you're clicking on it.

    I'd want more levels. It felt like with each level you introduced a new mechanic, or a variation on a mechanic the player knew. However it felt like it was building up into some super hard final level with portals/vines/mushrooms all over the place. But the final level only took me 3 attempts to beat. It would have been cool to see a rageworthly level just before the end.

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Lost Child

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback!

      Glad you liked the look of my game, honestly it was the first thing I worked on. I wanted something that kinda felt fairy tale-ish, It just sounded like a fun aesthetic to aim for.

      yes jumping back between left and right clicks was intended. I'm kind of more use to making mechanically challenging games vs more logically challenging ones. so thats the by product of limited time and old habits. . . ^^'

      Glad you liked the levels progression.

      so I feel like I could have done more with the portals, but at lest I used them in more then one way. . .

      I don't really have much control over the music, as I was working solo this time, and I myself have zero music talent I had to use what I had available to myself. and sadly that was the only tack in the pack that fit the aesthetic of the game.

      I get you on that, I raised the opacity of the circles before the final upload, they were even more see though. I made them like it so its kind of like a "where's waldo" kind of thing but I can also see why its a negative.

      I was kind of limited by the size of things, due to the screen size and the player size I could not fit a lot on a single screen, sure I could make the camera pan'able but I like the single room puzzles being like page turns in a story book. also I'm really bad at puzzle design so this was impressive to my self, that I got as much as I did in there lol. plus the game was never meant to be super hard or anything.

      Ether way glad you enjoyed the game so much, and thank you again for the feed back!

  • Stratemagician
    Lv. 3

    Art is great, soundtrack soothing, controls pretty good, gameplay is farily interesting, but I got stuck where there is a cliff with vines at the bottom. The section before where you ride the mushroom thing and move the vines out of the way is great. Definitely has potential. EDIT I did, in fact, get past it