The main idea for Piggy Bank Blaster is a shmup in which the bullets are the coins you are trying to save up.

Piggy Bank Blaster made by Lucky Pixel Built in GM: Studio

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  • SpaceMyFriend
    Lv. 15

    Hey sweet game and nice use of theme! Very nice variety of enemies. Decent sounds. Also i dig the name! I would suggest maybe making the hit box for the piggy just a tad smaller. It can feel kinda unfair at times when the hit box is same as the sprite.

    Good job!

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    Cool little game, I feel like it lacks balance and content though. Don't get me wrong there are enough enemies and the game isn't too repetitive for what it offers, the thing is that what it offers is not really fun in the first place though, movement and shooting feel really basic, and that's probably the only thing that's blocking the game from being above average.



  • Tecna
    Lv. 10

    Yo, lit game, bro!

    The visuals and music are great, I had a lot of fun playing it. Like the others said, different attacks that cost more money would be great to embrace the idea of sacrifice and allows us to strategize better.

    Another thing I may add: you could add a penalty for letting enemies escape, as deduce coins. This would force the player to shoot the enemies instead of avoid all of them and never shoot. But maybe this is a bad advice, I'm not an expert on schmups...

    • Lucky Pixel
      Lv. 2
      Lucky Pixel Developer of Piggy Bank Blaster

      7yrs ago

      I wanted players to choose either being pacifist or destroying enemies, but I never finished adding power-ups to reward that. I might polish up the game and add different attacks that cost money after ratings are finished. Thanks for the advice!

  • Fachewachewa

    Solid, but the game lacks a little punch or something, I almost wanted to just try and avoid everything

    • Lucky Pixel
      Lv. 2
      Lucky Pixel Developer of Piggy Bank Blaster

      7yrs ago

      In the back of my head I actually wanted the players to choose a pacifist run, but I never finished adding the power-ups that would reward that type of play style .

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Following Veralos' feedback there. I think you should have the choce to choose how much your attack costs. At some point, I got way too much money since you can drop $100 bills! I would have liked to be able to shoot a more powerful coin there. Perhaps then make the enemies progressively harder to beat?



    • Lucky Pixel
      Lv. 2
      Lucky Pixel Developer of Piggy Bank Blaster

      7yrs ago

      The $1 has like a 0.1% RNG so you got lucky ! I should increase the difficulty a bit more and I might polish the game up after voting. Thanks for the advice!

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Fun game! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

    • Lucky Pixel
      Lv. 2
      Lucky Pixel Developer of Piggy Bank Blaster

      7yrs ago

      Hey, this is the second game this summer that you've played that has been featured in your videos! The first was from the bitsy jam. Thanks Jupi!

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Neat game. It all works pretty well and the visuals and music are nice. I like the different enemy types. The one thing it really needs is a way to keep track of your high score.

    The sacrificing score to shoot idea has potential but since you always want to shoot anyway there isn't much choice to make. I think it would have been more interesting if you could shoot for free but had another more powerful attack that costs points.

    • Lucky Pixel
      Lv. 2
      Lucky Pixel Developer of Piggy Bank Blaster

      7yrs ago

      The high score was literally the next thing I was working on before time ran out. I might polish the game after voting. A more costly powerful attack sounds like a good idea, thanks for the advice!

  • bucketbomb
    Lv. 5

    Solid game! I like the premise a lot. My biggest issue with the game is that the hitboxes were not quite right. But, instead of mapping the image perfectly, a lot of shmups make the hitboxes smaller than the player to make room for error. This way, you could also make the levels a little more intense if you wanted.

  • Kodiqi
    Lv. 6

    Funky music and decent graphics. I like the idea of sacrificing your score as ammo. Maybe adding some more worthwhile sacrifices, like stronger attacks, would add some longevity to it.

  • jack

    Pretty good, but enemy hitboxes seem a bit wonky, as sometimes I'd get hit by them even if I was a bit above or below them.

  • siridakis
    Lv. 7

    Hey, nice idea. I think you can work around it a little further maybe.
    The pig looks cool af with those sunglasses hahaha. I also liked the big laser shooting yoshi-like robot-thing (I'm pretty sure that's his name).



Piggy Bank Blaster was a lot of fun to make and it was a real challenge since I was working on two game jams on the same weekend, GMTK Jam and GM48. Both games had a completely different feel to them so I am glad I can simultaneously work on two contrasting concepts. I felt like I managed my time well going from concept to prototyping and making all the game assets. I spent the least time making the music and the most on graphics/animation.

My initial idea of the game was a piggy bank that shoots coins. Sacrificing the savings for reward, almost like a risk/reward system in shoot'em up form. I also had upgrades in mind which the player would have to buy and a final boss.

Things I had trouble with were ideas for enemies. What kind of enemies would a piggy bank have? That was tough... I also struggled with the setting. I initially wanted a city-scape but flying over the sea was graphically more feasible for my skill level. Also, I didn't know how to code more complex bullet patterns like waves and I completely forgot about repeating functions at the time.

Gameplay wise, the difficulty was extreme at first because I would keep running out of coins. I made the jetpack lizard appear later on and gave the fish less health. The robot always had more health because it was easy to dodge and didn't have any projectiles. I included a random balloon to drop more money to ease things up as well. I was thinking that the game would kind of pause after a minute and you could buy upgrades during that time.

Apart from that my favorite part of development was making the pixel art. I liked the coin designs and the piggy bank's design. When I have time I might finish polishing up this game. A lot of the comments mentioned a smaller hit box, which I always tend to forget when making the sprites. This was the first time I ever tried making a shoot'em up and really liked how it turned out. Thanks for playing and taking the time to read this! You can follow me on twitter @luckypixel777

Result 39th