Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

Why don't you run to the store and pick us up a gallon? We need milk for our cereal and coffee in the morning, so if you could run out we'd really appreciate it. There's a 24-hour milk store only a few wormholes away.


Hop your way across fields of small worlds to get to the milk store. Watch out for the asteroids!

  • Left & Right arrows: walk the surfaces of the planets
  • Spacebar: jump
  • Backspace: change screen mode (this game starts in fullscreen)
  • Game by Little Donut
  • Programming, Music, and Sound by Natalie Layne
  • Art & Sound by Caroline Eng
  • fonts by [Raymond Larabie] (https://www.1001fonts.com/monofonto-font.html) & [Open Window] (https://www.1001fonts.com/coming-soon-font.html)
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  • Tero Hannula

    It was nice game, groovy music, I dig that. Now some levels you could bit cheat with fuel power. Also I liked that it was not pixel graphics, and how asteroids swat astronaut with them. I managed to beat game maybe in 12 deaths and 5 and half minutes, didn't record and I am not sure.

    Now about moving, player movement speed changed depent on how large the planet was. Maybe calculate speed bit differently, using circle (2pi*r) related as divider or something. In small planets player felt bit too slow ^^"

    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      Thanks so much for playing and writing feedback! We're glad to hear you enjoyed it. Smoothing out the player's movement speed on different sized planets is at the top of the list for our post-jam version, so thanks for that suggestion. :)

  • Fachewachewa

    Fun game, some levels were pretty hard, but I definitely skipped some with the gas can. Not sure if this was intentional or not, but I liked it :D



    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      You uncovered the elite speedrun strats, which were totally intended by the developers. ;)

      Thanks for playing! Glad you had fun and found it challenging.

  • kris24

    A fun game! I died a lot, like, 30+ times, lol. But that's just because I'm apparently terrible at judging a good time to jump. In any case, it was quite satisfying to finally make it to the end and get that milk. Well done!

  • Peter 🌊 Jørgensen

    5:43 time!

    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      Great time! My PB is ~3:40 but I have no video evidence. ;)

      We're probably gonna make a post-jam version, so maybe then we can get the game going on Speedrun.com lol.

      Thanks for playing on your stream! Glad you enjoyed it and glad to see you jamming to the music too.

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Really nice game. The goofy premise is very charming, as is the art, music and sound effects. I especially liked that you went through the effort of adding a final cutscene to conclude the epic milk quest. The gameplay is pretty neat too and the level design does a good job of being challenging without being overly punishing.

    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. All of the feedback has inspired us to make a post-jam version, so be on the lookout. :)

  • Nyveon

    Cute art, great music. The last level was especially hard, but I managed to beat it :)

    My main feedback would be the strange teleportation when landing on a world, but I can see it's been said already.

    Pretty nice game, good job! :D

    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      hey Eric! thanks for your feedback. I am glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm happy to report that I've figured out how to fix that jumpiness in the planet collisions, so the post-jam version of this game will be smoother in that regard. :)

      thanks again for playing!

  • Sindre Hauge Larsen

    16 deaths in 6:16 :D I enjoyed playing your game!

  • illdie
    Lv. 12

    This is a very nice game, it's very cute and got some interesting ideas! The only thing I'd suggest is that the angular speed of the player should scale with their distance from the center point of the current planet, it felt like I was sprinting around large planets and barely crawling around small ones.

    Edit: Ah I didn't notice someone already suggested that.

    Anyway, great entry!

    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      No worries at all! It's good to see trends when multiple people start reporting the same idea -- it means it's probably an idea worth looking into! :D

      Thanks so much for playing. Glad you enjoyed it!

  • ZedSquadron

    Pretty cool game, reminded me of the barrel dashing from Donkey Kong Country. The art was really well done as well. And the little blurble sound your character makes when beating the level was a nice touch.

    Glad to see that you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone for the jam. That's good stuff.



  • GameDevDan
    Lv. 5

    Nice story and I really like the presentation. I've seen the 360 degree gravity done a little tidier than it is here, but was certainly playable and enjoyable from a gameplay perspective.

    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      Thanks, Dan! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Doing this 360 degree gravity type of game was definitely outside of my comfort zone as a programmer, and I think I've learned a lot. Eager to see how I can improve it in the future!

  • Chris

    Simple and solid game, you did a lot with the base mechanics. Good amount of levels and variety, good artwork and quality from start to finish.

  • Happysquared
    Lv. 15

    Really enjoyed the gravity effects. Super satisfying to watch the alien circle the planets. Cute theme and art too! Not sure if it was intended but felt on some levels I could bypass a lot of the hazards and jump immediately to the end with one gas canister. I thought it was a fun puzzle game with a great mechanic and worked well with the theme.

    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing, Heather! Glad you enjoyed the game. That was definitely not intended, but we ran out of time to nerf it and I figured it would be a little easter egg for studious players. "It's a feature, not a bug!" :P

      I appreciate your feedback!

  • Mimpy
    Lv. 26

    Nice game, the level design is creative and I love the little animations like the end of level warp and getting carried along with the asteroid after smacking into it.

    Seems like you flip the astronaut's direction and use that to place them on the planet instead of getting the new direction from the planet to the asteroid, causing a big sort of skipping effect when you approach a planet at an angle. It also seems like your speed is purely angular, so you move slower on small planets, you could fix that by increasing your speed based on your distance to the gravity center.

    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      Hey MintyPython! Thanks so much for your feedback. Glad to hear you enjoyed the game.

      The little glitches with finding the angle on the planet are definitely something I want to address if we move forward with this prototype. The angular movement note is really good -- I can see that working to make the speed more even on smaller planets. Thanks for the idea! :)

  • Grunlock
    Lv. 5

    Awesome game! At times it was a little confusing where the astronaut would land after jumping. The graphics and sounds are great and it is nicely put together. I love the background and the wobbly effect when you go through wormholes.

    I hate it when there is no milk for cereal in the morning so I'm glad I hopefully made an astronaut's day better!



    • ceaselessly
      Lv. 8
      ceaselessly Developer of Hey, Astronaut. We're Out of Milk!

      4yrs ago

      Hey, Grunlock! Thanks so much for your feedback. We're super jazzed to hear you enjoyed the game.

      Fine tuning planet landings is definitely at the top of my list should we choose to develop this prototype further. I'm a bit rusty on my geometry. ;)

      Thanks again! Excited to play your game soon.