Rafting Survival consists in see how long can you survive on the raft, you should eat to avoid starve to death, drink to quench your thirst. Sharks may attack you, to save yourself you can sacrifice some of your food to lure them away, or you can let the shark damage your raft, and then repair it.

Lv. 7
Simple yet good looking, but a bit boring nothing happend? Maybe it was just my playtime?
When attacked by a shark it gave the following error when I wanted to give it food: Mouse event left pressed for object bribe <unknown_object>.move_trip....
SubmittedWhere are my piggies
Lv. 37
Feels really unfinished, which is too bad, because both the art style and the idea were kinda good for the theme.
There's no sound, and the game is pretty pointless in this state, I still tried to reach the end but it's impossible because there's no way to pass the shark event without making the game crash.
Has potential though.
Lv. 13
Good start! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/Ub8Q0nEDs3I
Lv. 38
I got an error when I got attacked by the shark so I couldn't get very far. I liked what I saw, though. The concept seems interesting so it's a shame the game doesn't quite work.
The graphics are pretty good. I like the water effect and the HUD looks nice. However, it could really do with some audio.
SubmittedSeven Sacrifices
Lv. 12
Thanks for playing. I'm glad you liked the graphics. The sound effects and music was my last thing to add (because I'm not very good at it, and I didn't want to lose a lot of time, still didn't had enough). If i come up with nice sounds I will add them to the new version.
Lv. 4
Lv. 9
Interesting concept. Wish I could have played it to the end. Some sound effects and music would be a nice addition.
SubmittedJunk Food Blaster
Lv. 12
Thanks you. You will be able to play it when the rating ends. The sound effects and music was my last thing to add (because I'm not very good at it, and I didn't want to lose a lot of time, still didn't had enough). If i come up with nice sounds I will add them to the new version.
Lv. 4
I got the error with the shark like the others, which is a shame because I really wanted to keep playing! I think we made similar games which is pretty cool! :D All about managing resources an stuff as you make your way along a journey. The UI elements were nice, and easy to understand. Also thought the progress bar was quite cool. The art was nice, and the wave effects worked well to give the illusion of movement of the raft!
Lv. 15
Hey i really liked how the game looks! And hud elements were very crisp and non intrusive. Sorry you didn't get to finish it, it's a sweet idea!
SubmittedPower Hearts!
Lv. 5
The graphics for this game are pretty good. I like the little character dude. Also, the hud looks great and clean. However, I basically sat there until 2/3 through the level doing nothing but eating and drinking when I was supposed to. Nothing happened. Then, a shark showed up. I clicked on the bribe button, and I got a fatal error.
SubmittedBlood Crucible
Lv. 12
Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you liked the graphics and the hud. I'm sorry about the error, I didn't have enough time to finish it and check all. Also, about the waiting, it was supposed to have more thing to do (like pick up chests with money) and the attacks are random (not well done, btw) and it will be more with every trip (if it was finished).