You and your brother are lost in a forest. Find a way out by using him as a weapon or a trampoline.
Arrow Keys - Move
Space - Jump
X - Throw
R - Restart
Alex Quinn
Henry Hoffman
Music/SFX/Design https://soundcloud.com/henrymhoffman
Special Thanks
Jacob Ma
Simon Willcox
for testing.

Lv. 18
Practically everything is good about this game. It's just too bad RNGesus was involved in moving the purplr men...
SubmittedMirror Buddy
Lv. 4
The concept was interesting, and I liked the mechanic of throwing your brother for that double jump. Some of the levels with a lot of enemies kinda felt like a waiting game, but I thought overall the idea was pretty original.
SubmittedHeroes Inc.
Lv. 2
Firstly I love the level transition. It's a pretty good idea having to throw your brother and jump on him to proceed to the next level, good innovation I can see a lot of potential for that.
I had some difficulty on the level 'Babysitting' as the purple guys are always on him, I couldn't progress. It's a little hard to control how far he's thrown, and as you can't run or jump when carrying it slows the game down a lot. With a few tweaks and some artwork this could go far!
SubmittedPokee & Blue