LEFT/RIGHT arrowkeys or A/D - movement
UP or W or Z or Space bar - jumping
DOWN or S - looking downwards
SHIFT - running
M - mute

Running or holding jump makes you jump higher.

You - playing it
arthur - additional art
AtomicDouche - code, in-game art, level design, music, sound effects & pandering

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  • Fachewachewa

    I really like the mix between sonic and those levels in crash, and it's really looking good, but I feel this game needed some polish on the gameplay side.

    Like Kwis said, hitboxes should be smaller. That's the issue with spikes, not the fact that they're boxes and not triangles. You can get hit by spikes below while you're still standing on the ground?! Here the hitboxes should be lower, so you have to fall on the spike for them to touch you. Also I hat a weird but where I was standing between two saws without taking damage on that level with the drop at the start.

    The game is also too fast for how precise and relatively small everything is, I think? And there's a weird issue with framerate. Maybe that's just me, but it kinda hurt my eyes. Is it running at 60fps? Maybe that had to do with 3D and the fact that the camera is constantly scrolling, I don't know.

    Oh and I seems like you can't unmute the game :D

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    I guess the game is a reference to sonic with the rings?

    • The big issue for me were the collisions. The hitboxes seem waaay too big. In games, you wanna prefer have the hitboxes smaller than the actual object. It makes the game feel more fair and it's usually best to favour the player rather than the opposite, otherwise it gets frustrating. On top of that, having bigger hitboxes makes it hard to understand when you'r gonna be hit, while a smaller hitbox will give you a certain range "okay so I'm safe as long as none of my pixels touch the spike, although I know i have a few spare pixels but all I need is knowing I can't touch their pixels"
    • I feel like the platforming mechanics could be smoother. Maybe it has to do with speed: it felt a bit too swift. When you jump, I feel like the gravity could be a bit less realistic, to better anticipate movements. (especially when doing a leap of faith) Most of the times, I felt myself bumping on most objects. Which contributes on making the game harder, despite the game not looking really hard. An example of this is on the level where the ghost deer doesn't even bother showing you the path (lol it just felt like he gave up), which is also the level I gave up after many attempts. Starts with a small leap of faith in which you have to go forth mid-air, which doesn't feel "controlled" by the player because you barely have time to do it. I mean, you get used to it though. Then comes the crates on top of the spikes. I had to jump so many times on the spring just to get on the crate... it felt like the jump was not really designed for this, but it was the only way you were able to go. Okay so when you are on the crate, it becomes a bit crazy and... well that was my maximum, I couldn't get further cause the hitbox kept abusing me lol
    • I like the way you used the 3D!
    • The ghost deer thingy is a good idea, gives you a tour of the level while you get taunted!
    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

  • Michael Hofmann
    Lv. 11

    Very interesting art style! I also like the music and level design.

    The only problem i had was it is a bit laggy on my pc :/

    Good job! :)



  • Panda-K
    Lv. 17

    I really liked the art style, it was like a long-lost PSX sonic clone :)

    Way too hard at the start, but I had fun once I got into it.

    One thing that could have been cool with the ghost deer is to have it leave behind the rings on the main path (maybe switch them to visible when the ghost touches them?).

    • Atomic
      Lv. 19
      Atomic Coder of Deer Lord

      5yrs ago

      Thanks! I didn't know what to do with the theme, so I added the rings to have some sort of connection. You're right about the difficulty curve, and the ring idea is great.

  • Metroid3D
    Lv. 8

    The screen tearing was a little odd but wow! It's super cool to see people branch out and make 2.5/3D platformers in Gamemaker. Pretty fun, and the art style only made it more interesting for me :)

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46
    • I don't think the example deer should run into obstacles. It makes the levels look like they're impossible to beat without taking damage, which is not true.
    • There were too many pixel perfect jumps near the start of the game.
    • It felt like the collision boxes on the spikes were a bit messed up, not sure about that though.
    • I really liked the art style of this game though. It's very interesting!
    • The example deer is a great idea. It incorporates the theme, acts as a sort of tutorial, and also shows the player how each level can be beaten.
    • Atomic
      Lv. 19
      Atomic Coder of Deer Lord

      5yrs ago
      • I don't think the example deer should run into obstacles. It makes the levels look like they're impossible to beat without taking damage, which is not true.

      Lol, you're absolutely right. He's incredibly goofy in the last version, due to a last minute change.

      • There were too many pixel perfect jumps near the start of the game.

      Fair point.

      • It felt like the collision boxes on the spikes were a bit messed up, not sure about that though.

      They were squares when they definitely should have been triangles.

      • I really liked the art style of this game though. It's very interesting!

      Thanks! I'll tell that to my friend as well.

      • The example deer is a great idea. It incorporates the theme, acts as a sort of tutorial, and also shows the player how each level can be beaten.


  • Tero Hannula

    Yeah, controls didn't feel good. This had good sound and I liked how you took a bit influence from Sonic and Crash Bandicoot. The higher jump while jumping was thing which I had to look at.

    The deer god didn't jump so gracefully all the times :D It was nice you tried to make 3D game :) Nice entry!



    • Atomic
      Lv. 19
      Atomic Coder of Deer Lord

      5yrs ago

      The influence you mention is spot on, and deer god took a big L with some last minute changes to the saws, so it looks really dumb a lot of the time. Thanks for the compliments and feedback.

  • Kylazaur
    Lv. 5

    Controls were a little too tight? not sure how to describe it but it was like... everything i wanted to do, the controls was like "ok but you're going to get hit first" xD nice 2D 3D game, good entry ^^

    • Atomic
      Lv. 19
      Atomic Coder of Deer Lord

      5yrs ago

      Thank you! Something is definitely off about the controls. Running it by a play tester would have been a good idea to get the design right.

  • WangleLine 🌸

    You should at least state in the description that you jump higher and run faster while pressing shift. This took me ages to find out! o:

    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

    • Atomic
      Lv. 19
      Atomic Coder of Deer Lord

      5yrs ago

      There are a few hidden controls I should have made clear with the ghost deer, or in the description. I think he only does that in the very first level, very briefly. Thanks for leaving feedback.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    5yrs ago

    I'm wondering why you decided to do this in 3D? Also I noticed a lot of screen tearing that was quite distracting.

    Edit: That's cool, experimentation is good :) It was an interesting look. I reckon with a bit of colour it would really shine!

    • Atomic
      Lv. 19
      Atomic Coder of Deer Lord

      5yrs ago

      I wanted to make something in 3D, because I don't have a lot of experience in it. I was honestly hoping the screen tearing only happened on my laptop, so that's a shame. Thanks for the feedback.