
Music by ForteFortissimo

Art by SingleShot

Code By SingleShot

Thank You And Have Fun!

⌨️Keyboard 🎮GamePad Action
--------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
⌨️Arrow Keys Or WASD 🎮 Left stick Move
⌨️Z or J 🎮A Jump/Select
⌨️X or K 🎮B or X Attack/Cancel
⌨️C or L 🎮L Extra Skill
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  • Ross Boman
    Lv. 30

    I loved the idea of creating the hero but the actual fight was lacking. Very unique game for a jam though.

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Hero Builder

      1yr ago

      Yeah that's fair, my main goal was really just getting a game done, and with wasting the first 12 hours or so I didn't take enough time with the design. in the end I settled with something hard enough to be a boss but not really unique enough to stand out I guess.

      Thanks for the feed back though.

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    Creative use of the theme! Unfortunately I am not good at this kind of game and fell off the map a bunch of times when trying to hit the boss on the sides of the arena. Either making the player less slippery or making the arena closed off would have been good changes in my opinion.

  • Villany
    Lv. 6

    The concept for building your character reminded me of a couple of my favorite rpgs, and the system was quite well done. It took me some time to wrap my head around the controls (with the right hand), but once I figured it out, it was a lot of fun and I beat the boss. Great work.

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Hero Builder

      1yr ago

      Thanks for the feedback!

      yeah the quiz was 100% something I saw before. not the questions them self, just the concept. I am happy with how it turned out. as for the controls, I tried to include different layouts even control support so people can play how the like the best. if I didn't waste so much time I would made a simple key-rebinding system but lack of extra time is kind of the point of jams.

      glad you liked the game!

  • Tydecon Games

    Nobody is a hero when they're under my control, I died... multiple times...
    but this is a great novel idea to building a character and I like the originality of getting a combo this way before being obliterated by the boss! Great idea, lots of fun, will die again :)

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Hero Builder

      1yr ago

      hey you only lose when you give up! (or get roasted like a pig) I wasted like 12 hours of the jam before I got to this idea, and I only used a quiz because it a lot easier then a normal character builder! (also mystery dungeon a great game)

      glad you enjoyed.

  • GoblinBoy

    This was great! Especially loved the music. Caught the boss a couple of times in a loop when you walk back and forth and it can't decide where to start the attack from. Did manage to beat it even if I did fall off the map when I landed my final hit but I count it as a win 😎.

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Hero Builder

      1yr ago

      Thanks for the feedback!

      you can thank forte for the soundtrack, I just told him a couple songs that felt like what I was going for and he just pumped out these bangers in a few hours. always great working with him!

      yeah I kind of wish I made a limit to how many times the boss can port around before it was forced to attack. opps

      and yeah it counts, sure why not!

  • s7stringmadness
    Lv. 4

    Super cool game! Everything seemed pretty solid, I tried a couple of different builds and the magic was my favorite. Good job!



    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Hero Builder

      1yr ago

      Thanks for the feedback, magic was really busted during balancing, I hoped I didn't nerf it too much. I think I would make it a bit stronger looking at it now though.

      thanks for the feedback glad you enjoyed!

  • Seltzy

    Got a cool sword and a dodge which sounds like my ideal loadout. Took a little getting used to but I beat the baddie up good once I figured him out. Unfortunately I didn't use the dodge a single time in battle. Haven't seen any other specials so idk what they look like. I'm assuming they're more useful than the dodge lol.

    Very good work. I see few issues (if any).

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Hero Builder

      1yr ago

      the dodge lets you cancel attack animations in to some I-frames. its has greater value the slower the attack is. but it also works well for low agility builds.

      I would hope it had few issues, I would cry if I messed up a single boss and some text boxes.

  • Jaspo
    Lv. 16

    This is a really fun idea, presented nicely! How many hero iterations are possible?

    • singleshot
      Lv. 43
      singleshot Coder of Hero Builder

      1yr ago

      Thanks for the feedback!

      as for the number of possible builds, there 9 loadouts, 3 different fighting styles, that can be pair with a different extra skill. that being said, your straits can effect how each loadout feels. high or low agility can make it easy or hard to move around. and low strength or intelligence can make your attack weak. and your constitution stat will effect how much damage you take. over all I think its around 1000 possible arrangements for the end loadouts and stat arrangements.

  • Xor
    Lv. 4

    Very solid! Nice work