Shroom is a small story of survival. After finding yourself in a cave and separated from your hiking group, you must find enough shrooms to keep from going hungry. But, be careful. Some shrooms more hurt you more than they help you. If you're lucky enough, you may come across a special shroom that will show you what is safe to eat.


Arrow keys control left and right movement

Space = Jump

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    I wish I understood the game more. I included it in my compilation video series of all of the GM48 games, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    That hit sound effect though... 10/10 in sound

    Universe T

    Universe T

  • Jamblefoot
    Lv. 8

    Didn't really know what I was doing with those shrooms, but man, those sound effects were so good. I also just really liked the sketchy little dude. He didn't look like he was having a particularly good trip, but he was pretty great nonetheless. It was difficult to tell what was killing me and how to stop it, but a few more cues could fix that.

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Gave up, luck alone shouldn't be the reason why you survive or not :/ Unless you get the mushroom that shows you which mushroom you can eat, you're really just force to run and take whatever shroom is in the way. You could have made them slightly different so that it would need the player to focus and potentially lose time, so that he can tell which is bad. Aditionally, that hunger bar is filled waaay too fast

    • Phxrocker
      Lv. 6
      Phxrocker Developer of shroom

      6yrs ago

      Yeah, I agree. In hindsight, I could have put a visual marker on the special shrooms. Especially since they are hand placed and do not rely on random generation to designate their place in the world.

  • _l3on_
    Lv. 8

    The graphic is a bit rough but audio and music are good, especially the music fits perfectly to the game.

    The jump is really responsive and forcing the player to face the exit (if it's intentional) is a good idea .

    Obviously the game lacks variety and the random spawning of mushrooms is not enough.

    At first I thought it was impossible to finish it without a bit of luck, than i realized ;)

    Good job.

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    I wasn't really a fan of mushrooms randomly being able to hurt or harm you. Sure it fits the theme, but there's no way to tell what each mushrooms are good or bad so you might as well just grab (or avoid) them all. I did like the mushrooms that showed you which were good and bad, though.

    The graphics are somewhat basic but they do the job. The background noise (I'm not sure if "music" is the right word) adds some nice atmosphere to the game, and the mushroom collecting sound effects are amusing.

  • Fin_Nolimit
    Lv. 6

    Hmmm... where to start!!! hahaha! The music was perfect for this game. At what point during development did you decide to add the "discovery" mushrooms? I think that was the coolest mechanic. The sound effects made me laugh for sure. Nice job completing the JAM!!!



    • Phxrocker
      Lv. 6
      Phxrocker Developer of shroom

      6yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! I learned a long time ago that I need to keep the scope as small as possible or I'll never finish. All the mechanics were figured in the "design" phase. Glad you liked the music. Credit goes to my son for that. He always does a great job of capturing the atmosphere of the project.