I'm actually very happy with the way that 'Don't zone out' turned out. So happy that I'm currently devoting 1 hour every day to turn it into a finished game.
Whatever you do, don't click here
Thanks for playing and voting!
Quickly memorise the state of the board:
Then when you're ready, click, and start marking where you remember the tiles were:
So it was this one:
This one too:
Not that one:
Making a mistake costs 30 seconds (which is a lot given you only have 60 seconds).
But if you manage to remember where all the others were without another mistake, you'll be given your time back!
It's better to skip a level than to make a mistake!
Unfortunately my system keeps detecting the EXE as a trojan virus. Whilst I'm sure it's fine it keeps getting removed before I can even put an exception in so I've been unable to play it. I can't see anyone else saying they've had an issue so I'm not sure why my system is just being a pain with it (I'm only using Windows 10's built in AV and all the other entries haven't given me any problems so far). Shame as it does look good. I've still got quite a lot of other games to play so I'm going to move onto them but if I have time once I've finished them I'll come back and see if I can do anything to rectify this one.
That is very strange!
If you do get a chance to try and find a fix, I'd love to hear your feedback (and also what you did to fix it)! If not, I completely understand. Security is #1 importance and in your position I'd do exactly the same thing.
Either way, thanks for downloading and giving it your best shot!
Well I finished playing all the other games and returned to this as promised. I redownloaded it today, it was still detected as a virus, but this time my AV allowed me to make an exception before it nuked it from my PC. Not sure why I didn't let me do that yesterday.
Anyway this was really well done. The whole presentation is just fantastic. The tutorial is spot on and gives you all the information you need in a fun way. The game itself is fun too but it does begin to get a bit reptitive.
It would've been nice if the further along you got the more stuff it began to add to make things a bit more intense. Perhaps give you less time to check the pattern for example. Or have patterns that begin to change about if you stay looking at them for too long. Also perhaps have it so you regain less time as things go on so you're forced to get through each pattern quicker. I generally found myself pretty well off on time as things went on.
Overall though it was good fun and I'm glad I got to play it in the end. Great job.
Thank you so much for returning on your word. I'm not sure what happened but it seems I completely missed this reply, sorry about that! Better late than never!
I'm really glad to hear you liked the tutorial, it was made very last minute so it's good that it did its job.
I agree that it gets repetitive quickly, and definitely needs some spice to keep it interesting, as you said stuff could happen as you progress.
I really like your suggestion of the patterns changing over time! Or as the pressure builds, it suddenly chooses for you and you just have to go with it! That's going top of the todo list (although this project has been paused atm).
If you're doing ok on time, that means your memory has been increased! It's working!
Thanks again for taking the time to leave a review despite the odds against us, and I again apologise for not noticing this reply until now!
Really nice game! The concept is pretty simple but very well executed. There's lots of nice polish and smooth animations that make it a joy to play. It gets a little repetitive after a while, so perhaps the game could increase in intensity over time somehow. Regardless, a very well made and enjoyable experience.
Thanks for playing! I'm glad to hear that you liked the animations and found playing it to be an enjoyable experience!
Do you have any suggestions for how it could increase in intensity? Also what was your best score?
Really solidly made and a lot of fun! My memory sucks so I could only manage a high score of 76, but I think I'll hold onto the game and use it to improve my memory haha. The subtle animations are very smooth (like the selection box's sliding movements across the grid as it follows the cursor, or the transitions between levels). Even the tutorial is well-made, and I enjoyed the witty dialogue ("Now let's say you forgot to remember"). Great game!
Thanks for playing! I'm glad to hear that you liked the animations, I worked hard to make them nice and smooth!
I was a bit concerned that the tutorial would be a little too slow and wordy as some others have mentioned but I'm happy to hear it entertained you!
That's awesome you're going to keep it, would you be interested in beta testing? What's the best place to contact you? I'm developing it into something a little bigger and better with the goal of putting it on Steam. Do you have any feedback or suggestions?
You can follow the progress so far here: https://gamejolt.com/games/dont_zone_out/608172
Sure, I'm up for beta testing. I may not be available consistently, but I can give feedback on your updates whenever I have free time. I just followed the game on GameJolt, but I'm not very active there so you may need to leave a shout on my profile when you're ready to push an update, or I will probably never see it haha.
Feedback-wise, I really don't have any critiques or suggestions that others haven't mentioned already. Like I said, what you have here is really solid.
Occasional feedback on my updates sounds perfect, any feedback you have time for would be perfect! Thanks for the follow.
And ok, if anything comes to mind let me know!
Really nice game! I included it in my GM48: Sixty Seconds compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/e89Is-N0g-w
Thanks for playing! I think it's really cool that you're making a video for every single game in the jam.
I would have loved to see your final score though! It cuts quite abruptly.
Very polished game, played it quite a few times. I think it needs more content - maybe more colours the deeper you get, or something.
Have you considered using the gm48 leaderboards?
Thanks for playing, I'm so glad to hear you played it more than once, that's always a good sign!
I actually wanted to make it so each game would be a different set of colours, and the ability to do so is already implemented but I ended up turning it off because then it would need a different screen at the start explaining what colour you were supposed to find each game and I didn't have time.
I would have loved to implement the gm48 leaderboards if I'd known they existed! I attempted to implement GMScoreboard.com but by the time I realised their service doesn't work anymore it was too late to change course and use a different provider... That's why you can change your name on the menu, and if you use an internet monitoring application, you'll see a desperate http post after each game as it tries to send off its score.
I had a look on the FAQ but I don't see how to use them? Do you know if there's an information page somewhere about it? I'd to read it so I'm ready for next time.
https://github.com/tehwave/gm48.net-leaderboards-gms2 setting up is easy, hard part is yyc
Thanks for the link! I couldn't find this anywhere!
I do have YYC but I don't use GM2 so unfortunately I wouldn't be able to use this. I think I will have to use an alternative service perhaps like gamejolt's one!
https://ibb.co/527c146 1148 best score i've got. really like the game, good job.
Wow, that's incredible! I'm speechless, that's such a high score! Thank you so much for playing, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Do you have any feedback or suggestions?
Only thing I could say about the game is that sometimes, and I have no idea of the cause, every tile is blue. Other than that there are no gameplay issues that I have encountered and it runs very smoothly with no crashes. Maybe one addition to the game could be some alternate modes, not that I could think of any but it would be something to add variety to the gameplay. Overall though it's a simple and enjoyable memory based puzzle game and for that it does the job almost perfectly.
Ok great! I definitely agree that it could do with some more content.
The all blue level is a bonus level! It has a 1 in 10 chance of occurring if you have less than 30 seconds remaining.
It's kind of like a switch over from what is being relaxed, your mind can relax for a moment, because there's nothing to remember for this round. However your hand must now work hard to get all the tiles.
I perhaps should have added some more indication that it was a bonus round and not a bug. It says "+20 BONUS" when you get the last tile but evidently this is too subtle. Or perhaps the timing is wrong and it should say it upon the level loading.
Thanks again for playing!
You've gone for a wonderfully minimalistic style, which suits really well with the game you've made here - great job! :)
Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it! The easiest way to save time in a game jam is to make minimalistic art! ;)
Do you have any suggestions?
Oh 100% haha, a perfect cause for minimalism but when it's done right, it pays off! The only suggestion I'd have is that 30 seconds is a bit of a harsh punishment, but that's the point of the game so I see why it is that way :) and the whole leaderboards, links, that kind of thing, but that's a time crunch thing, I get it
Oh interesting! I actually agree that 30 seconds is too much.
It was originally implemented as a 15 second detriment, but due to the 'refund' mechanic (where you get your seconds back if you successfully complete the board), it became too easy and tempting to just spam the wrong tiles until you found where it was (and then be immediately refunded of your lost time!).
With the -30, it forces you to really think hard about which one it is (or skip), rather than being able to just try all of them at no risk! It was a hard decision to make but I think it worked out ok!
Thanks for your feedback, it really is fascinating to see which parts of the game people would change!
This game would be good exercise for memorising. Tried to respond to a challenge by the dude below but gave up with a high score of 164. But I will be returning with an edit when I have a mouse. I'm hooked! PS: The links for the score don't work unfortunately :(
Hey! Thanks for playing, I'm glad to hear you liked it so much! The links in the game were meant to go to:
https://gamejolt.com/games/dont_zone_out/608172 which is where I will be uploading a dev log and behind the scenes of the game
https://gmscoreboard.com/dzo Which was supposed to be an online scoreboard but it seems like this service is defunct. But, I noticed that this game: https://gm48.net/game/1839/kaljakaupoille had its own scoreboard built into this website so maybe I can implement something like that for next time!
Do let me know your new highscore when you get it! And also do you have any improvements or suggestions?
Really fun!
Thanks for playing! I'm glad you had fun. Do you have any suggestions for what could be added or improved?
You could have different modes with different amounts of things to memorize their positions for. Like, maybe find all the blue and yellow squares, lmb for blue and rmb for yellow or something like that. Also bigger areas could be cool too, and have different leaderboards for each game type/mode.
Also, you could have a mode where the squares move around for a while before they turn gray or maybe rotate the whole playing field after they all turn gray, so they have to have the field memorized upside down.
Wow these ideas are perfect for an 'impossible' mode!
That's so evil, you're so evil! I've added them to my list!
I agree leaderboards are a much needed addition, I was actually hoping to implement GMScoreboard but it seems their service is dead, which is a shame. I found out with 45 minutes of time left - not enough time to learn and implement another service!
But yeah, thanks so much for the feedback!
Great memory game! This one is staying on my PC for sure!
Haha thanks! I'm so glad to hear you liked it enough that you will keep it! I definitely need to implement some kind of online scoreboard so people can keep competing!
Do you have any suggestions for how I could improve it?
i think the 30 second time penalty is a bit harsh, could be reduced a bit :)
Aha I'm spotting a trend! Funnily enough, I agree!
It was originally implemented as a 15 second detriment, but due to the 'refund' mechanic (where you get your seconds back if you successfully complete the board), it became too easy and tempting to just spam the wrong tiles until you found where it was (and then be immediately refunded of your lost time!).
With the -30, it forces you to really think hard about which one it is (or skip), rather than being able to just try all of them at no risk! It was a hard decision to make but I think it worked out ok!
Thanks for your feedback!
This is one of those games where you get lost playing and forget about reviewing ha ha.
My Highest was 300
Edit: 917. I challenge anyone to get better than 917.
Damn, I don't think even I got a score that high! Thank you for playing, I'm truly amazed at that score, you must have had a lot of bonus rounds!
Do you have any suggestions or improvements?
I really did have a blast! It was just what I needed to zone out after a game jam (ironic, right?)
I have two suggestions 😄 It might have just been my setup, but when I tried with a drawing tablet, the clicks seemed to miss about 40% of the time and also require a double click. Maybe tablet support?
Maybe a custom cursor? I played full screen and although I didn’t miss click all that much, it did happen, which it might have helped with a bigger cursor, or something more visible against the grey tiles 🤔😊
How bizarre! Does it work ok when you're on a computer / using a mouse? I guess I'm just grateful the game allows for double clicks, or it would have been totally unplayable for you!
The collision boxes for the tiles have no gaps in between them so I'm not sure what was happening there.
As for not being able to see where the cursor is, I'm assuming if you're on a tablet you're using touch controls? If you use a mouse, the big white corners snap to whatever the mouse is hovering? Is something like this what you mean?
EDIT: You know what this is? It's this: https://docs2.yoyogames.com/source/_build/3_scripting/4_gml_reference/controls/device%20input/device_mouse_dbclick_enable.html
On touch devices, clicks in rapid succession are considered to be double clicks, which would mean every other click is ignored, explaining your experience! I just need to disable that setting!
EDIT2: Btw your score has been beaten!
The miss clicks are user error due to poor visibility, not any error of yours.
And i plan on beating it when i get the chance :P
EDIT: I had to do it to him. https://i.imgur.com/CSZKRPx.png
Hahaha omg, incredible. I really need to add a highscore board, this is so funny.
I don't think I've been anywhere close to getting a score like that, you guys are professionals. We need to make it harder!
Btw what is with your profile picture? Is it just inappropriate ways to cut toast?
Yeah, does need a leader board. I've been playing a bit of circuit superstars lately, which does ghost times in a really great way, where you can set it to show the world best, your best, the next person above youse score and your next friend above youse score.
I think showing the next person above you as well as their name/profile picture would be well worth the effort if you were planning on making a post jam version (which I would also pay for).
Yeah, its how I cut my bosses toast when I want to screw with him. ha ha :D
That would be the best case scenario! To see your exact position on the leaderboard. I don't know how easy adding profile pictures would be, it would depend on the service used to achieve it (I think the steam api supports this?).
I actually do intend to make a post jam version, I've collected everyone's feedback and have a simple roadmap ahead. I have to balance it with my other projects, and also it's Ludum Dare this weekend!
Of course I would ensure you had a free copy, you've been here from the beginning, but I am excited to hear you'd pay for it, that means others would too!
I've set up a gamejolt page if you're interested to follow development: https://gamejolt.com/games/dont_zone_out/608172
If there's a good place to contact you, I'd love you to be a tester if you're interested in that also?
I got 193! The game has great UI polish and the core idea has a good feedback loop and fits the theme nicely. I feel like an extra type of tile or mechanic like marking two different colors on one board could make this a real fun challenge, but I enjoyed my time with it and found the name to be the key strategy!
Nice work! Thank you for playing! More colours on the board is a great idea, definitely something I'd add next!
I actually wanted to make it so each game would be a different set of colours, and the ability to do so is already implemented but I ended up turning it off because then it would need a different screen at the start explaining what colour you were supposed to find each game and I didn't have time.
As for the name, it literally came from me being tired during development and accidentally zoning out, and then not being able to test what I wanted to test! I had to enable cheats so that stopped happening lol
I'm actually very happy with the way that 'Don't zone out' turned out. So happy that I'm currently devoting 1 hour every day to turn it into a finished game.
Whatever you do, don't click here
Thanks for playing and voting!