( devlog coming soon )

You are an Engineer aboard the S.S Armedeus. On your latest field assignment, you were suddenly interrupted when some space debris caused a breach in the ship. The captain performed an emergency landing onto an undocumented dwarf planet that ended up killing all the crew members except you. After constructing an S.O.S beacon from the remains of the Armedeus, you must now gather the remaining ship's power cells that have been scattered on this small world. Be careful though, it seems this planet is inhabited by... something.

Warning, this game contains:

  • Mild pixelated blood and gore
  • Horror elements
  • Sounds and visuals that might spook

In main game:

  • Left and Right Arrow keys, Movement
  • E key, Interact
  • F key, Toggle flashlight

Extras: I am pretty happy with how this one turned out, I feel that I managed my time much better than my previous entries (There's a death screen, an achievable win screen and mostly bug-free gameplay :D). This, however, doesn't mean much as the game is pretty short and extremely linear; there isn't much to do and can get slightly repetitive. I used this game jam to try shaders out as well as explore the horror genre, I still have a long way to go before I conquer both of these things, this was a great introductory to it and I have learned many skills. I also learned how to create sound effects from this too! All in all this was a really fun theme to participate and experiment with.

All artwork, code and sound effects were created by myself :)

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  • Nyveon

    I was not expecting that D: (in a good way lol)

    Super atmospheric game, really enjoyed the experience. I've not really played any 2d suspensful games before, but you definitely nailed it! I don't really have any particular feedback, the experience felt quite well rounded.

    Really well done! Congratulations :D

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Nice horror game. The atmosphere is thick and the monsters are scary. Giving a limited torch supply as the only method to fight enemies was a good way to force the player to fumble about in the dark. I also think it was a nice touch not having the timer during the 3 minute countdown - it made me feel more anxious not knowing how long was left. I appreciate that power cores glow so you have a general idea of where to go. The art is overall very strong with some nice lighting effects, as was the audio.

  • Tero Hannula

    It was nice short horror game, well done :) At the end you when 3 minutes have passed you could have had horde of shadow things coming at you and of course player would have to try fight them, but eventually light would go out. But just when they would get you light would come up saving you. Gamewise light would would come anyway after 3 minutes have passed, but not before shadow 'gets' you. This would just be purpose of giving player false despair ^^

    • BitRapture
      Lv. 6
      BitRapture Developer of Inhabited

      4yrs ago

      Thank you for playing my game!

      And ooooh that is an awesome idea! Wish I thought of that during the jam time xD I had all the variables set up so it would just have been a matter of spawning more creatures. If I ever flesh it out to itch I'll make sure to include this ;)

  • Megan
    Lv. 12

    Super atmospheric and fun! I like the story segments though the font could be clearer. Biggest issue was 3 mins was too long but otherwise I really liked the game! The creatures were scary.

  • dosto
    Lv. 16

    I never got used to the dying scene: it was hellish. I attented to a remote party last night so the first time scare really made me feel like soul was kicked out of my poor body.

    Excellent combination of arts, animations, music and mechanics. Everything worked so well together. Only the 3 minutes survial time at the end felt too much but otherwise the balancing was good.

  • baku

    This was great! Turns out 3 minutes feels like a long-ass time when there's no clock on screen, and you're constantly chased by monsters. At first I thought it would be too long and annoying, but honestly it felt like a fine amount of time. It's not too long, but just long enough to make you dread the wait and make you relieved when it's over xD Althought it could've definitely been better if there were more things to do during that time, other than just stand and wait for the monsters.

    Now the weather's pretty humid so my hands are naturally clammy today, but just from the fact that there was sweat on my keyboard after I beat this game, I think you can call this a success :D

    • BitRapture
      Lv. 6
      BitRapture Developer of Inhabited

      4yrs ago

      Thank you for playing the game, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I was planning on adding an extra objective during the 3 minutes but I ran out of time unfortunately, I might have to flesh it out on itch sometime in the future ;)

  • ceaselessly
    Lv. 8

    Nice work on this game! I think the atmosphere and thematic elements were very well done. I'd have loved to have been able to see the art of your game a little more -- while I understand the darkness is a part of the atmosphere and gameplay, I think if you had expanded the scope of the light surrounding the player just the tiniest bit, I would have been able to appreciate the sprites a little more, and the gameplay would have felt a little more fair.

    I played this game on my Twitch stream yesterday. You can check it out here if you're interested: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/602080602

    Your game starts around 19:20!

    • BitRapture
      Lv. 6
      BitRapture Developer of Inhabited

      4yrs ago

      Ah, I had difficulty trying to get the right levels of light the player emits. I'm very glad to receive feedback on this!

      Also watching the stream I noticed there was difficulty reading the logs because of the font being so small, next time around I'll remember to choose a bigger font haha

      Thank you for the feedback and playing my game live!

  • Happysquared
    Lv. 15

    Hey I really liked how scary and atmospheric your game felt. I liked the little ship logs in the beginning. Wouldn't have minded more of that world building during gameplay too.

    There was a lot of tension when you had to quickly drop and object to turn on your torchlight. As the distances travelled got further, I felt more and more tense. Tension was best built I think when the player's option to reach the win condition (collecting all the boxes) went against what was needed to be done to survive (getting the torch up in time). I think that's why the tension fell a bit flat to me when I had to survive for three minutes at the end. Suddenly I had only one choice to make and that was to just to turn on the light when I saw an enemy approach. So it became more of a reaction time game then something that felt like tense decisions to survive.

    All in all though, was pretty scared playing the game!

    • BitRapture
      Lv. 6
      BitRapture Developer of Inhabited

      4yrs ago

      Thank you for the feedback!

      Yeah, I definitely messed up by prolonging the experience to 3 minutes haha. I will remember that for next time! :)

    Lv. 36

    This was really cool. At first, I didn't get that you could press F to toggle the flashlight. I had read the description. I just didn't remember it after reading the prologue. It was mostly my fault of course, but it could be nice to remind me when the game starts - just to be fool proof. While I didn't know how to use the lamp. I discovered the strategy to move all four boxes close to the spaceship, then put in all of them. I'm quite proud of my technique, but I see that I missed out on the key gameplay (to watch out for the natives while carrying the batteries). I can get how that would be quite spooky though.

    After rechecking the description (since I didn't find a way to survive 3 minutes). I tried again and completed the game. Now I could actually see the rest of the art, which honestly looked really good. With an exception of the walking animation, which I don't like. (and I don't think it is a good idea to put it in the center of the icon either). The problem is mostly that he doesn't move his arms.

    Anything else? Well, three minutes was quite long for such repetitive gameplay (of turning in the right direction and turning on the lamp). I would also say that the prologue is quite hard to read because it uses some rare English words. Maybe that's just an artistic choice, maybe it's just because I'm not a native English speaker. It's not that big of a deal anyways.

    Sidenote: You cannot really measure time with the standard time measuring system in space. Especially not when you are travelling at a speed thousands of times faster than light.

    Just Junk!

    Just Junk!

    • BitRapture
      Lv. 6
      BitRapture Developer of Inhabited

      4yrs ago

      Ahhh you found the cheese strat haha, that was one of the reasons for making the second missions a "survive 3 minutes" just so that gameplay wouldn't be tooo short, though in hindsight 3 minutes was definitely way too long whoops. For the flashlight, I did present which key to press via the HUD but now i've realised that it probably conveys F for flashlight rather than F for the F key lol.

      For the text I see my mistakes of using a tiny font haha, it's not just you who had problems reading (most mistaked the W for H's and vice versa), next time I will make sure to use a bigger font so that the text is easier to read.

      Also with the sidenote, who's to say that couldn't be the future's standard measurement x)

      Thank you very much for the feedback!

  • Chris

    Great visuals and spooky vibes, every time I turned the flashlight on it was cool to see all of the detail hidden in the darkness.

  • serialkamikaze
    Lv. 5


    Was scared every time I tried to have all the powercells in the place. I'm not fast enough to use the light :D Good that you told the scary element beforehand, so it was not completly surprise.

    Music and sound effects fits perfectly to create a scary feeling.

    Darkness and the flashlight is a great way to increase the immersion.

    Good job!

  • illdie
    Lv. 12

    This was really cool, I love how atmospheric it is (the wind sound goes a long way!) I do think that the enemies moved a bit too quickly at the beginning, maybe it should start slow and scale up as you go? I also think the three minutes was a bit too long, 30-60 seconds would probably have sufficed (though it did lead to a rather tense air for the conclusion.) Very cool moody interpretation of the theme!

    • BitRapture
      Lv. 6
      BitRapture Developer of Inhabited

      4yrs ago

      Thank you for playing my game and for the feedback! I agree completely, I made the enemy's speed randomized which was a big oversight to the gradual progression of horror games. As for the survival time I made it 3 minutes as I felt the game was pretty short however this definitely should have been reduced.

I am pretty happy with how this one turned out, I feel that I managed my time much better than my previous entries (There's a death screen, an achievable win screen and mostly bug-free gameplay :D). This, however, doesn't mean much as the game is pretty short and extremely linear; there isn't much to do and can get slightly repetitive. I used this game jam to try shaders out as well as explore the horror genre, I still have a long way to go before I conquer both of these things, this was a great introductory to it and I have learned many skills. I also learned how to create sound effects from this too! All in all this was a really fun theme to participate and experiment with.

Result 11th