
  • Arrow Keys / WASD to move
  • Z / Spacebar to attack
  • X / Ctrl to target


  • Lstick to move
  • LB / LT to target
  • X / Y to jump
  • A / B to attack
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  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    This feels very polished for a game jam game! The character has lots of fluid animations, the boss look great and has tons of attacks, there's some nice satisfying effects when you hit the boss, etc.

    The audio is no slouch either, giving it the epic boss battle feeling. The dynamic music wasn't implemented the best though - it kept cutting back and forth in a very obvious manner.

    The gameplay feels good too, though its perhaps a bit on the difficult side. Dying to the boss in one hit made me hesitant to get near it. It was a bit of an awkward dance of trying to get close enough to hit it without dying, especially since the attack locks you in place. Still, I enjoyed the game and managed to (eventually) complete it.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! We definitely could have worked a bit more on the audio transitions. I think part of the problem is that the boss doesn't stay above the lava long enough for the music transition to sound smooth... Also the main reason why the character dies in one hit is because it's much easier to code ahaha

  • havik

    This seems familiiiiaaaaaar! :P

    It's a good sequel to the first one! The boss fight has evolved well. I'm not usually into boss fight type games but I had fun playing through the stages of the boss. I do wish your movement wasn't stopped when you attacked though - made it a bit awkward when you missed by like a pixel and had to readjust lol. The random attack speed felt a bit strange too (if that is what it was?). The hitboxes felt a bit wonky sometimes but, jam game so, doesn't matter that much! The art / sound was great - I liked the contrast between the two tracks.

    So, when is Leviatron III coming?!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for leaving feedback! Definitely could have polished the feel of attacking more. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by random attack speed though. ¯\(ツ)/¯ Leviatron III will be coming Soon™️

  • Hyper Freeze Games
    Lv. 17

    This game really made me git gud. Which I always love :D Jokes aside, it is a hard game, that sometimes feels a bit unfair. Like other mentioned, hitboxes were a bit off, like sometimes I could have sworn my slash got through the dragon but it didn't register a hit. This was even more a problem because once you chose your spot and started attacking, you couldn't change you position at all.

    Other than that I think this is a reeaaly cool game, pretty polished nonetheless and just plain fun to play. The animations look awesome! Like the slashing, the hit indicator...just great. The concept was very interesting and small details (like the lighting on the floor when it got closer to lava) are just such a nice touch.

    Keep it up! Awesome work!

    EDIT: Oh yeah and the music was siiick!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! I definitely should have made the collision boxes more precise in hindsight. I left off the hitboxes on the tail originally so the player couldn't be killed by it, but unfortunately that made it so the player couldn't hit the tail either. I'm glad that you noticed all of the little lighting effects though, we put a lot of time into it :D

  • Tero Hannula

    Visuals were good overall and they had that epic boss battle feeling there, music also fitted. Though music's volume varied a bit(?). As in screenshots game looks cool and makes you want to play it. But as playing game itself, it didn't feel as good, need polishing there.

    I think problems in gameplay boils to player attacking, and game's relatively slow pace. You don't feel tension, but you are most of the time waiting to boss come out. In gameplay waiting boss would not be as bad, but you die from one hit, and hitboxes felt bit unfair. Now after death you need to play (and wait) all over to get same point as before. When rock gets on platform, it's pretty tricky to destroy it, as you need to close, but rock is dipping in lava (once died when got too close).

    As for attacking, I think it wasn't dynamic. Attacking stops your momentum, which make player feel 'stiff', and maybe some momentum should be left when attacking (though speed can be reduced to 0 if kept attacking). But if player keeps attacking, you could move a bit in parallel to held directional key, like make small nudge at the beginning of the attack (when just pressing attack without holding directional keys, stay still). I don't think randomizing wait between attacks was good idea, as then attacking feels inconsistent.

    But yeah, polishing boss pattern and attacking are what this entry needs, I am not saying they are bad, but can be made better :)

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      Thank you for playing and leaving feedback! The music actually switches between two tracks depending on if the boss is above the lava or below it. Maybe that's what you're hearing? I agree with you that the attacking could have had more movement. The main reason why I had it stop momentum is that otherwise it was very easy to fall off the sides! But I think you're right that if it was just a small amount of movement it would be better.

  • Fachewachewa

    Top tiep graphics and music, good gameplay, with a few small issues:

    • I had a hard time understanding the boss' hitbox, sometimes it felt like I was safe but wasn't and sometimes I survived even though I though I would die.
    • The sound effects weren't that good, but the lava sound (I'm guessing) acted like a constant buzz (even on the ending screen!)
    • Sometimes the wait between each attack was a little long.


    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! The boss doesn't have a hitbox on the tail, so that could be why you didn't think it was consistent. The lava buzz on the ending screen was just a mistake, I forgot to stop all the sounds! For the attacks, it uses a weighted random chance to select what to do, so it's possible that it could get a bad string of attacks unfortunately.

  • BitRapture
    Lv. 6

    This was extremely cool! I didn't finish it because I am a goober at boss games but I enjoyed every second of trying to beat that skelly snake dragon hybrid. The game is very well made and the only thing I can really comment on was during the tutorial; it took me a hot minute to realise I had to jump off of the table to begin the game.



  • Nick
    Lv. 4

    Artistically the game is incredible for something made in such a short time. I love the pixel art style and the animations, transitions and overall presentation is very slick. I found the game quite hard and switched to easy, but that might just be because I'm not very good at this type of game. Really cool.

  • PenguinCzar
    Lv. 5

    Awesome game, Just like I expected from playing the first leviatron. Fun idea and excellent art. I love it. I kept pressing space to jump and then would just die. I hope y'all make a game later because that would be a money maker. Great job guys!

  • Chris

    Amazing visuals and feel but I couldn't get anywhere with the snake boss, it felt more like a tech demo than a game. But what you have there is a really great foundation and I hope you turn it into a full game.

  • illdie
    Lv. 12

    Phenomenal aesthetic, great animations for the player! The tilting platform is also very cool. However, I think the sound design was lacking - it felt more like i was clicking plastic forks together than slamming a heavy weapon into a giant monster. That, in addition to the general lack of feedback (other than the startlingly good and flashy animations when you land a hit) made it feel like I wasn't actually making any progress in the fight. Every time I died I had no sense that I had done anything meaningful in the last attempt, which can easily become discouraging for players. Other than that, I love boss fights, so I think the game is overall really cool.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! I agree that the sound effects could use a lot of work. And yeah, we should have made the Leviatron's bones crack or something to visualize the damage it has received. The only real way you can see "progress" is when the sky goes dark during the second phase.

  • Mimpy
    Lv. 26

    I like the tipping platform and the snake like segmentation of the monster, and the variety of different attacks made the fight feel full.

    I can't really see the Small World theme present anywhere except a couple sprites in the intro being bigger than you.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for leaving feedback! You're right that we didn't follow the theme very closely It's more of a "small player" theme than small world I guess. The second room is related to the first room though.

  • Alex Fantastico
    Lv. 4

    Visually stunning and great music. This was a game that immediately put a smile on my face. I was confused about how I went from

    <details> <summary>Spoiler warning</summary> the kitchen bench to battling a bone monster in a lava pit, </details>

    but after playing a second time and paying more attention, it made a lot more sense! :)

    The dipping and rising platform was a really nice touch that particularly impressed me.

    I did find the controls a little difficult; movement was a bit too sensitive; but maybe I just need to git good!

    Edit: Spoiler tag works in "Preview" but not as an actual comment? shrugs

    El's World

    El's World

  • Nyveon

    Awesome game, great sense of scale, choice of colors, sprites, music. It would have been a perfect experience for game jam, if it weren't for a few small details.

    Those details would be the lack of a health bar for example, which means one can't really know how far they've or how far they have left to go. There were also some quirks with the controls (nothing gamebreaking) but I'm not really sure how to describe them.

    Overall though, really well done and enjoyable. Congratulations :)

    • Eva
      Lv. 13
      Eva Artist of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      Thanks! It was great to work on the art, so I'm glad you enjoyed the graphics! We did have a health bar at one point, but it was a bit distracting and didn't quite fit in - still, I think you make a good point and would consider it if we made something similar in the future. Thank you for your feedback!

  • 89o
    Lv. 18

    I actually really liked this one, although it's short. I didn't use the enemy centralization thingy at all actually. I also felt like the sound effects didn't quite match the level of juice the game deserves.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Leviatron II

      4yrs ago

      The targeting mechanic isn't really needed to win, but sometimes it can help you by giving you an idea of the next attack the Leviatron will do. I agree with you that the sound effects aren't that good. Next time maybe I'll get someone else to do them lol

  • Tydecon Games

    This is a very well made challenge of a game with decent polish, good job! :)

  • Serbjy
    Lv. 8

    Everything feels really in place and very satisfying to play. Visuals and sounds are amazing and landing each attack feels great. Good job!

    Small Civ

    Small Civ

  • kris24

    Wow,! While it is short, it's so beautifully designed and well executed. Super polished and definitely the groundwork for a fun game.

    EDIT: Also, thank you for including the project files! I use GMS1.4 so I can't actually open the project but just looking at the scripts/objects in notepad has been very educational for me.

  • ZedSquadron

    The camera system you put together on this is amazing, and the artwork both in-game and in-menu is great too. Felt like I was playing as a pixel version of hollow knight. Wish it was longer so I could battle some more.

    Nice work!



  • Nahoo
    Lv. 17

    This was really cool! Well done

