Play as the young prince Frobbert as he travels down the swampy bog avoiding attacks from the treacherous gas bubble beast!

CONTROLS: WASD to move Mouse to Select Preffered Resolution at Start

Credits S. Data Game Design, Art, and Programming

Tiger Deluxe Created a 60 Second Song for the Jam!

jsfxr for SoundFX

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  • Happysquared
    Lv. 15

    Art is a lot of fun! Think my main issue was the danger indicators. Wasn't sure when I died and the timer reset. It's also a little hard to tell when the lilypads were dangerous to step on. Think game could use with greater feedback for the player so they can make their decisions accordingly. Felt my deaths were more UI related. I did like how you respawned very quickly though. Made it easy to get a few rounds in.

  • Jackaroo
    Lv. 9

    This one was tough. I really like the art and the trippy background and you win screen. The gameplay was fine but I had a few issues.

    It would've been nice if there was an actual start button on the title screen rather than just the resolution. I selected my resolution, the game began, but because it wasn't full screen, the window ended up half off the screen. I had to move the window back into view before I could start playing but the game had already begun. Having it so you can set your resolution, then click a seperate resolution to start would've made more sense.

    It was often hard to tell when the lilypads were dangerous to step onto. I know they stay red but when you are focusing on other stuff it becomes a little hard to notice. It's also a bit confusing as you have the gas cloud thing appear on them at first but it disappears pretty quick, yet the lilypad is still dangerous for a short while after that. I think it would've helped if you reduced the amount of time the lilypad was dangerous for, and also had the gas cloud remain on them until that time was up.

    When you die it just instantly restarts from the beginning. Sometimes it wasn't even clear this had happened. Some sort of death animation or proper indication that you had died would've been nice.

    Despite these issues though I did have fun and still stuck around till I was able to beat it. Just with a few fixes here and there it could be even better. Good job.



    • S.Data
      Lv. 2
      S.Data Artist of Frobbert's Fight Against the Swampy Gas Bubble

      3yrs ago

      Great feedback and thank you for playing! I'll be sure to address all of this in the post-jam version!

  • Ethan Wake
    Lv. 10

    The graphics are very pretty, and the various effects (like the smoke behind the gas bubble, or the text effect when you beat the game) add a lot of pizazz. Gameplay is good once you get the hang of it. The music is greatm but sadly very quiet; I had to turn up my volume quite a bit just to hear it. Overall though, great work for having started halfway into the jam!



  • 2102

    Wasn't really sure what was going on, then a log brought me to my death off-screen. haha It was fun, though!



  • Tydecon Games

    Great art, love the cooky weirdness of it all, short and sweet gameplay as well, I would've liked a menu/title screen to prepare at before being pelted with sludge, but I get the time restraints mean sacrifices had to be made - my only big critisism would be when the animation ends and I step on to one of the lillypads, it will still kill me, I think the "okay, you can step on it now" indicator should perhaps be just half a second sooner than it is, that took some getting used to, but in the end I completed it and got the nice little "you win" screen, so overall it's a short and sweet game, good job :)

  • dosto
    Lv. 16

    Great art and characters! I wish there would have been more clear indicator when you failed and the counter restarted. Failures were sometimes hard to notice when I had my nose on the screen staring at those water lilies. Though being able to quickly restart without much hassle was nice.

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Cute graphics. I included it in my GM48: Sixty Seconds compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Chris

    The art was fantastic, the presentaion made it feel like an epic boss battle. Fun game, I was able to win after a few trys, cool effects. All around awesome game

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Nice little game. It's fun jumping between the lilypads and trying to survive. It feels a bit unfinished in some areas though. For example, I'm not sure what the purpose of the log is.

    The graphics look really nice. I especially like the gas affect in the background. It's a bit jarring how the frog just teleports between lily pads, but that's not really a big deal. The music is good and the sound effects work well.



    • S.Data
      Lv. 2
      S.Data Artist of Frobbert's Fight Against the Swampy Gas Bubble

      3yrs ago

      You can jump onto the log to avoid being hit on the lilypads, but you have to be careful as staying on the log can kill you if you go past them! This was really rushed as I found out about the jam when it was nearly halfway through, but I am real happy for where it's at for 26 hours and hope to polish and make a postjam version within the next couple of days. Thank you very much for playing and for the feedback!

  • Zen00
    Lv. 15

    Need to center the window after resolution selection via a 1 second delayed alarm.

    Art direction was interesting, it was pretty good, better than me at characters at least :)

    The sound level was so low I couldn't really hear the music.

    Sometimes the attacks would end up taking over all the lilly pads essentially forcing a death as there is no place to go unless you're frame perfect.

    • S.Data
      Lv. 2
      S.Data Artist of Frobbert's Fight Against the Swampy Gas Bubble

      3yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback and suggestions! I am working on a post jam version to polish up anything I couldn't get to the in the 26 hours I had (found out about the jam a bit late haha).

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    3yrs ago

    Seems interesting but also seems unfinished. There's no instructions and the score keeps reseting.

  • Rovert
    Lv. 5

    Short and sweet, very fun and solid!