An alien has landed on earth. They modified an old car. Their job? Deliver as many (totally not mind control) hats as possible! And wreack havoc while at it!

Barely managed to finish this one, hope you'll enjoy!

Libraries used:







Sound effects were either generated by Jsfxr Pro or taken from

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  • sushipop!
    Lv. 9

    This game was neat! I think its a bit rough around the edges but I love the perspective. I think it was hard to determine what things were buildings, and what things I could actually drive over. Otherwise, nice job!

    • Tib Averus
      Lv. 5
      Tib Averus Coder of Post office tycoon

      2yrs ago

      Thank you so much! Most of the graphics were made by my friend, and I'm honestly surprised he managed to do it all in about an hour. Meanwhile I was struggling to understand how the physics system work, but eventually I got it down to a point where I was happy with it!

  • Brian LaClair

    Lots of fun physics! Love the style of the game, too. I wish the arrow was a bit more stable technically, but it is a fun game!

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    I like how you can crash into random objects around the city with physics 😂 There are a lot of things that could be improved to make the game easier to understand, but it was still fun to play after I figured out what was going on!

    • Tib Averus
      Lv. 5
      Tib Averus Coder of Post office tycoon

      2yrs ago

      Thank you for playing! This was my first time trying out the built-in physics engine of GameMaker, even though I've been using the engine for a few years now! It was fun figuring stuff out for sure, and made for a fun gameplay loop so near the end I did my best to make as many things breakable as possible ^^

  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    This was a short, fun, experience, just about everything you want in a game jam. While a bit rough around some of the edges (it seems like not everything got done that you might have wanted), I found it to be an overall enjoyable experience. I think there were maybe a few too many things competing for the player's attention, which while that fits the "tycoon" aspect usually those types of games don't also require the player to drive a car while they manage those aspects. I found myself ignoring the upgrades as I played because they felt a bit overwhelming, and I found it hard to see a tangible improvement to my stats while also focusing on delivering the next package. The time limit also felt quite strict, which while that was nice for keeping the experience short also made it feel like a highscore was heavily influenced by the RNG you got- further away deliveries take more time, after all.

    At first I hated the control scheme of mouse to turn, but I eventually warmed up to it. It's a different way to play a driving game than I'm used to, but it ended up working fine. Really, my only main concern with controlling the car is that it feels a bit slow to me when you're not boosting, which feels a bit weird when the boost is so fleeting.

    I think the graphics work well, although some bits of the art stand out as having a lot more effort put into them than others- likely a time issue, but it was still felt a bit messy. The fuel can icon in particular felt out of place compared to the rest of the art. I also had trouble telling what was a drivable surface and what was a building sometimes. This led to many accidents. Still, other bits of the art are great. I appreciate the effort you put into adding the destructable objects as it makes the game a lot more satisfying.

    Overall this feels like a game jam game with a strong vision that for the most part succeeds at what it sets out to do. While it could have used more time likely, the final product still stands on its own well enough, and I enjoyed my time with it.

    • Tib Averus
      Lv. 5
      Tib Averus Coder of Post office tycoon

      2yrs ago

      Thank you so much for the feedback! Yep, most of the art was done by my friend, but then I had to quickly make a few placeholders, and we didn't have time to replace those.

      I really wanted to make the car faster as well, but I planned the game to run for longer, to have a way to extend the time, I never implemented that sadly.

      We might continue working on it afterwards, could be fun!

  • Villany
    Lv. 6

    I really enjoyed driving around smashing up the city. All of the art looked nicely polished, the physics were decent, and the sound was too. I don't know why, but it took me a bit to see the fuel canisters. Other than that though, it was all really fun. Good work!

  • Hyper Freeze Games
    Lv. 17

    One critique off the bat I always give: When using mouse control, make sure to enable fullscreen switching! No harm in giving the player the freedom to play in windowed OR fullscreen mode, but often times I struggle with mouse controls because I accidentely move the mouse outside the window.

    Other then that, the game was really fun! The destructable environment was a blast to play with and the city in itself felt really cool and polished, straight out of an early GTA game. Lots of details there, I loved it!

    The text was a bit hard to read at times, but I really liked the upgrade system and the different "resources" you had to manage like time and fuel.

    A bit more direction would've been nice, like a small tutorial screen detailing how to get more fuel etc, but I figured it our quite fast myself.

    All in all a very fun entry that felt really polished already!



    • Tib Averus
      Lv. 5
      Tib Averus Coder of Post office tycoon

      2yrs ago

      Thank you so much!

      I definitely should've enabled full screen switching, but I completely forgot when I was trying my best to smash everything together at the last few moments. Fun trivia, there were no destructible objects in the game an hour before the final deadline for the GameJam I had to put them in under 60 minutes.

  • Travis Pirozzini
    Lv. 4

    Controls felt smooth and I like the concept! The upgrades didn't feel like they had a huge impact unless I chained my stops well, but that is probably by design. The game became more fun once I started to master the boosting! A simple way to make this game more fun would be to increase the speed of the car - it felt a bit slow after I got the hang of it. Great job in 48 hours - I can totally relate to not getting everything done that was planned!! Great submission!



    • Tib Averus
      Lv. 5
      Tib Averus Coder of Post office tycoon

      2yrs ago

      Thank you very much! Yea I planned to make the game longer at first and forgot to adjust the powerups accordingly when I had to cut things short, and I definitely should've made the car much faster, yep!

  • Tydecon Games

    I missed the fuel quite badly on this, I think some level of indicator to get fuel when you're running low might have helped but I didn't notice them on my journey. That aside, I enjoyed causing carnage and destruction on my mission to deliver a top hat so overall, good job! :)

    • Tib Averus
      Lv. 5
      Tib Averus Coder of Post office tycoon

      2yrs ago

      Unfortunately I made them really dark, too dark in fact, sometimes even I had trouble finding it when I was playing it back, but I tried to implement too many things too fast. As you can tell, some of the assets were made by me and some by my friend, I'm definitely not an artist haha, but I'm glad you had fun!

  • Ross Boman
    Lv. 30

    I liked this game. It was fun. I wish there was more time to play it or a way to extend the time while playing. The upgrades felt nice and the controlls were good. Sound was okay and art was good. Good game man.

    • Tib Averus
      Lv. 5
      Tib Averus Coder of Post office tycoon

      2yrs ago

      Thank you very much! Unfortunately I had some ways to extend the timer planned, but it required a lot more balancing, and I just ran out of time. Need to manage it better ^^

My second ever GameJam where I managed to finish a game, and to be honest, coming back for the second time was absolutely the right choice, I had a lot of fun, and I did much better than last time in terms of making things work, getting more functionality in, and of course, trying completely new things out!

Result 10th