You decided to do freelance delivery work. That was your first mistake.

Find as many packages as you can around the map. Collect different powers to enhance your truck. Locate the delivery spot to end the game and see your score!

  • Move: Arrow Keys / WASD / Left Stick
  • Jump: Up Arrow / W key / A button

If you forget the controls or how to use a power, stand still for a second and the prompts will reappear on the screen.

Press R to restart the entire game if you get stuck somehow.

Don't forget to use the Clock ability!

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  • sushipop!
    Lv. 9

    I think this game says alot about our society, and the stressors we place on delivery drivers. Much like the massive distances truckers have to drive, this games scope spans far and wide. Despite all that, the truckers will defeats all, and their packages are delivered, much like the scope of this game works out.

    Jokes aside, I really like this! I think the wall jump is difficult though- i think holding onto the players horizontal speed for a bit longer would make it a bit less tricky. There were also times I felt that the packages fell off my truck for no good reason. its not too clear what makes that happen! otherwise, amazing work!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Thank you for the analytical insight 🧐 Yeah I agree that the walljump ended up being difficult because of how much the level design relied on it for scaling walls, the Clock powerup helps with it but I could have made it easier by default. The physics did end up being wonky too, we didn't playtest it very much lol

  • Fachewachewa

    1 star 😭

    This is a lot of fun, from the mini metroidvania setup to the controls and the way everything moves. I just have no idea how I'm supposed to avoid losing almost all my packages 😅 But even then, watching stuff bump around was fun enough not to be too frustrating.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! The best strategy is to leave packages as close to the goal as you can, and then only get them at the end. But that's pretty much impossible to do on the first run through 🙃

  • GoblinBoy

    Excellent entry in the niche trucker-vania-like genre. It played really well and I love how silly it looks lugging along all the packages. Also really appreciated the simple but unique powerups. Thumbs up.

  • Mark L 🌲
    Lv. 5

    this is such a ridiculous concept and I absolutely love it

    when I saw the preview as gif I knew I'd be a fan. And I am.

    the music is also so over the top. It just made me laugh and have fun

    really nice

  • Loates
    Lv. 10

    I'll be honest, I completely suck at platformer games, so having the slow time powerup was extremely convenient when platforming. I wasn't able to complete the game, because I somehow managed to keep getting lost, but that is moreso an issue on my end than it is an issue with the game's design. Despite this, overall I had a positive experience!

    The music is, simply put, extremely extremely cool, and I really like it - it makes me feel like I'm on some sort of epic adventure where the entire world is counting on me, or something like that. There was a good variety of powerups, and I like the fact that they were slowly introduced to you, rather than all being thrown at you as soon as you started the game. They, and the puzzles a lot of them were used in, were extremely intuitive too, so credit for that.

    Good job on the game jam!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for the review! Looking back it would have made sense for me to include some kind of indicator for where the goal was, or how close you were to it. The best strategy for the game ended up being "drop off packages as close to the goal as you can so you don't lose them in other places", but that's impossible to do if you haven't beaten the game once already. Glad you liked the puzzles and the music, Meseta and I worked hard on them!

  • Kask Daxxe
    Lv. 3

    -The platformer controls were very tight, so felt very good to move around in. The assets are pretty good as well, though the stage did look a little generic so I got a bit lost at points. -I found the delivery aspect of the game a bit weak, the game felt like it would have been more fun without the trailer. -No seriously, those controls were VERY tight. Real nice. -I liked the abilities ui coming up as well, did make it easier cause I would have forgotten otherwise. -Music was very good as well.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! Definitely agree with the points you brought up, the art and physics gameplay were not as polished as they could have been.

  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    Oh wow. Really cool entry, Yosi and Meseta. I feel like all the things are there, trucks, awesome programming and legendary music. I really wouldn't mind, if you guys won. I wonder how you managed to make the music loop so seemlessly from a musical point of view... Also, you must know that it is super cinematic and not interruptive at all. It just sets the mood.
    The package delivery system felt kind of "anti-juiced" to be honest. No sound effects when picking them up, or when they smack against the ground after dropping from a distance or just gliding against a wall. It was also frustrating to lose all your hard earned packages (is it possible to collect all?) to seemingly nothing. Lastly the power-ups. I loved how creative they were. None of them seemed too over-powered, and all of them useful somehow. Maybe inspired from Rayman 3? If so, great choice for insporation. Very novel and good entry.

    Pizza Boi

    Pizza Boi

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback! Meseta would have to answer for the music question, I have no clue what his process was like. As for the package physics not having enough juice...that's what happens when you develop systems separately and only merge them in the last few hours ahaha

  • Tib Averus
    Lv. 5

    Not gonna lie, the music made me feel like I was in an epic blockbuster movie. I love the mechanics, and the little effects for some of the abilities made things even more fun! It's a difficult game, and I find it really hard to get some of the packages back if I die in spikes which are too far away from a "safe" zone, I had to keep dying and pull the packages out one by one, unless I was missing something. Really fun game!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Glad you liked the music, Meseta did an awesome job on it! The "optimal" strategy ended up being to leave packages near the endpoint instead of carrying them around everywhere, which is unfortunate because I didn't put any indication of where the end was. We weren't expecting the gameplay would turn out like it did lol

  • Villany
    Lv. 6

    First off, the physics in this were very impressive. The pixelated art style was cool and the music was really epic. It did take me a few tries to beat it, and I felt like a couple spots were maybe a bit too frustrating, but it was really satisfying to finally get it. Overall a great game!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! I was hoping that the time-slowing ability would help with the difficulty, but I realize it still ended up being too precise when playing it after the jam was over, oh well

  • Riuku
    Lv. 19

    Had fun playing this! I did only manage to deliver 2 packages though, because at some point I forgot that that's what I was supposed to do instead of just getting through, haha. I found most of the upgrades fun except I didn't really find a use for the time slowing thing. Cool game, great job!

  • Allison J. James

    Super-polished engine, with great music - fairly expected from you two! Lovely lil game, great work.

    Post Barks

    Post Barks

  • Felipe Vega
    Lv. 2

    Loved the witchtime mechanic even though I couldnt find a use for it. Awesome how you managed to add gamefeel in such limited amount of time. The controls are tight and precise. Exactly what I would expect from the developer behind PFE. THanks!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! The slowdown was just an experiment, but I left it in because it helps keep the packages attached, and makes the platforming sections easier.

  • Hyper Freeze Games
    Lv. 17

    The juuiiice in this one! Felt really great playing. It starts out as a decent metroidvania but morphs into a rage game real quick xD I love it! Played it several times to get a better customer rating!



  • Tydecon Games

    This is a crazy fun experience, the physics are made in a way that it feels like every mistake you make (and you will make a lot) is entirely your own fault, but it makes me want to keep going! I like that you learn the abilities over time so it's not all thrown at you all at once and the mechanics are made really well. It certainly feels epic, nice job!

  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    This was a pretty enjoyable game overall. It was very juicy and felt fun to control. I think the truck was a bit too fast for some sections- I had trouble pressing some of the buttons, but overall it was quite fun to control. The powerups were also quite fun for the most part. I enjoyed that the double jump placed the bouncy platform- that gave that ability a lot more depth. The roomba felt rather underutilized, and the time slow felt worthless. Clicking that button just made me feel like the game was lagging, and didn't really help with platforming.

    While I realize the box mechanic is the thing that ties it to the theme, I felt like it was the worst part of the game. Sure, it was fun seeing the massive stack of boxes tilt around as you drove, but it felt almost entirely out of my control whether the boxes stayed on the cart or fell off of it. Even simple actions like wall jumping would sometimes cause the boxes to tumble off. Once I finally decided I no longer cared how many boxes I had, the game became much more enjoyable. In theory there's replayability there to get me to improve my absolutely atrocious 2/12 boxes collected, but I don't feel like the process of going back to get that would be all that fun.

    Still, that's my main gripe with the game and everything else is excellent. I enjoyed my time with it and felt like I wanted to get to the end, something that isn't always the case with jam games.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Epic Pickup Truck

      2yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! I agree that the package mechanics ended up being annoying - we were going for a very different experience at first but had to pivot on the third day because our artist got sick. Having physics as the main gameplay and the truck as the player wasn't intended, and we didn't have a lot of time to test it so I'm not surprised how it turned out 😂

      The slow time ability was just an experimentation, but in my experience it made the platforming easier AND made the physics work better so I left it in.