WASD to move, R if you need to restart
Made in the last 12 hours of gm48 by @AjmalRizni and @Gasparatus

Lv. 6
Nice! This is a compact, clean design that works well. There are only some tiny polish things I'd like to suggest in case you make a post-jam version. The camera should aim for the average land height, or halfway between the highest bit and the lowest bit. On some runs there would be a big hole on one side and I couldn't see because the camera lowered to the level of the lower land height. Also, a cool break animation or particle effects would look great! Overall this is a game I'd love to play on my phone!
A neat little idea well presented and executed. The only problem I ran into was getting stuck at the highscore screen once and needing to close and relaunch the game to play again.
Lv. 37
This felt great, so much fun with so little content, it's awesome.
I actually feel like this can be applied to any part of the game, the art is beautiful and it uses just a handful of pixels and 2 colors, the sounds never get annoying even though there's just a couple of them, the gameplay is SO MUCH FUN with just one little game mechanic.
Rhubarb you're the master of doing a lot with just a little, bravo to you and to this awesome entry.
SubmittedPath Y
Lv. 8
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :)
Lv. 2
This is a really great, simple entry. I really like the graphics and chiptune music :)
SubmittedPale Blue Dot
Lv. 8
Very fun game, shines in its simplicity. Personally loved how squishy the little keyboard keys felt when teaching the controls! Played several times, and as I was skimming over the feedback I read a comment praising the double jump sprite and I was like "wait, there's a double jump?!" and then went back to play some more.
Lv. 8
Thanks! Haha yeah, I couldn't think of a simple way to show that you could double jump.
Lv. 38
The gameplay is fun, the black and white graphics are nice, the sounds and music are solid, and it fits the theme. It's just all around a great game.
SubmittedInto the Void
Lv. 67
That's impressive for 12 hours! It is really fun to play and gets straight to the point. It manages to have its gimmick too! The music and sound effects are inviting and it is really fun. Oh and I absolutely love the double jump animation.
I would have liked to see more sprites or perhaps a higher resolution of graphics (although it's a matter of taste; I didn't take my own tastes into account while rating though); but I wouldn't expect more for one quarter of the intended work time.
Kind of makes me wonder what it would have given with the full 48!
SubmittedThe Ascension
this is my personal fav :D
Lv. 6
I actually think this is pretty brilliant. It's so simple, but evertyhing looks and feels in place.
My favorite bit was how the game emerged from the start screen. It's a really nice touch that introduces a really fun, simple concept.
SubmittedOuter West
Lv. 2
Simple idea, it was good game and good music. Maybe sound effects should have been toned little bit down, or music up? It was sometimes hard to recognize the player from other stuff, which made the game harder. I somehow managed also in this game get stuck, I could jump but not move sideways, I was at the border of game screen. Otherwise it felt pretty solid game.
SubmittedTroll's Bowel
Lv. 8
Yeah, the sounds were very last minute and I didn't have time to tweak them. And that's the problem with a 1-bit low-res game, I'll need to think some more about how to make the player stand out more. Thanks for the info on the bug, I think I figured out the problem. Thank you for the feedback!
Lv. 2
Love the game, even with only 12 hours you did a great job. The idea is super simple but I keep going back in because of it. I enjoy the simple graphics and animations. Music was great too. I assume the game is endless so the only thing I would add is an end or bottom so the game is actually winnable and the player can achieve that :)
SubmittedMr.Poop - A Sewer Adventure
Lv. 8
Thanks! I wanted the game to be endless so it's more about getting a higher score than finishing. But yeah, maybe some sort of endgame would have been good.
Lv. 15
Holy crap this is really good! Such a simple concept, but beautifully executed. Really smooth and responsive controls, and it really fits the theme perfectly! Good job!
SubmittedFlesh Eye vs. Mind Eye
Lv. 8
Thank you!