POST JAM UPDATE: The Post-Jam update is HERE
With sound issues fixed and some quality of life improvements
As the new I.T. professional, your job is to take on the CD's submitted by Disc Recovery Systems' clients, discover the viruses and get rid of them! Fortunately, you have the brand new, state of the art, TydeOS technology to assist you. Load the CD's up in to the machine and use their in-built 'Jellybean' to go in and out of programs, finding and defeating the viruses inside!

Use your mouse to navigate the operating system - accept jobs as they arrive and you will load the CD automatically.
Once the CD has booted, use your mouse and arrows/WASD keys to control jellybean.

Lv. 15
The concept was really cool. Super super impressive how many mini games you've managed to cram into it. The aesthetic and whole vibe of this is just 100%. PURE FUN.
I laughed seeing the video loading the CD in as well. Would love to see a full FMV game one day. Really enjoyed the little touches on the desktop. Nice being able to switch tracks. So the whole UI is just super super fun. The glitchy effects on the blue screen was great.
My main feelings were I wonder what mini game is coming next. So I was excited to keep going. There are so many I wonder if people missed some of the other games in there. There are just so many! I nearly had to stop and ended up getting another game I hadn't seen before. So that was just really impressive overrall.
Presentation of this was really excellent. My main issue would be the controls and I found those more frustrating rather than challenging.
Thank you so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, it was something I've not done before so I'm glad it turned out quite well, I do appreciate the floatyness is a bit tricky to get right as well and I've certainly tried to make it just a little easier post jam 😁
Lv. 19
I like it, it's very creative! Definitely stands out from the crowd. You managed to cram a whole bunch of minigames into it!
I think there was a bug with music not looping properly or something because soon after starting playing I noticed that there was no music and I couldn't get it playing again with the UI in TydeOS. I did restart the game to get the music going again because I enjoyed the music a lot!
I think I mentioned this in someone's stream earlier but I'm especially delighted by the video recording bits, and I think it would be amazing if someone made a whole FMV game for gm48 one day.
Thanks so much for playing and I'm glad you've enjoyed it :) I'd love to see a full FMV game one day too haha. I did notice the music bug albeit too late and I've fixed it now for the post jam update 😁
The flashes were a little too aggressives for my eyes, and the music didn't start back after I muted it while randomly clicking on the taskbar, but other than that it's pretty much all good. And it's really simple, but the videos were a really nice touch.
SubmittedBeyond The Window
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it and yeah that issue with the music bugged me, I didn't realise until too late unfortunately but I'll get it fixed 😁
Lv. 15
Excellent game with loads of things going on. I especially loved the FMV inclusion.
SubmittedHidden Dragons
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it :)
Lv. 7
I could probably play this for ages, but I don't have that kind of time! What I'm trying to say is this is really well made. I did find it quite tricky to navigate through the dungeon games because the character would keep getting stuck in the walls, but that can be fixed relatively easily I'm sure.
Overall I really like it!
SubmittedWitch Wanda: Wandaring Candyland
Thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :) Originally I didn't plan jellybean to be in a mini game that involved collision so I had to do some cobbling together that made it a little wonky, definitely something I plan on fixing 😁
Lv. 3
Really nailed the visual style with the startup screens, windows and the glitchy, blue-screen aesthetic. It was honestly a little challenging and disorientating the first playthrough while you were working out the rules. It took me a while to figure out I was shooting myself in the space invaders level. But once I had the hang of things I was busting viruses with ease. It's really impressive what was achieved in 48 hours and it was full of visual wit and charm in the writing.
SubmittedAlloy There!
Thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you liked it :) yeah it can take a little getting used to haha but I'm glad you got the hang of it
I really got a kick out of the retro PC interface and the overal presentation of it all. A few of the mini-games felt a bit too tough compared to other ones, but the variety and relative polish on each one was impressive. I do have to say I didn't love the floatiness of Jellybean in combination with the high kickback of the weapon. I found myself wandering around the edges of the screen quite a few times because I'd get disoriented. But with a little practice it wasn't too bad for most of the minigames. Great work!
EDIT: Another thought; you might want to make the screen flash effect an option or at least put seizure alert warning in there if you get a chance to polish this more - I'm not usually sensitive to flashing screens all that much but there were a few times that bothered me (maybe because I was playing full screen)
SubmittedBalloon Flight
Thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you've enjoyed it :) The mini game complication is definitely something I've not done before and getting the balance right with the clock ticking was a bit of a struggle, given another go at it I'd balance those games and make jellybean a bit less floaty haha
Lv. 43
Didn't really get to see the full game, but it was a pretty intresting idea. heres the vod if you want to rewatch it. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1181819117?t=00h24m33s
SubmittedHell Diver
Yeah I think the random selection process needed some fine tuning to make sure every game got a fair shout before the duplicates came in 😅 thanks for playing though, I'm glad you enjoyed it
Lv. 7
Impressive! So many things happening in this one, great job bundling everything up in a consistent package!
- I imagine it was part of the sillyness, but getting a blue screen even when i fully completed the objective of the mini-game made me think i failed somehow (or maybe i got this wrong)
- Loved the interface, awesome stuff
- Cool effects
- Nice and fun variety of mini-games
- Great music
- Unsure if it was on purpose that you constantly "fall" through the screen (maybe something to do with being too easy / balancing) although i used the WASD was kinda fighting again the current, again maybe intended
- I couldn't achieve this in 480 hours, fantastic effort for the 48 you had!
SubmittedWHO AM I ?
Thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you liked it. There is screen warp but you can use the arrow/WASD keys to control the character which helps, but I agree jellybean is very floaty by design :) I also couldn't think of a convincing way to "crash" the mini game while saying you win so I had the pop up instead 😅
This was a deep rabbit hole!
The general presentation was excellent here - windows and everything worked as expected, the idea and the game flow of entering discs, and (for the most part) the controls of the game.
I wasn't expecting a minigame collection going in, but it was an eclectic mix of them and a lot of possibility for more! While the kickback of the gun was maybe a little too much, and I did fail the "swapping cups but they're folders" minigame the first time as I clicked the correct file forgetting the controls and instead shooting a different incorrect one, but mostly they were all super-intuitive and fun to discover, with a lot of neat plays on arcade and modern classics.
The game was great graphically, with an impressive range to match all the minigames, and SFX fit well. Never got the music to work, not sure why but I could make the player read play/pause and track 1 or 2 but no music ever started.
And huge credit for the Tesco CD-R cameo in there. Had stacks of those in the mid-2000s and I credit them for single-handedly saving my entire early game library from the death of computer replacements 😄
Superb entry, and extremely impressive for such a short-form game jam. Great work!
Thank you so much for playing and I'm glad you like it :)
I recently got hooked on the new warioware game and I think that was definitely an inspiration to this haha
I don't quite know why the music doesn't start again if you turn it off and that's definitely something I intend to fix.
The controls I'd made it to be quite floaty but I'll definitely reduce the gun shootback when I do a little post jam update :)
I'm impressed you saw it was a tesco logo on the discs as well haha 😅
It's definitely something I'd not done before so I'm glad it turned out the way it did, albeit in need of a bit of fine tuning if I had more time :)
Thanks for the review and I will look forward to giving yours a go soon 😁
Cool! I like the style of this and the fake OS works really well. I liked some of the games but a few I came to dread a bit. Mostly the cursor one since it just took so long.
SubmittedThe Deepest Down
Thanks for playing and streaming :) I'm glad you liked it and I will definitely line the pace of that game up with the rest of them haha 😅
Lv. 12
I really like how crazy you went with the ideas for this game, along with the amazing pixel art! I also like the idea of using real life imagery for the disc insertion and game over screens, and the dialogs are pretty fun too. First game I've played so far, and I already really like it!
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it :)
I love the faux OS aesthetic.
All the minigames were pretty fun and intuitive and the writing made me laugh. Other than getting emails from my angry manager outside of work I can't think of anything I would improve.
Great job as always!
SubmittedMonkeys Going to Islands
Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Holy crap! That was really good. Definitely your best game that I've seen since I started doing these jams. I loved everything about it except the weird gravity that was applied in the jellybean mode. Just made things a little too wonky. But I thought it was hilarious, polished, had no cut corners, and whenever I tried to do something on the computer screen, I was actually allowed to do it! This must've taken every bit of those 48 hours to make, and you did a great job.
SubmittedGlaucous Primary
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it! It was definitely something I've not done before so I'm glad it worked out. Jellybean was designed to be quite a floaty character which is hard to balance haha :)
Lv. 6
Quite a well polished game for a 48-hr jam! Sprites were cute, I liked the sound effects and music, and the controls were just difficult enough to make it interesting.
I got a little bored after the first 5 times doing the same few minigames over and over but I like the idea. Had fun!
SubmittedChronicling the Cosmos
Thanks so much for playing and I'm glad you liked it. I did try to make a little thing in the selection process for jobs so there were no repeats but the code for that kept playing up unfortunately so it does still churn out repeats occasionally 😅 there are 7 mini games in total, each with 4 difficulty levels, I hope the repeats didn't stop you finding them all :)