You've been given a flashlight. Go find treasure out in the woods!

Oh, and there's a monster out there.

The Flashlight is necessary in finding treasure (and picking it up), but the spoopy monster is drawn to its light!

  • Single Player Treasure Hunt
  • Scary Teleporting Monster
  • Spoopy sound effects
  • Highscore for you!

Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W, A, S, D
Flashlight . . . . . . . . . . . Spacebar
Restart (If Stuck) . . . . . R
Fullscreen . . . . . . . . . . F11
Quit Game . . . . . . . . . . ESC

About the developer

Recorded project time: ~ 12 hrs

Matthew Alan Estock - @mattyalanestock
Hey, I'm currently developing Kingdom Bash, a local multiplayer fantasy action game!
PLEASE go check that out, it is MUCH more indicative of my skills / is actually a fun game!

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Challenging and well made game! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the GM48 games, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Fachewachewa

    Reaaaaally cool!
    I really like that the theme affects the gameplay and not just a character stat. Some more polish would have been nice (they get stuck on trees and some teleported right next to me), but it's in a nice state for the time invested.

    • Matthew Alan Estock
      Lv. 7
      Matthew Alan Estock Developer of Flashlight Frightnight

      6yrs ago

      Ah thank you! Yeah, I couldn't solve both of those issues before time ran out. To think, I didn't have a functioning game until a handful of hours before it was due, haha.

      I really enjoy getting the theme spot-on, and the votes rewarded me for it (2nd Place in Theme).

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Cool game. The idea of light being both a tool to find items and something the can attract enemies is a great use of the theme. It plays pretty well too and it was fun trying to avoid the enemies while getting the highest score possible. The controls aren't perfect though - it seems that sometimes the flashlight just doesn't toggle when you press space. The movement controls also don't change to reflect the camera direction but then again I'm not even sure I was supposed to move the camera.

    The pseudo 3D effect is pretty cool but I don't think it really added much to the game - I think a typical 2D top down view would work fine. The overall visual style is nice and the flashlight effect is neat. I also enjoyed the sound design, particularly when the enemies chase you. Some music or ambience would be nice though.

  • Peter 🌊 Jørgensen

    My highscore's 23. I'm challenging everyone to beat that. You won't even come close! 😎

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    Really interesting mechanic that goes hand in hand with the theme!

    The game felt a little unpolished, both in the controls and (lack of) audio, but you still had a playable prototype that felt fun to play, and you also balanced it pretty well, it's not too hard but not easy enough to get boring.

    Universe T

    Universe T

    • Matthew Alan Estock
      Lv. 7
      Matthew Alan Estock Developer of Flashlight Frightnight

      6yrs ago

      Thank you!

      I agree with the control (there was a hitbox issue I did not resolve before the deadline), but disagree with the audio. I made some pretty fun little sound effects, hopefully you'll get to hear them!

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Pretty cool game! Well done, well polished. It feels nice and is rather well balanced. I like the flashlight is actually helpful and how it indeed can be an issue to have it on while monsters are around. Small issue though, the randomly popping monsters. I mean, it doesn't bother but, in terms of immersion, it's not so great to see them pop as if they used instant teleportation. But it's nitpicking. It would have been nice if there was music, or at least atmospheric sounds.

    Pretty solid entry!

    • Matthew Alan Estock
      Lv. 7
      Matthew Alan Estock Developer of Flashlight Frightnight

      6yrs ago

      Thank you thank you!

      Late into the 2nd day, I had to solve how the monster would move around. Not having great experience with pathfinding, I figured teleportation would allow the monster to get un-stuck when (mostly) off-screen, and keep high tension in the player's search for treasure.

      I couldn't justify writing music (I really don't give myself enough time), but decided a creepy owl sound on random intervals would set the mood well enough.

      Thanks for playing!

  • Jmation
    Lv. 4

    My son thought is was scary, so good job!

    We couldn't get some of the chests as they were overlaying tree which were barriers. After getting over the excitement of avoiding monsters we really wanted an objective. Maybe even find a weapon and send those monster back were they came from.

    • Matthew Alan Estock
      Lv. 7
      Matthew Alan Estock Developer of Flashlight Frightnight

      6yrs ago

      Excellent! Thanks for playing!

      Yeah, there was an problem with my spawn generator where it wasn't correctly checking if trees were present, leading to some frustrating hitbox issues.

      I envisioned the next step for this game would be to have a goal location to reach, such as a safe zone (for example, Left 4 Dead). The idea that the monster is unkillable, only avoidable, added the tension that I was hoping for.

      Thanks again!

  • AceOfSpad3s
    Lv. 3

    Overall you did a good job in so less time, it fit well the theme.

  • Tecna
    Lv. 10

    This game is really fun and addictive! It gave me the jeebies!

    I really liked how you use the mechanic of helpful but harmful. The art is nice and the sound effects are cool. Good job!

  • Fin_Nolimit
    Lv. 6

    12 hours!!!!! Geez, nice job! My high score was 19!!!! :)



    Lv. 36

    Very good use of the theme. I like how the graphics and sound together create an intense and spooky atmosphere. I have some minor problems with the hitboxes and movement. I wish you used the mechanics for something more so it wouldn't be so repetetive. But me and my friend enjoyed to beat eachothers highscores and create new strategies.