"I am not trapped in a facility full of robots. You are all trapped in here with ME!"

This single voice line from my favorite FPS game of all time clicked me the idea for this game. Buy and place traps around and lure robots into them. What traps? Explosives? Yeah, that works.

omg bombs?!?!!

yea!!!!!! and shockwaves and teleports and spiked walls!!

  • Explosives detonate when caught by another explosion, enabling a chain of explosions if placed correctly.
  • Mines explodes on contact with robots. Watch out, they can also explode if YOU touch them!
  • C4s can be detonated by yourself. They deal twice the damage and also increase the damage of other explosives caught by 1 upon exploding.
  • Use a teleport if you find yourself cornered. Click anywhere on the map and you'll be teleported instantly (unless there's a wall)! It's pretty expensive, so best option is to not get cornered at all.
  • Shockwaves push enemies and explosives away from you, but there's a cooldown where you can't use it again and you run slower, so use it wisely!
  • Spiked walls damage enemies on contact, though not as powerful as explosives. Push enemies into them with shockwaves if you run out of money, but be careful not to run into them as well!
  • WASD to move
  • 1 - 3 to select the item on the bottom left
  • Left click to buy and use it. Of course, if you don't have enough money, nothing will happen.
  • Right click to detonate C4s
  • Space to use shockwave.

fr now, it's been long since i made a jam game all by myself (my teammate had to drop out :c) and at some point i felt so overwhelmed i didn't think i would make it. but somehow i did, wow...

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  • MIntyMax
    Lv. 4

    Good work! I felt like the controls were really smooth and everything felt really cohisive. I jumped in without reading the directions (rooky move i know), so I didn't realizes I was running out of money by left clicking. Nor did I realise I could right click to detinate. Once I figured that out I started to have a ton of fun. I figured once I ran out of money I needed to use my shockwave to kill the robots but I couldn't line them up right to make it happen. I might suggest giving the player a little more money, but I could just be very bad haha. Anyways, good work! Lots of fun!



    • arthurgps2
      Lv. 12
      arthurgps2 Coder of a game about π’·π‘œπ“‚π’·π’Ύπ“ƒπ‘” π“‡π‘œπ’·π‘œπ“‰π“ˆ

      11mos ago

      Y'know actually the game WAS going to give you more money for each robot the further the wave you were in, but I decided to scratch that so players would have to, y'know, actually manage their money and make the most out of it. Anyway, glad you like it and thanks for the feedback, Mini Keanu!

  • singleshot
    Lv. 43

    I am very bad at your game.



  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    I got confused at first because I ran out of money on Wave 4, but then I saw the part about using shockwaves to push the robots into spikes and it made more sense. Unfortunately, I'm pretty bad at using shockwaves so I only got to Wave 5... 😳 I think having a slightly more complicated room layout would have been nice, but it was still fun to play!

    Trap Card

    Trap Card

  • JamSnack
    Lv. 10

    Pretty decent entry overall. Immediately being thrown into the gameplay made it hard for me to configure sounds and stuff and generally get set up before stuff just started happening. The gameplay is okay, but I think it has much potentail to improve. Since you only have a limited number of bombs and pushing enemies into spikes is easy you are encouraged to use that over and over, but it's actually really annoying to kite enemies in such a way that you can force them into the spikes. I think the Ai could be improved in such a way as to make them easier to kite and I also think that the level could be improved as to further accentuate the mechanics

    The first thing I would do actually if I suddenly was given control to this game would be to make the level a lot bigger and coat the outer walls in spikes. I would then remove all damage potential from the bombs (maybe a single type of bomb does damage) but what they will do is instead launch the robots with incredible momentum. The goal here is to use both your shockwave and your bombs in a way that launches the robots all over the map and into the spikes. I think this would automatically make the game way more fun because now you have this chaos element and you can't damage yourself.

    I would also remove the cash element because instead of resource management I just want the player to spam bombs because it's a lot more fun that way



  • Fachewachewa

    The sounds are like 10 times louder than the music 😭

    This isn't easy, I think I died instantly on my first 3 tries :'D I feel like 15% slower would be good for me. But only using environmental damage is pretty cool, I was just terrible at getting the robots in the right position, especially while avoiding just walking into spikes myself. Though just before dying I think I noticed robots were really slow if they walked near a wall, maybe I should try and exploit that later 😈.

  • pressgoal
    Lv. 8

    This is sooo good! The music is great, and the combat is simple but quite enjoyable and balancing your money was a good way to add some extra depth. My record is currently at 8, so I'm proud to be the second on the leaderboard. Great work and I hope to see you in the next one!

  • Tydecon Games

    I totally thought they were zombie-robots! πŸ˜… this was an interesting mechanic and I liked the vibe of it despite being π“ͺ𝔀𝓯𝓾𝓡 at it myself πŸ˜‚ I only made it to wave 4, I think there needs to be a kind of failsafe to cause damage if you run out of money or a different way to make money, if there is something like this though, then I might have missed it! Overall though, fun entry, good job!



    • arthurgps2
      Lv. 12
      arthurgps2 Coder of a game about π’·π‘œπ“‚π’·π’Ύπ“ƒπ‘” π“‡π‘œπ’·π‘œπ“‰π“ˆ

      1yr ago

      I'm glad you liked it! I mentioned this in the game's description but seems like everyone is missing this, even my friends, I won't blame you. So yeah, if you run out of money...

      push the robots into the spikes with the shockwave.

      That's all :)

  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    I feel like I've been lied to. This is a game about using your shockwave ability on robot and only occasionally bombing them.

    The money mechanics were a bit unclear to me at first, but once I understood them the game made sense. The shockwave is really hard to use, which became a bit frustrating on later rounds where enemies had a lot of health and a single (cheap) bomb couldn't kill them, it felt like I was forced into continuously shockwaving enemies.

    Still, I think the game was pretty fun overall. I enjoyed the aspects of bombing the robots, and only really stopped having as much fun when the game became more about effective use of shockwave to make money. Still, an entertaining entry that works with the theme.

    • arthurgps2
      Lv. 12
      arthurgps2 Coder of a game about π’·π‘œπ“‚π’·π’Ύπ“ƒπ‘” π“‡π‘œπ’·π‘œπ“‰π“ˆ

      1yr ago

      Glad you liked it!

      Yeah, in the first few waves the shockwave is pretty effective but in later waves it becomes less reliable as the speed decrease caused by it along with the own robots' faster running speed means they can catch up to you a lot faster. That's when you should start using the bombs.

      Also, in the description it says the C4 deals double damage and increases the damage of other explosives around by 1, so if, for example, you throw a C4 and a mine together and then blow the C4, you get 4 damage in total. It's also way cheaper than straight up buying 4 mines to get the same amount of damage. Keep this in mind ;)

  • 2102

    Very difficult game for me! I found the spacebar thing very hard to hit consistently for a while. I finally placed a bomb on wave 5 (which was my highscore), and I tried to lead the robots there, but it blew me up instead. Didn't realize that would happen. haha The art style is pretty simple, but serves its purpose. I feel like a few more mechanics/levels would've been nice to see, but it was pretty good overall!

    Love the scoreboard integration!