Boxed in a Minefield

Tactical Camouflaged Exfiltration

Mines are among the deadliest traps.
Bad news: you're surrounded by mines.
Slightly better news: you have incomplete info to help you detect the mines.
You still have to carefully study your intel to know exactly where the mines are.
But there is always a way out, and you'll never have to guess.


  • A blend of minesweeper and nonograms, with the added restriction of path building.
  • A really important story with original characters.
  • Deduce your way out of 11 hand made levels, in 3 difficulty tier (first tier is the tutorial)
  • You can always complete a level without triggering any mines.
  • No penalty.
    I almost implemented a life system, but I don't think it's necessary.
    You can decide how many mistakes you're allowing yourself to make. And you can still restart a level at any time if you want to.
    You can't skip levels but you can technically bruteforce everything pretty easily.
  • Only playtested by me, so there might be some shortcuts or unintended deductions in some places.
  • Exactly one secret.

Mouse - mark tiles
X - unmark tiles
WASD - movement (alternatively ZQSD or Arrow Keys)
R - reset level
F - toggle fullscreen
M - toggle mute


  • The exit is always on the right
  • There is always a safe path
  • Known safe tiles are differentiated automatically when you walk on them
  • Numbers outside of the grid indicate a group of mines in a row or column
  • Multiple numbers outside of the grid mean each group is separated by at least one safe tile (the order of those numbers is important)
  • Numbers outside of the grid in (parenthesis) are the total amount of mine in a row or column
  • Numbers on a tile indicate how many mines are around (including diagonals)
  • Sometimes, walking on a safe tile will reveal a number
  • Make sure to walk on the available tiles you know are safe if you're stuck
  • There is always a safe path
  • Sometimes, a tile can stay in an unknown state, it wont prevent the deduction of a safe path
  • There Will Always Be A Safe Path (and you can't walk in diagonals)

Font - Third Dimension 15 by Not Jam
Sounds - made with bfxr and BeepBox
Everything else - Fachewachewa

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  • arthurgps2
    Lv. 12

    You're lucky I'm way into Minesweeper lol. So yeah the mechanics seemed simple and understandable enough but gathering intel felt pretty risky (I was playing the "hardcore" way. If I died, I restarted the level) and I often would find myself "stuck" as in not having any fully safe way to advance without stepping on a mine. Maybe that's just skill issue though.

    Nonetheless this game was more fun than it seemed at first, and the ending was pretty funny too lol poor badger

  • MIntyMax
    Lv. 4

    Super cool idea! It was a lot of fun to try and figure out my path, and I love the metal gear solid reference. It isn't super clear on what each number actually means, so that got confusing and frustrating. In the end I brute force my way through each level. Good work!



  • singleshot
    Lv. 43

    I love the idea of the game, but I felt like the rules were really poorly conveyed. For example on level A4 on the column with the 1 and 4 in it, you never established that the order of the numbers are correlated to the where they are grouped in the column, and without the information there are two valid layouts for the bombs. You have to guess which one is correct. Additionally the fact that there's no punishment for guessing incorrectly makes it feel that brute force is better for solving the puzzles then logic at times. I do enjoy the ideas here and I did enjoy it once I figured out the unexplained parts of the game.



    • Fachewachewa
      Fachewachewa Coder of Boxed in a Minefield

      1yr ago

      Ah, very fair point! I didn't even think of that honestly, since that's the way it works in Picross and the likes, but yeah there's nothing saying the order is important when it definitely is. I'm adding a note on the description for this :)

  • Allison James

    Mixing Minesweeper with Picross AND making it a navigational game is a brilliant idea. Being a fan of both of those, I was really into the gameplay here - I'd love to see more of this. I'd buy more of this.

    • Fachewachewa
      Fachewachewa Coder of Boxed in a Minefield

      1yr ago

      Thanks :D glad you liked it!
      Though on the idea part a lot of the legwork has been done by the likes of Tametsi, Hexcells or Polimines. And Let's! Revolution! recently released is the one with a path (in it, enemies can only be on roads) that pushed me to try what would happen if everything was in there at once.

  • pressgoal
    Lv. 8

    This was an interesting take on a classic game of nanogram. Being the player added some new interesting rules such as knowing that there has to be a direct path to the right wall. The ending was funny and the sound effects were decent. I also really like the menu even if it's not in much of the game. The box thing is so cool. Great work!

  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    Woah, I hope Badger makes it!! But seriously it was so entertaining having my partner and I, playing on a big screen, pointing and shouting. Please make more levels! Maybe just a soundtrack would have added to the experience.

    • Fachewachewa
      Fachewachewa Coder of Boxed in a Minefield

      1yr ago

      That's great to hear :)

      Hah, I agree that it's too quiet but a soundtrack for this would have been.. dangerous. You'd need one or more really good background tracks to make people not hate it after a few minutes :D

  • Tydecon Games

    I really enjoyed the puzzle concept you've got going on here - I'm not usually good at puzzles so I definitely brute forced my way through this but I think it's clever how you allowed multiple play styles so that someone could do that if they wanted to - plus the fish with legs easter egg, always appreciated πŸ˜… good job!



    • Fachewachewa
      Fachewachewa Coder of Boxed in a Minefield

      1yr ago

      I hope your eyes didn't suffer too much. The flash was fine for one occasional bomb but I realised too late how it could be an issue when bruteforcing 😬

  • JamSnack
    Lv. 10

    The presentation is a little shabby but I really love this idea for a puzzle game. Hope to see a more complete release in the future!



  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    This was a fun little logic puzzle! I think there were maybe a few too many rules- between multiple numbers outside the grid, numbers inside the grid, parenthetical numbers, the must-make-valid-path-to-end rule, and additional clues showing up when you walk on safe tiles, there was a lot to keep track of all at once. Still, I can confirm that all puzzles are doable without guessing- the only time I hit a bomb was me having a brain fart and marking a tile I knew was a bomb as safe and then immediately walking on it.

    I think the main criticism I have is due to that failure state- or rather the lack of one. I imagine being able to continue the game after hitting a mine makes the game incredibly cheesable at the moment. Maybe that's a good thing for a game jam game where not everyone may enjoy logic puzzles, but it did make me feel as though my perserverence through the various puzzles was for nothing, and the temptation to guess when I got stuck was really strong (I did avoid that impulse thankfully).

    For what it was though, I enjoyed my time with it. The story was goofy yet fun, and while the art was nothing to write home about it got the job done. I haven't rated all the games yet, but so far this is my favorite of the jam, mainly because it scratches that logic puzzle itch I always seem to have. Thanks for making it!

    • Fachewachewa
      Fachewachewa Coder of Boxed in a Minefield

      1yr ago

      Thanks! Yeah, it's true that there's a lot... If I had more time I would have probably made more intermediate levels. But here most of the levels came from me trying to make an easier one :'D

      As for the failure state, I think it's interesting. I was considering a difficulty system at first, just a simple way to chose the number of life you'd get per level. But yeah it really depends on how people want to play it. On the one side you can't really misclick on a mine like in other games, but on the other it's also pretty easy to accidentally walk into one (that's also why I didn't have repeat inputs for movement). So even someone who'd want to figure out everything could still accidentally walk into a mine they already had marked, and getting sent back would have been very frustrating I'm sure. It's definitely safer to be too permissive for a jam I think, especially since I didn't get this playtested, so I wasn't sure where it landed difficulty wise.

      As a help if I implemented a life system, I initially thought about a special power that could give intel where the player is, that way someone stuck could still have something to do. But even if that would have been easy to do, it would probably have been a lot of time testing and balancing it.

  • Chunk_Games
    Lv. 9

    Nice little take on minesweeper. The puzzles were good, I was able to figure them out without any guessing. I think I was near the end when the power went out at my house :(

    The Cavern

    The Cavern

  • 2102

    I like the old MGS style of the story. I struggled a lot to figure out each section. It really feels like there's a lot of guesswork, but I'll trust your description that says there's always a way to figure it out. Haha I really liked the gameplay and the idea of the game, so great job!