Caught in another scandal? Who have you upset? Did you have an affair, assault someone, get seen publicly doing something you shouldn't? Looks like they've trapped you in a press conference to try and rescue your fleeting reputation!

With over 1,900 lines of dialogue, 12 mini-games, 8 celebrities (all with questionable reputations) and 5 minutes to save your skin!

All characters, events and situations in this game are fictional. Any exaggerated, parodied resemblances they may or may not have to any real people or events is entirely coincidental.

Who's your favourite in this cast of ridiculous celebrities? 😂

I've fixed a lot of the issues with the jam version of this game, updated it and made it play-in-browser, check it out here:

Control prompts are shown on-screen as they arrive, but all operated with the keyboard
Use <arrows> and <space/enter> to navigate the menu - <esape> to go back (in-game or in the character select)



  • Sometimes during the trap questions, the mini-game continues for about half-a-second after the timer runs out, when you think it's finished, just hover a little longer just in-case
  • Due to a loading issue, the high scores do not load correctly, so if you want to unlock those last two characters, you're gonna' have to do it in one run (or wait until I release the post-jam version afterwards!) 😅
  • After your first play through, going back to the character select, the celebrity name won't be aligned properly the second time around. Not a huge issue, doesn't effect gameplay in the slightest, just aesthetically less pleasing
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  • MIntyMax
    Lv. 4

    Nice work! I definitely felt trapped in the press conference. I was able to cheese the hidden thoughts trap question but just rappidly pressing spacebar. But soild work.



    • Tydecon Games

      Ah yeah, with the time limit, I cheated a little with that one so the 💭 bubbles aim for the centre when they get to the edge 😅 thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!

  • singleshot
    Lv. 43

    I was confuzed the whole time I played this. but somehow i didn't lose?



  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    Clever! I think what I liked most was the gossip and finding parallels to real world scenarios, not to mention the hillariously hard puzzles mixed in. The music was also superb and all in all good satire and game. On occation it did happen that I assumed I got a question of puzzle correct but was punished either way. Maybe clearer distinction for that and easier math puzzles/longer timers would help people who suck at math enjoy all the content it has to offer more.

    • Tydecon Games

      thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, I need to revise the wording on some of the puzzles I reckon haha but I'm glad you enjoyed it and salvaged their fleeting reputation all the same 😅

  • Allison James

    The sheer quantity of writing that lands in this is impressive - so is the minigame variety, so is the art, this is all absolutely superb. Took me a couple of tries to realise the "guess a 3 digit number" minigame was a higher/lower thing and not just Mastermind/Wordle rules but that's on me xD

  • Fachewachewa

    93% with Wilbur felt good so I skipped a few difficulties and got 62% with Lucas Evans on my second run, feels impossible to get more :'D

    Honestly I have no idea how you managed to make so much content! Of course there are some issues, some minigame took a couple tries for me to understand (and I still don't understand the one where you need to stay in numbers that aren't 0, seems unpredictable), and guessing a 4 digit code in like 15 seconds is unhinged, but as a whole is super impressive. Maybe the interview were a little long, but a shorter amount of time would make it more difficult to fix a mistake so idk. Oh also maybe avoid the "mash spacebar" stuff, I feel like I'm killing my keyboard :(

    • Tydecon Games

      Thanks so much, I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it!

      The numbers counting down one is a bit tricky to get the hang of, they count down from 9 to 0 in the grid so the trick is to jump to where you see a higher number and you can stay safe there until you need to move again, but I could've made that clearer 😅 some of the minigames definitely need a little tweaking when it comes to time limits and instructions haha I hope your keyboard has survived as well as your celebrities' reputation!

  • JamSnack
    Lv. 10

    This game is really good dude. I think you honestly covered all bases with this entry it's just overall super solid

    edit: my highscore was 55% w/ celeb #1 !!



  • pressgoal
    Lv. 8

    This is a cool idea, and a very impressive amount of content. I got a laugh from a lot of the incorrect responses. I do think that the difficulty was a bit too much though. I was able to get the first 3 over 80 without much struggle, but it quickly became a challenge to get over 50, and I sadly wasn't able to get the last person over 50, so the two extra characters remain locked. Aside for the difficulty though, an impressive fun game with a unique take on the theme.

    • Tydecon Games

      Thanks for playing, I'm glad you've enjoyed it, the difficulty curve is hard to get right given the time limit as it always is with jam games 😅 but I'm glad you still got some enjoyment from it

  • Ross Boman
    Lv. 30

    I was so overwhelmed. I'm sure there is a good game here and the art is amazing and the sounds were fantastic but I could not enjoy the game play. Entirely a me problem though. This is just not a game I would enjoy and was not prepared to play. Great job though, it seems you had a vesion and you nailed it.

  • arthurgps2
    Lv. 12

    Wow, this is actually pretty fun! My only complaint would be I keep failing the spike minigame even though I didn't touch them at any time. The number minigame is pretty challenging but at some point I just couldn't complete it anymore, though that's probably just skill issue. I'm gonna keep playing and try to unlock the other characters though!

    also I'm gonna guess you're probably basing the characters on real celebrities, my friend spotted a strange coincidence between Regan Powel filming a funeral, and another blonde guy filming something worse lol.

    • Tydecon Games

      Thanks for playing, I'm so glad you liked it! Yeah the spike mini game has a strange issue where it can sometimes register a fail after the timer runs out, I think I coded it in a way that even when they vanish there's about a half second window where it can still kill your thought bubble, I'll be getting that fixed post-jam 😅

      And, well, any resemblances to any real life celebrities, Will Smith, Kim Kardashian or Logan Paul just to name a few examples that come to the top of my head are entirely "coincidental" 😉

  • 2102

    Really impressive game! It was super hard to get that good of a score since there are so many instructions and so little time, but it was fun! Tons of dialogue, for sure. I played twice through and 38% was my highest score. I liked all of the mini games besides the Guess The Number one and the trap one where you stay in boxes that aren't zero. There's so much going on in that mini game visually that it made no sense until the 4th time I played it.

    Fantastic job!

    • Tydecon Games

      Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wanted to create the feeling of the pressure of being trapped in a press conference, saving your reputation and having to come up with the right responses on the spot. There are a few different mini-games and trap-question games and each celebrity has a different difficulty level :)

I've learned two things this jam, both probably equally as important as each other.

  1. Sleep. This is the first time I'd missed a nights' sleep to complete a game and while I am glad I got it past the finish line, I should not have sacrificed sleep, that threw me through a loop the next day and I was so lucky I didn't pass out!
  2. Know your scope. It occured to me, with 8 celebrities, 40 unique questions per celebrity and 5 possible answers to each question, that equates to ONE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY lines of dialogue. I didn't need to write that much, nobody would see all of that and in reality I probably could've done half that much and spent more time focussing on the bugs I'd let slide!

We live and we learn! 😅

Result 2nd