You are trapped down 8 basement floors. Fight through them all to get your freedom.

This is a top-down shooter with quite a few enemy types and weapons. Use your ammo and resources carefully! You never know if the boxes will have more or not. There are no saves, so if you go to the main menu or die, all your progress is lost. It can be completed in less than 10 minutes, though.


WASD - Move,

Mouse - Aim,

Left Click - Shoot,

Right Click - Melee/Knife,

Scroll Wheel - Change Weapon,

Shift - Place Mines,

Spacebar - Use Healthpack,

Tab - Drop current weapon,

Escape - Main Menu/Restart,


Hit Enter twice after you click "Play Game" to skip the two text dumps of hints and controls. I probably should have removed that after putting the controls in the description or just found a better way to display the controls.

Melee/Knife the boxes to open them. They might have ammo for your held weapons or healthpacks or mines.

Search everywhere for boxes and enemies. They're around every corner.

The second weapon (orange) needs to be charged up for 1/6th of a second and when left click is released, it will fire

The Harpoon gun just pins enemies to the wall. It does no damage, so it can be good for crowd control

The Enemy count in the top right shows you how many enemies you still need to kill


Music: KarpoSoundTracks Everything else: Me

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  • MIntyMax
    Lv. 4

    Nice work! The controls feel pretty good, I feel liike I was starting to get a good variety of wepons as I progressed. The maps/levels were very big but still fun. I think you have something really cool and if developed more could turn into something even more awesome!



    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      11mos ago

      Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it!

      The levels were thrown together kinda haphazardly, so that makes sense why they felt big. Definitely could do better on the design there.

  • singleshot
    Lv. 43

    Interesting game, I say the biggest downfall of the gameplay loop was having to find all the enemies, with the levels as large as they are with little to no landmarks makes it hard to tell where you have or have not been. So either condensing the level size or, making some form of mini-map or radar to help locate enemies would have helped the pacing a lot.

    also The text at the start of the game is very much in your face, reducing the size and letting it breathe would make it way easier to read.

    Good game overall, keep up the good work.



    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      11mos ago

      Thanks for playing! I agree that a mini map would've been nice. The levels are small enough that it takes around 30 seconds to walk through them all, but it seems much bigger when you don't know the layout of the map. Definitely will be an addition I make. If I had any artistic ability, I might've been able to think and draw landmarks, but the layout of the walls was the best I could do.

      Yeah, the tutorial text was a necessary evil. I didn't have the time to do anything else but that. I would normally like to have prompts or a slower intro to get the player used to the controls, but I ran out of time.

  • JamSnack
    Lv. 10

    It was really confusing to learn the controls of the game. If you could populate the Ui with some instructions that would be really helpful. You could also copy-paste the tutorial text into the pause menu so that when you pause the game you could read them. I instantly forgot how to use medkits and mines lol

    Combat was this game's biggest mechanic and I felt like it was okay but had a lot more potential. For example it feels pretty clunky to shoot or melee enemies. The knockback on the melee weapon isn't great and this combined with its low range makes it pretty annoying to use - and unfortunately the player is encouraged to melee in the majority of enemy encounters because ammo is a finite resource.



    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      11mos ago

      Thanks for playing!

      Well, the player is encouraged to make every shot count because you don't want to be stuck using the melee. But, you can still beat the whole game with the melee if you need to. It's a last resort like Resident Evil.

      Yeah, I just didn't have time to make a pause menu or a better tutorial, so those were cut.

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    It was fun to play after I got used to the controls! Ended up dying to a large enemy on the 6th floor or something, so I didn't make it to the end 😥 I especially liked how each level had an introduction voiceline!

    Trap Card

    Trap Card

    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      11mos ago

      Thanks for playing! I wish I got a save system working per level to make it easier to keep going, but that fell off the docket.

      I'm glad you liked the voice lines! I had a lot of fun recording and editing them for the game. I wish I increased the volume on the voice files, and I made every other sound in the game suuuuuper quiet just to make them audible. Haha

  • Fachewachewa

    Fun game, but this was definitely overwhelming at first, I think since there's already so much HUD you could have added the button for mines and health etc. next to their name. It's not a complicated game but that's just too much information at once. It's also a little confusing at first because of the chest, idk if it's just displaying the gun for a while or if you need to be in the right place, but since I had to also change weapons to find it, it felt like I didn't have it yet.

    The variety in enemies and weapons is impressive, and I love how it escalates, but the first few levels are a little boring. The issue is more with the pretty random levels, they're just big squares with a few walls, and it makes finding the last enemies a chore. The first 2-3 levels also had tons of enemies compared to the latter ones.
    The line of sight based enemies are interesting, but the issue is that there doesn't seem to have a distance limit? At least it helps clean some rooms for the small enemies, but for turrets is feels super punishing. Some turrets turn slowly which is good, but most of the time they're turning while out of view, so you just get shot at from nowhere after a short illusion of safety. I think having a minimap with enemies as red dots or something like that (and maybe something to differentiate turrets) would have helped both with finding the last enemies and to avoid being shot at from out of nowhere. (and it's not that hard to get a small working minimap, draw a rectangle and then it's just a small cross multiplication of the position, room size and minimap size)

    As for the final level, I think you could have made the rocket launcher reload faster honestly, feels more like a "let's have fun" level than a challenge? I ended up finishing the tank with the shotgun because it was faster :D

    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      11mos ago

      Thanks for the feedback and for playing it all the way through!

      You make a lot of valid points that I just didn't realize at the time, so I'll take a lot of those into consideration. There're tons of fine tuning and quality of life improvements to make that weren't obvious to me since I made it. haha

      The last level was supposed to be challenging initially. I played my first version of it and it was way too hard. I came out with barely any life left due to the total amount of turrets and zombies on the screen. So, I hacked away more than half of them to try and guess the skill level of people who'd be playing it. I did have both the Sniper Rifle and Rocket Launcher in that level as kind of a fun, last hurrah type thing, though. The shotgun is probably my favorite weapon too, but I'll need to look at the damage output of it again cause I didn't test fighting the tank with the shotgun.

  • Tydecon Games

    This game is bananas, there's so much going on here, lots of weapons, content and enemies, really nicely done!
    I think maybe some kind of arrow on the sides to indicate where the enemies were might have been helpful and perhaps some on-screen prompts next to the weapons and med-kids in-case I forgot the key combinations would be useful too, but these are all just small suggestions, overall, good job! :)



    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      1yr ago

      Thanks so much for the kind words and for playing it!

      I agree that the game needs some more prompts for items, how certain guns work, and locations of enemies. The arrow idea would've been cool had I thought of it. I settled on the text dump of info at the beginning as a last ditch effort, but pretty much anything would've been better. Haha

  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    Too good. It felt like playing Hotline Miami and Doom for the first time again. The exaggerated, compressed voice recordings, all the weapons you could use. Seizeless entertainment!

    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      1yr ago

      Thank you! That's some high praise, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it. The voice recordings might've been the most fun I had making this game. Especially since I recorded them at around 3 AM. Haha

      Thanks for playing!

  • arthurgps2
    Lv. 12

    This game felt pretty similar to Enter the Gungeon which is a plus to me. I felt the camera was moving too fast when I moved the mouse and made me feel a little dizzy. Fun game overall, I beat it first try.

    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      1yr ago

      Thanks for playing! Glad you felt it was worth it to play the whole thing. I tried making it a reasonable difficulty since I usually make something too hard that no one can actually beat. Haha

      You might be right about the camera. When I have more people playtest it, I'll see what they think as well.

  • Ross Boman
    Lv. 30

    Good game. I did get a bit bored trying to find the enemies though.

    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      1yr ago

      Thanks for playing! I guess that's what I get for being the only play-tester. haha Most of the time I found that the enemies would find you as you went through the level, but I also knew where they were, so that makes sense why I didn't realize that.

      Thanks for the input!

  • Chunk_Games
    Lv. 9

    It might be a little overly complicated with different buttons for mines, health packs, melee attacks, changing weapons, and shooting. Overall pretty good though. I thought the enemy ai was interesting.

    The Cavern

    The Cavern

    • 2102
      2102 Developer of Basement Mayhem

      1yr ago

      Thanks for playing and for the input!

      Yeah, I'm someone who likes having everything that's useful at my fingertips, so I didn't want to switch weapons to the knife or mines for instance. I get it for the game jam experience when people aren't playing the game for a long time, they may not get used to more complicated controls in that time.