Make your way through the maze. Find the key and get to the door before they find you.

Left mouse button to toggle your flashlight

WASD to move

Use your mouse to aim your flashlight

ESC to pause

You move faster with the lights out but so do the monsters.

Prolong exposure to light makes Demons flee.

Creepy Skullies don't care about light but are horrible at tracking.

Keep your flashlight charged with lightning batteries.

Recommended to play with heads phone with the volume up.

This game is meant to be extremely dark without the flashlight.

Possible flashing lights but that would only happen under the players own action.

The web version seems to lag when you are using the Opera Browser. Every other browser works just fine so I'm sorry if you encounter this problem but it's not my game it's just Opera being weird.

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  • MIntyMax
    Lv. 4

    I had a good time with this! I thought it was simple but done really well. I'm not a huge fan of horror games so I didn't get too far. As soon as enemies found me that was the end of my play through haha. I got a little lost but definatly felt a little trapped. Good job, I enjoyed it dispite not liking horror



  • JamSnack
    Lv. 10

    I usually like maze games but in this game I felt the need to constantly be flicking the light on and off and I never really got a sense of where I was in the maze



  • singleshot
    Lv. 43

    A very interesting little horror game, not really much to do then walk around and get munched by some skulls, but it was interesting seeing how far I can get before being make bone food.



  • pressgoal
    Lv. 8

    First of all, you nailed the art style, asthetic and atmosphere. I like the maze feel, and the enemies are quite scary the first few times that you see them. For me, the sound effects were a bit much, and the enemies weren't particularly scary anymore once I figured out to just shine my flashlight and slowly walk around them, but overall this was a fun experience, and the ending was pretty cool as well.

    • Ross Boman
      Lv. 30
      Ross Boman Coder of In The Dark

      1yr ago

      Thanks for playing and I'm glad you managed to get to the end. I didn't want to overcomplicate or make the enemies to hard for a jam game. I've had issues in the past with making my games to hard. Sound has always been my weak point so I agree with your statement on that. I'm really happy you enjoyed it overall though. Thanks again.

  • Tydecon Games

    I really enjoyed the concept of this one, you pulled off the eerie effect very well, my only issue was it was hard to find where a monster was until I was being eaten by it so there were a few times where I insta-died despite it looking all clear, I think that got a little confusing, but then in the dark these things can get very confusing 😅 good horror aspect overall though, nice job



    • Ross Boman
      Lv. 30
      Ross Boman Coder of In The Dark

      1yr ago

      Thanks for playing. I had noticed that issue while play testing that the sounds and effect wouldn't trigger until it was to late but I couldn't figure out the reason why because it was so inconsistent. So sorry that happen to you. I'm glad you enjoyed it though.

  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    I'm not usually a fan of horror games, so I might be biased saying this, but this was a spooky experience. I thought tying the player's movespeed to their ability to see was annoying, but in a good way- it certainly added a lot of tension. I was able to find the key but unfortunately ran out of flashlight battery before I could find the exit.

    Overall, a very scary game that did make me feel trapped in a maze.

  • arthurgps2
    Lv. 12

    Nice entry! Pretty simple, but gets the job done. Took me a few tries to beat it but I figured it out at the end, like how a screen with no effect meant no enemy has spotted you. By the way, the audio is flipped for some reason. When enemies are chasing you from the left, their sounds come from the right? It'd be pretty funny if it turned out you've been using your headphones flipped all this time, ha.

  • Chunk_Games
    Lv. 9

    Cool little game, simple and well done. I played a few attempts, I found the key but didn't make it to the exit. I didn't like the sound effects. They did make me jump once in the first playthough though so I guess they did their job.

    The Cavern

    The Cavern

    • Ross Boman
      Lv. 30
      Ross Boman Coder of In The Dark

      1yr ago

      Thanks for trying my game. Sound design has always been my weak point. At least when it comes to making sounds so I agree with you they could have been better. I'm continuing work on the game and now that I'm free to use better sounds from others I'm hoping to greatly improve the sounds. Thanks for playing man.

  • 2102

    This was a pretty interesting game. I really like the artistic style of it, but I thought the music was a bit oppressive if I was slowly walking away from a skull spider thing for 30+ seconds in a long hallway. I did complete the game and there wasn't much to it, but for what it is, it's pretty awesome. Would have liked to see something more from this cool idea.

    By music, I just meant whatever sound that was playing when a skull spider sees you. They're jump scare kind of sounds, but it plays even when you're slowly backing away down a long hallway and it can't get you. It's not a big deal, but just something I experienced. When I made my first horror game for a game jam, people said similar things to me, but it was worse in my case. Haha

    • Ross Boman
      Lv. 30
      Ross Boman Coder of In The Dark

      1yr ago

      I'm a bit confused what you mean by oppressive music. I didn't actually put music in the game. I put a sorta low rumble in but I wouldn't call that music. I'm glad you managed to beat it though I was worried it might be too hard for a game jam. I'm going to keep working on it and adding more and improving current features like how the skull spiders interact with the player and the sounds. Thanks for playing.