Collect and cook potion ingredients to prevent turning into a broccoli.

There is barely enough time, but beware, there are some side effects if you miss any key ingredients.


Move  ⌨️ WASD
Use magic wand  🖱️ Left click and drag
Open recipe  ⌨️ Tab

You can finish a level even if you don't have all the ingredients.
All previous side effects are cleared when you finish a level.
Cooked ingredients give 4x score.



Reaktori  🖌️ Art, some programming, sound effects
Riuku  ⚙️ Programming
dosto  🎨 Art
henrimikael  🎵 Music

Resources used:
Color palette:
Fonts:  Chevy Ray's Pixel Fonts
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  • ZGss
    Lv. 2

    The art and effects were perfect! And I liked interesting visual side effects and the laser cooking mechanism!

    Thank you for the great game!

  • Om Rane
    Lv. 3

    I liked the idea of the game, and the execution was also done with substantial polish when it comes to music and art. I loved the aesthetic of the game as well as the various mechanics which give it the needed complexity.

    I felt that the game could have potentially made better use of the theme within the gameplay itself, and I felt that the picking up and moving of objects can get finnicky at times. I felt it was finnicky because often the item being picked up would get stuck on walls when I would expect it to move, as a result I would frequently end up wiggling my mouse trying to get the object to go where I want. This was especially a problem in narrow corridors. Ironing this one thing out could immediately increase the fluidity of the gameplay, which I feel is important given there is a time limit to each level.

    Apart from this single difficulty, I enjoyed the game a lot, it has a solid loop, and solid mechanics!

  • 2102

    This was a really cool game with a lot of neat ideas. Definitely deserves top 10 this jam.

  • FlowerSnek
    Lv. 2

    This was a really nice twist on a top-down puzzle game: you don't necessarily have to complete the level's puzzle, but if you don't, you're making things harder for yourself. It's also surprisingly well-polished for a game jam game, with good music and great pixel art — I especially got a kick out of the changing sprites for the main character while she's turning into broccoli. The only major complaint I have is with the collision detection for your items and the boxes. When you have a lot of items circling around you, it can be tricky to single out a specific one to grab or get any boxes near you. Aside from that, though, this was fun to play and kept me coming back for more!

  • Marshall Berthold
    Lv. 2

    Really great game. Everything looked and sounded very polished. The use of side-effect kept everything interesting.

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Really fun game! I included it in my GM48 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Brandon Flores
    Lv. 1

    Very well polished, this team did fantastic given the short period of time.

  • singleshot
    Lv. 43

    Great job, this was a really fun game.

    The little bit of story to give context was a great touch and also made the sprite slowly turning into broccoli kind of rewarding in a strange way.

    The game looked pretty great, though the level tileset kinda felt like it was for a different game. It looks more sci-fi and less fantasy. Almost like the idea to make the character a witch came later on. It’s still well done but just clashes hard with the aesthetic you opened up with.

    The game play was pretty nice, though I think it would be nice if there was some type of radar for the stairs after the timer got past a point. So you have an idea of the direction you should be heading before the times up.

    Still it was a really well done job from beginning to end. I really had fun playing it.

  • Leanne Rath
    Lv. 2

    Ridiculously well polished, an incredibly fun and repeatable gameplay loop and nice feeling physics! Got like, ALL of the side effects at once for one of the levels and it was one hell of an experience. Bravo for this masterpiece!



  • arthurgps2
    Lv. 12

    Why are the games with leaderboards always the best ones ughhhhhh

    So this game. It IS the best I've played so far. The concept along with the theme were very, very well worked out. The art is very cute too. Honestly I thought the effects weren't that bad at first, but the more I played the more I realized how they were a pain in the ass and you definitely wouldn't want to get them so get them items quick. eg: Oh, colorblind, shouldn't be too bad. / COLORBLIND DE NOVO NÃOOOOOO (brazilian meme reference). Also love how you gotta think quick in each situation to avoid losing time and the dragging mechanic itself, though picking and dragging stuff around does get pretty tricky sometimes. The best I've played so far. Honestly cheering for this one.

    Also currently I'm top 3.

    P.S.: Forgot to mention this. I'm a big sucker for adaptive music, and seems like this game has this so big plus for that

  • Tydecon Games

    I did not get the best score on this one but I'll have to come back and try it again, your games always set the standard for what this jam is about, innovative, beautiful art, creative and really well made, great job! :)

    Edit: Well deserved win! Congrats! :)

  • FlyAway
    Lv. 9

    This one was really good, the incorporation of the theme is very clever, and the art and music of the game was great. Great job!

    Side Quest

    Side Quest

  • Cassidy Liston
    Lv. 2

    Well... I guess we have the GM48 winner. I seriously doubt I'll find a better game in this bunch. At first I was like, "But where's the theme?" but after I messed up the recipe for one I was like, "Oh okay. Blindspots."

    Bravo. Well done.



  • Jaspo
    Lv. 16

    Finished, polished, fun, has good mechanics, art, and sound, and fits the theme. Only minor quibbles are that boxes can sometimes get stuck in walls and it's odd how it's possible to finish a level with not enough ingredients but still somehow make a "cure".



  • illdie
    Lv. 12

    This game was super great, it was incredibly hectic trying and constantly failing to find the full ingredients (I didn't realize you could bake things with the lasers until I accidentally baked my entire stash)

    Right at the beginning I clipped a box into a corner just right such that I couldn't move it out anymore, but it never happened again and beyond that it was a very stable game.

    The only issue I had is that i accidentally walked into the staircase too early once, it might have been nice to confirm ending the level with the space bar or something (though it also might have been nice if I wasn't so tired that I accidentally walked into the staircase.)

  • Ross Boman
    Lv. 30

    Neat idea. I did get the boxes stuck in walls a lot, even soft locked myself once. I love the art for the game.

  • Matt Waters
    Lv. 2

    Great art design and style!

    Death Bowl

    Death Bowl

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    This was really well made! The art and sound were both super polished. I had a few issues with the collisions when dragging stuff around, but the gameplay was fine otherwise. Would have been nice to know that lasers burn ingredients beforehand :P

    Synth Rail

    Synth Rail

    • Riuku
      Lv. 19
      Riuku Developer of Brassica

      3yrs ago

      Thank you!

      Yea I know the laser burning comes as a surprise to a lot of players. But we hoped that might not be that big of a deal and kinda leaned on the harsh mechanic introduction style where you learn some of the mechanics the hard way. I think if we had more time we could've definitely introduced the cooking mechanic a bit more gently!

  • Forensic Squid
    Lv. 2

    The music and sound was perfect, I loved the mechanic where I could cook my food, I stumbled on this mechanic by bumping into a heat beam. I instantly knew that my food was cooked because I heard an audio cue, saw the food change with a poof, and saw the sprite change. I could easily see this becoming a sellable game with maybe some rougelike elements, idk. I felt like I REALLY needed to hurry sometimes so maybe a less skilled player would struggle, but would take some playtesting for sure to really dive into that. The gameplay was really self explanatory. It would be cool to have a second song as I could see myself getting tired of hearing it every time, but then again we only had 48 hours :D.

    I couldn't figure out what the side effects were, but I only got to level 3 or 4.

    • Riuku
      Lv. 19
      Riuku Developer of Brassica

      3yrs ago


      The game is an endless highscore-based game so yea there's unfortunately always the problem with the music eventually getting repetitive with these kind of games. But fortunately our composer did a great job and I haven't gotten tired of the music myself yet!

      Oh yea so you get side effects only if you fail to gather all the required ingredients!

  • Marco Maureira
    Lv. 4

    I love this so much the physics were so good! plus it was really immersive, can't believe it was made in 48 hours, great work!

    • Riuku
      Lv. 19
      Riuku Developer of Brassica

      3yrs ago

      Thank you! Well, once again we barely did make it in 48 hours. As per tradition, the final build was sent only a couple of minutes before the deadline :D

  • Wubs
    Lv. 6

    Really liked the concept of cooking the foods, neat game mechanics. the wand was super satisfying to use

  • Hokori
    Lv. 12

    What a surprise, another great entry from Kasityo Crew! I think this game really captured the theme perfectly. You make a mistake and you'll really regret it. The story also ties the game into the theme and brings it all together. The gameplay is fun and thrilling - racing against the clock hoping you find the right ingredients. The times you managed to find everything, there still was benefit in exploring a bit longer to grab extra ingredients to turn them in for bonus points. I thought have to burn some of the ingredients was a clever way to increase the number of ingredients you had to collect. The sound and art are both wonderfully done and up to that usual Kasityo standard. Overall, another solid entry and I wouldn't be surprised to see you place high.

    • Riuku
      Lv. 19
      Riuku Developer of Brassica

      3yrs ago

      Thank you for the kind words!

      Originally the idea was that each side effect has a corresponding "opposite" side effect, for example the black and white effect had an over-saturated effect as its opposite. And the fresh version of the ingredient would cause one and the cooked version caused the other. And you could only cure that specific side effect by collecting one extra ingredient of the opposite type. But we found that this made the game just that much harder to understand and we had a hard time coming up with how to communicate these rules to the player in the game that was already pretty hectic with the time limit and all, so we simplified the rules to what they are now.

  • Happysquared
    Lv. 15

    Really enjoyed the game! I guess to start, I did encounter a bug where I got an item stuck in a wall and couldn't move it after.

    Overall, I found this game to be very high in fun. I love the difficulty in needing to stay away from lasers in case your whole haul gets burned. It was very rewarding to also sneak to the stairs in the nick of time. The side effects were horrifying :D I felt the tunnel vision was so awful (I mean that in the best way). Found myself going oh noooo what is happening when that one happened. Creative side effects that make you really want to get the right ingredients to the stairs. The controls were easy to use and the perfect amount of jankiness with the physics to really make things tense. I know "janky" seems like a negative descriptor but I wasn't sure how else to describe it. I didn't really have issues aside from that one bug. Just felt like a lot of fun ideas really came together from needing to modify some ingredients for the potion to the need for the player to also quickly move the environment. Really good!

    Also loved the story in the beginning! Fun theme :D

    • Riuku
      Lv. 19
      Riuku Developer of Brassica

      3yrs ago

      Thank you very much!

      The bug with the boxes getting stuck in walls is a shame! We saw it and I knew how to fix it but just... forgot about it :D

      I was really worried that the side effects only make the game annoying and less fun, and I still personally kinda feel that way. But those were a major feature of the game and how the game uses the jam's theme so we had no time to redesign anyway. Good to hear that you found some fun in them!