English You are a dog. Deliver letters between two parted lovers. Sense their contents. Game, Music, Art: Allison James

Husky ARA ARARARARARA AWOOOOOOOOOOOO ಠ_ಠ Bork, Bork, scratches fleas: I'm hungry :(

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  • Seltzy

    Wow what a cute dog! Why are they sending him though traffic to communicate though? There must be a better way.

  • Mark L 🌲
    Lv. 5

    LOVED this way of storytelling. Damn, I just really liked this. The music was really relaxing and the art was really impressive.

    Great entry!

  • Villany
    Lv. 6

    I enjoyed the simplicity of the gameplay and the art. It was very relaxing to play through. I admit that I didn't quite understand what the end meant, but still, a really nice polished game.

  • GoblinBoy

    Like frogger with a dog. Dogger? Or like, husker? <- My thought process before the ending hit me.

  • Tib Averus
    Lv. 5

    That was a really beautiful and surprisingly emotional game. Simple gameplay loop, yet with the little story attached to it, you have more than enough motivation to keep going to see what happens next. Thank you for the experience!

  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    Ah, that was sad. It felt like everything had been thought about in terms of the art, music, story and theme. For one it felt like they were all tied together through the design "principle" of less is more (2 colours, symmetric gameplay, only 4 words per letter, and the sounds), but of course also just the senses of a dog. The difficulty increasing organically with letters covering a bit of the screen also made a lot of sense, and really just a complete package. I even found myself guessing how good or bad their relationship was going.

    Pizza Boi

    Pizza Boi

    • Allison J. James
      Allison J. James Designer of Post Barks

      2yrs ago

      Thank you - I did genuinely storyboard the vast majority of the game in my head before creating it, which is not something I normally do. Apart from the graphical style (which I settled on while illustrating the husky), the final game matched that almost exactly.

      Fwiw: the relationship is good throughout - it's just other things that aren't 😅

  • Hyper Freeze Games
    Lv. 17

    Oh my god, you're not supposed to make me feel these feelings :( Very effective, narritively! I NEVER saw it coming. It was like, alright...some lovers, sure...okay, maybe it's about moving? Or some other life change? Let's see...but that ending (I wont spoil it here for some curious feedback readers that still have not played it) hit me like a truck! Gameplay wise quite simple, sure, but it's clear that the message and the twist were your focus, which I can respect. Still, gameplay WAS fun, I especially liked how the parts of the letters you unlock going further across the street actually had the additional purpose of making it harder, because you had less time to react to cars. For improvements I'd say change the obstacles up more, maybe adding additional patterns or whole new hazards to the road. But then again, maybe it would take away too much from the focus on the narrative.

    Well done, I really like this entry!



    • Allison J. James
      Allison J. James Designer of Post Barks

      2yrs ago

      Thank you very much! I only gave myself a day to make this (having just come off of an extended development session on an entry for another jam) hence why it's scaled back - I definitely agree with all your suggestions, if I ever do expand on this or remake it I will take them into account, so thank you 😊

  • Travis Pirozzini
    Lv. 4

    I'm glad that I checked the comments and gave this a second play through. That ending levels this submission up. Art is beautiful and after reaching the ending I am happy with this submission as an experience rather than a challenging game.



  • Tydecon Games

    Woof, woof-woof, arf arf-arf-arf! Boof, woof, good, woof, game, arf arf, peaceful, bork, calming, boof, cute, arf-arf, bark job! :)

  • arthurgps2
    Lv. 12

    Man I think I tried to figure out better what was written in each one of these letters (I even took screenshots and compared them to see if I could find anything else) but unfortunately I didn't find anything. The ending hit hard nonetheless :(

    How come you always make the shortest and sweetest game in like just one day from the two this jam happens? Great entry!

    LOST, Inc.

    LOST, Inc.

    • Allison J. James
      Allison J. James Designer of Post Barks

      2yrs ago

      There is very much a lil story going on, the ending definitely clues into what went on. Put it this way - the two are in love for the entire story.

      Thank you for the kind words 😊 I deliberately kept the scope for it low and fully formed almost the entire game in my head before I touched GM to make it, which helped me make it quickly.

      I think the only thing I worked out mid-dev was the black and white graphics, which were literally just born out of me drawing the already-black-and-white husky first, not being happy with the colour of their collar, and then going full force on not colouring anything xD

  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    This was a cute little game! The artstyle worked well for me, I thought the limited, 2 tone palette was charming, and the little bits of letter you got going back and forth was a fun concept. It definitely feels like a more "artsy" game that isn't really concerned with gameplay- the frogger bit in the middle never really progresses in difficulty past how it is in the beginning and it's quite easy the whole time. I'm not sure if it goes on forever or if there is an end, but I didn't really feel like I was progressing so it was hard to tell if there was more to see. Still, for what it is I think it's a charming and wholesome game that's just artsy enough to not be obnoxious.

    • Allison J. James
      Allison J. James Designer of Post Barks

      2yrs ago

      There's an end after 4 back-and-forths, yeah - the dog is roughly sensing the progression of the story, and I did have a specific story in mind when writing it, but it's left deliberately up to interpretation at least a little. Thanks for playing!