
  • Enter/Space: Menu selection
  • Backspace: Go back
  • R: Restart
  • C: Hit notes on the sides
  • X: Swap sides and hit notes in the middle with the letter "X"
  • Z: Hit notes in the middle with the letter "Z"


  • There are parts in Level 3 that are impossible to get perfectly due to a bug in the engine
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  • Tero Hannula

    My points were for the levels: 15736, 30471.75 and 48338. Oh man, I am bad at rhythm games ^^" Also I got confused many times after I misused X, and my characters were on wrong sides and I tried to get them back on right sides to have them again on wrong sides as there were several X's in row :( First I didn't notice the shaders because my combos were so weak they didn't appear, maybe it was in second level I got high enough combo to see them x) My highest combo eventually was x63. I like how there is implicit story of those two, falling together dancing through space, good music. Visually pretty simplistic approach worked in this entry, lovely characters. Well done with your entry :)

  • Fachewachewa

    Really good game, and interesting idea, but a few shortcomings really broke it for me. Some of them have already been mentionned but I'll list them anyways:

    • Controls were extremely confusing to me, not mentionning the azerty thing, having 3 dinstinct actions on the left hand next to each other means I'll 100% mess up at some points even if I can identify the action I should do.
    • The "X" note doesn't pop out enough, it should definitely be an entirely different color or something, the thin white line isn't enough when there's a dozen notes at once in one screen.
    • The first level went from boring to impossible, almost felt like a meme/rage game or something, introducting the Xs in the middle of a lot of notes, while so far there's only been a few long notes. But then the second level is definitely manageable and lets you learn how to play. Also the song was a little too long, with really slow parts that didn't really motivate me to replay levels.
    • The fact that swapping position is relevant for hitting notes makes the game exponentially more difficult. If you mess up one X, it means you have to correct between other notes, but since you're following a rythm that also means deliberatly hitting another note while also taking into account where you are.
    • And finally, it's minor, but the sound effects for each action are really sharp and loud, and they go against the song most of the time

    Well, that's a lot, to end on a positive note, I need to say that I absolutely love the combo effect!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Falling Cadence

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for leaving feedback, I totally agree with most of the points you brought up. About the sound effects, I already turned them down to like 30% volume so it's a shame that they still sounded too loud to you. Maybe my speakers have a different balance than yours 😂

  • Jackaroo
    Lv. 9

    I really sucked at this one. I'm not the best at rhythm games. By the time I figure out what buttons I should press, they've passed me about an hour ago. Nevertheless the music was amazing and the graphics & effects were really good too. Despite me being terrible at it, it was still a lot of fun to play and hitting the notes felt very satisfying. Not much more to say really. Great work.

  • Allison J. James

    Absolutely amazing game! It feels like it needs a dedicated instrument controller to play it with, which I think I'm just saying because it gave me huge DJ Hero vibes. Loved that game.

    Polished, great music, just overall a lovely experience - I'd absolutely dip into this if it was expanded and sold.

  • Jason Newman
    Lv. 6

    This was so cool and innovative! Is there a bonus for releasing at the right time? If so I would love to see some visual feedback for that.

    Break Ship

    Break Ship

  • Sparked99
    Lv. 5

    I found this so mesmerizing to play.



  • Ethan Wake
    Lv. 10

    The music is absolutely beautiful. The fact that you made that in 48 hours makes me jealous. And oh yeah, you made an gorgeous game to go with it. I am notoriously bad at rhythm games (my brain gets the buttons mixed up far too easily), but I still had tons of fun and kept replaying in hopes of getting a higher score.

  • Bokonon
    Lv. 5

    Wow! The audio was amazing, and the sprites/animation were really cute. Also, you managed to make hitting the correct notes ~feel~ very good. This was a great rhythm game!

  • Chris

    Really well done, looks amazing, and is very fun

  • singleshot
    Lv. 43

    Not too much to say, it's a nice solid little game.

    not really good at rhythm games myself so the amount of enjoyment I got out of it was less than others, but that being said this is still well done.

    Also is it bad That I kinda like the rocket ship game a bit better. i don't think it's better, I just enjoyed it more?



  • Brian LaClair

    Beautifully made game with great music! As mentioned previously, it would have been amazing to have customizable controls for this (I kept mixing up the keys chosen for a while, eventually getting somewhat good at it, but I feel if I could have chosen a different layout it would have been easier to get into!)

    Thanks for sharing something so fun :)

  • GoblinBoy

    This has been one of my favourites of the Jam so far. 2 things I would change is the ability to change your controls. I think it's important for a rhythm game like this to allow people to customize the way they play. Especially for people who might have disabilities. The other is the very sudden difficulty spikes. The first time it happened it really threw me off and when I lose the rhythm I tended to just restart the level as it was too hard for me to pick it back up.

    Aside from that I think the music was absolutely fantastic. Rhythm games tend to gravitate towards very quick tracks but this fit the gameplay and atmosphere very nicely.

    Overall great experience!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Falling Cadence

      4yrs ago

      In previous games I've tried to include multiple control schemes or customization, but I completely forgot about it this round unfortunately.... 😅

  • dosto
    Lv. 16

    Ooookey wasn't this an extremely good game in so many ways. Some points listed here:

    • mechanics worked without problem. I liked that you didn't need to be super precise to get a successful hit
    • art was beautiful and style consistent. There were lots of nice details but the view didn't feel to be full of game distracting stuff. When the effects started to kick in during a long combo, the gameplay went 100% more immersive (and it already was pretty immersive)
    • music was awesome. The first level song was my favourite.
    • nice implementation of the theme

    Very nice job!

  • Megan
    Lv. 12

    The game looks absolutely gorgeous. The effects when you hit the beat, the distinctive characters, and the sparkly background - all great! But I hate the gameplay. Sorry, I was just very hyped for a rhythm game and was kind of disappointed. Difficulty is always hard to gauge in game jams, but the game was always either incredibly easy with long notes or ridiculously difficult. And I would have replayed the first 2 levels to learn the difficult bits if the first parts of each level weren't so interminably long with so little to do. The music sounds very space-y and would work well for any other game set in space, but it's waaaay too ambient for a rhythm game. The last level has some piano noodling at the beginning that's sort of fun but it's also not rhythmic at all, it's improvisory like a cadenza which is a great sound but not for a rhythm game! So difficulty swings from holding long notes for a long time and doing crazy rhythm; there should have been a mid-ground to train the player to tap faster rhythms before going crazy. Like in the first level, the game should introduce "tapping many notes" before "tapping many notes while holding another note". Particularly the last level, where the characters switch sides - if you miss one, you're basically dead. I was just really excited for this one but it kind of missed the mark.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Falling Cadence

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for leaving feedback! This was our first time making a rhythm game, and none of us actually play rhythm games, so we totally weren't prepared ahaha. We also didn't have a lot of time to playtest the levels - there were some sections in the levels that I never got to play before submitting the game - so that's part of why the difficulty is so weird.

  • Nadabladam
    Lv. 4

    You've inspired me to learn how to use shaders. That combo effect really took this game from an average entry to top teir game jam material. Also the music is quite astounding. The only thing that the game needs is a smoother difficulty spike. Other than that, this entry has blown me away with its simplicity and complexity all together.

    Cheat Code

    Cheat Code

  • Nahoo
    Lv. 17

    This is a really solid entry; great art, great music, great levels. My only gripe is that the first level goes from 0 to 100 at a really strange point to me. Nevertheless, y'all have done a fantastic job.



    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Falling Cadence

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for leaving feedback! I agree that the difficulty was not done well, we should have spent more time playtesting the levels ¯\(ツ)/¯

  • Weerdoh
    Lv. 6

    I really enjoyed the game. The music and visuals give a soothing atmosphere...then the flip suddenly appeared in the mix along with some quicker notes and I started thwacking at the keyboard lol. It took a few tries until i was able to get a better feel for it and reach 100+ combo.

    I would just like to add that the switch and Z icons can be easily confused. They are both in the middle and have the same shape, so by the time I doublecheck if it has a white line or not it can be too late.

    It is a very solid entry and one of my favorites so far.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Falling Cadence

      4yrs ago

      Thank you for playing! I agree that the Z and X notes should have been more distinguished, we should have put more thought into the design.

  • Laxxia
    Lv. 4

    Awesome, love me my rhythm games, my only wish is that there was some control mapping for different keys on the keyboard, but that might have messed up your pixel art so I respect it. The music was really good for vibes, but I don't think it totally works for a rhythm game? So I'm a bit torn there, but I LOVED the art, and I REALLY liked how simple but complex a 2 button rhythm game with a swap mechanic can be.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Falling Cadence

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for leaving feedback! Unfortunately we didn't even think about having customizable controls when we were designing it, even though we probably could have made it work with the pixel art...

  • Nick Ver Voort
    Lv. 4

    The art is beautiful and the music is excellent (a must for a rhythm game). I will say that as soon as the X swapping mechanic got added in it became very tough for me to keep up haha, not sure if that's just a lack of familiarity with using those keyboard keys (my brain kept going "which one's X? which one's Z?!") but it's a neat concept and a cool spin on the theme. Good job

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Falling Cadence

      4yrs ago

      Haha yeah, the X and Z being on the same line was definitely a bad design choice. We added the line on X presses to make it stand out more, but it would have been better to have it use an entirely different column.

  • Tydecon Games

    I think this is a really beautifully styalised game, the pixel art is beautiful! I think the pacing can feel a little hard to get in to and the controls can be a little bit hard to grasp initially, I would like to have seen either an in-game tutorial or an option to change the controls but I get that time is a limiting factor, especially when precisly timing a game around rythem like you've done here. Overall though, this is a well put-together game with a great style and interesting idea, nice one! :)

  • Denglish_Design
    Lv. 2

    The lack of a proper tutorialization made this switch from kinda cool sounding but simple to way too complicated wayy too fast :s

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Falling Cadence

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! Originally I didn't think a tutorial was necessary, since all of the notes have the letters you need to press on them, but it would have been smart for me to add at least one level at the start that goes through every type of note so you are prepared for everything later on :)